
System Reward

"You dare?" the demon asked furiously, he felt humiliated and thus he grabbed Mikel by the throat until his legs were hanging in the air, "I'll so much make you pay!" with that the demon still holding Mikel that same way sped off and slammed his back against a large tree.

"Ahhh!" Mikel yelled out in pain but that didn't stop the demon as he continued to slam his back against different borders and trees without allowing him to rest even for a moment.


-10 HP











The system kept sending Mikel messages as the demon kept slamming his back, the last bang caused him to fall with a loud thud, his back ached badly from the impact.

"I'm not yet done with you, so come here!" The demon kept grinning as he approached Mikel who was struggling to stand on his feet.

"Hey, fool! let him go!"

The demon paused on his movements the moment he heard the voice.

"Aiden!" Mikel said with a spark of hope in his eyes but that didn