
Evolution: Forbidden Mage

The following morning, Mikel got down from the bed and wore his clothes then stepped out of the room, his HP was back to 100 and thus he regained his energy.

Going into the sitting room, he didn't see anyone but there on the table was a plate of food that was neatly covered.

"Huh? this is my food I guess! I must have become their hero after all," Mikel said while shrugging his shoulders. He walked to the table sat down and then began to munch the food.

"Hey, that is my food you are eating," Ayden said as he walked out of his room, he furrowed his brows as he approached Mikel who was left dumbfounded.

"Y-your food? I thought it was mine," Mikel said, he could not help but feel self-pity.

"Of course, it's mine! b.....but you can have it, enjoy yourself! I am truly sorry for my stupid behaviours lately, can you put them in the past now? I'll be nice with my words and actions from now on," a smile curved up in Ayden's lips as he spoke.

'To think that such a person like you has this cute smile that is so stunning.....what the hell am I thinking?' Mikel screamed mentally as he could believe his thoughts.

"Did you hear what I said?" Ayden asked after a moment of silence.

"Ah, I did hear what you said...am okay with you as long as you stop being harsh with your words though they have little or no effects on me," Mikel said and seeing the smile curve on Ayden's lips again, he abruptly bent down to his food and began to eat not daring to look up again.

Ayden sat at the opposite side of the table and watched as Mikel ate his food, his eyes darting all over his body as he scrutinised the wounds on the body.

"Since you are done eating, let me help you take your bath and apply a salve on the wound....I know you will say that you have applied one but it won't work effectively, mine will make the wounds heal faster than the normal one," Ayden said as Mikel was done eating.

"Huh? help me what? take my bath! Hell no," Mikel yelled almost choking on the water he was drinking.

"Haha, I really got you on this one, "Ayden could not help but laugh at Mikel's sudden outburst, the face he was making looked like someone who had seen what he wasn't meant to see. "I was kidding alright? but you should take your bathe so I can apply the salve on you, especially your back."

'When did I tell him I have a wound on my back? and him being this nice gives me this eerie feeling....well I should play along and enjoy these moments for now who knows he might change again and become worse than he was before '

"Okay then, let me go take my bath, I'll be right back," Mikel stood up and left for the bathroom while Ayden cleared the table and went into his room.

When Mikel was done taking his bath, Ayden applied the salve on him after which they both went to the Inn to help Aiden and Evelyn as they didn't want to stay at home.

"Hey, why are the both of you here?" Aiden who saw them from afar asked instantly.

"To come to help you guys, of course, you didn't expect us to stay in that lonely house...did you?" Ayden said and Mikel laughed out causing the others to laugh as well.

"He wants us to probably starve our ass out while his stomach gets filled up with the foods here," Mikel taunted and went into the Inn followed by Ayden.

"I was trying to look out for the both of you and here you are running mouths like kids," Aiden mumbled and sighed.

"Thank you but it is pointless alright, I want to cook...why don't you take a rest while Ayden and I do the rest, it looks like you are tired already, "

Aiden nodded and took the space by the corner while his brother and Mikel began to do the work.

'Time to get my 6 points hehe,' Mikel chuckled inwardly as he brought a plate of food to Ayden who was taken by surprise.

"What for?" Ayden asked while staring at the food before him.

"I ate your food so this is to say thank you, take a bite and tell me what you think about the food," Mikel then dropped it on the table and walked away almost immediately, he had seen the hesitation in Ayden and so he didn't want to give him the chance of rejecting it.

Ayden at first didn't want to eat the food but remembering his promise earlier, he sighed and took a bite of it. 'What the heck!' he said inwardly while staring at the food, his pride was hurt so hurt that he wanted so much to throw the food away but he couldn't do it. The food kept pulling him closer and closer until he finally gave in and began to devour the food.


Quest completed

Reward: 6 points

{Congratulations on completing the quest that took you like ages to}


"Yes!...took me like ages? why don't you complete one," Mikel scoffed and beamed with smiles from where he was standing as he looked in Ayden's direction and sighed "It's okay, I know you won't admit it yourself so I won't even ask about it."

Ayden had finished eating the food in a matter of seconds but he didn't say anything nor did he compliment the food in fear of being mocked by his brother and Mikel.

Throughout the whole day, Ayden did nothing but keep eating and drinking until his stomach could not contain any more food, at the end of the day he developed a stomach problem which resulted in him spending the whole evening in the restroom.






"I don't think I'll be able to stand again,"

"Same as me!"

The three boys lay on the ground as they kept taking in a large amount of air.

Their clothes were already soaked wet from the heat that streamed out from their pores.



{1000 sit-ups seven days}

Quest Status: Completed


10 points for each day.


"Can the system be a bit generous when giving out points?" Mykel muttered to himself in displease as he stared at the transparent window. It hasn't been up to two weeks since he completed his last quest that the system gave him a new one which he forced the twins to partake in, knowing how much pain a sit-up can be, he didn't want to be the only one to suffer for it.

"What are you saying?" Aiden turned and asked Mikel as he could not catch a glimpse of what he said.

"Mmmm, I was talking to my body you see, I can't even move my waist," Mikel replied while attempting to sit erect, he dismissed the transparent window immediately.

"You both are weak asses, a thousand sit-ups and you are complaining about your body, how about going a hundred more times so you will get used to it," Ayden said staring at the two boys who were still whining.

"You might as well pick my dead body later on," Mikel mumbled in a disgruntled tone, while Aiden laughed out loud.

What the Twins didn't know was that he had been doing this exercise for six days now, today been the seventh.

"You too! you are not exempted," Ayden said to his brother who abruptly stopped talking and pouted.

"Old man!" Ayden grinned and stood up effortlessly. He didn't seem to be in pain but rather he stood up without a struggle and began to walk inside, "you both should keep lying there like a bunch of dead men." he mumbled to their hearing without halting on his steps.



Name: Mikel Runner

Race: Human


Level: 1

XP: 100

Power Level: 1360

HP: 100/100

Strength: 9600

Agility: 2400

Mind: 40

Intelligence: 160

Endurance: 240

Charisma: 40

AP: 0


Poison Immunity: Level 1

Sense: Level 1

{Evolution List}

Forbidden Mage:

Fire Element

Water Element

Earth Element

Lighting Element

{Do you want to continue with the evolution process?}

"Holy crap!"

Mikel suddenly felt flabbergasted upon seeing his evolution list.

"A forbidden Mage? I have never thought of that! System does it mean I will have all four elements magic?"

{Yes! once you evolve into a forbidden Mage, you will be able to wield the four elemental magic, and can be able to cast spells without drawing starpaths as others do it}

"Wo! that is awesome, I can't imagine how powerful I'll be just been able to cast four different magics heheheh...system I'm ready to evolve, do it now," Mikel said and before he knew what was going on his mind went blank and his eyes tight shut.



Name: Mikel Runner

Race: Human

Evolved Type: Forbidden Mage

Level: 2

XP: 200

Power Level: 1360

HP: 1000/1000

Strength: 9600

Agility: 2400

Mind: 40

Intelligence: 160

Endurance: 240

Charisma: 40

AP: 10

{Elements Levels} Basic

Fire: Fire burst

Water: Ice rupture

Earth: Earthquake

Lightning: lightning absorption


"I feel like I've been in a very deep sleep," Mikel came down from the bed and stretched his arms. "Wait a minute, something is wrong...I thought after an evolution the person's body becomes more tanned and muscled while the hair becomes longer but mine is still the same as before. Did the system make any mistakes or what?"

"Mikel, what the hell is wrong with you? I've been knocking for a long time now and here you are standing butt naked while talking to yourself, have you gone mad or what?" Ayden asked as he dashes into Mikel's room not minding that he is naked.

"Ahhhh! Ayden! what the hell? can't you see am naked?" Mikel yelled while hurriedly covering himself up with the blankets.

"Of course, I can see that perfectly well, but what is there to hide, I have what you have and I can tell you that mine is bigger than yours," Ayden said and let out a chuckle.

Mikel's face turned sour the moment he heard what Ayden had said, he was almost forced to touch his shaft to know if it was true but decided against it as Ayden would tease him even further.

"Uhh, so why were you knocking at my door, it's still too early to be awake," Mikel said trying to change the topic.

"Aiden and I will be going back to school this morning and so..."

"Wait! so soon? bu...."

"You should let me finish before you start yelling....what I want to say is that you will be joining us so better hurry up and pack your bag.'

Mikel could not contain the happiness that was already boiling in his blood, he loved so much to go to school even knowing so well that it wasn't his thing. " I can go with you guys? but what about your mother?"

"I told her already and she agrees she has found someone else who would take over from you so you have nothing to worry about," Ayden said with assurance as Mikel's happy face altered.

"Really? then I just need to take my bath then, I have nothing to pack because I've got no clothes aside from the ones your mother gave to me,"

"Oh, follow me to my room I'll see what I can make out of mine."

Mikel followed behind, and when they got to the room Ayden then selected some of his clothes out of his bag and gave them to him same with Aiden who could not wait for them to start leaving.

"Mikel you have been good to my sons which I'm glad, don't worry about my Inn and me, we will be fine. If there is anything I should ask of you it is concerning my sons, protect them for me and see them as your brothers, I know you will definitely do it and I'm sure you can protect them so please do."

Evelyn would not forget the day Mikel saved her sons and ever since then she had tagged him her son's protector, she would no longer have to worry about anything or anyone harming her sons. This is what she always feared; her sons dying without becoming what they are supposed to.

Her late husband had made her swear that she would not let the boys die and that she had always been doing but right now....she is becoming old and can no longer keep to her promise, thus the heavens answered her requests and brought Mikel to her doorstep.

"I will do my best mam, don't worry about those boys, they are now under my care," Mikel said feeling proud.

"Come on, we are going to be late!" Aiden called from outside, he was already becoming impatient.

"Here, take these gold coins....its nothing compared to all you did but just manage it okay? They are waiting for you so start going...don't forget what I told you."

Mikel nodded and rushed out of the house with his bag, the boys were already tired of waiting for him and so when they saw him coming they sighed and began to walk away until he got to where they were.

I'm hungry for Power stones, feed me ;-)!

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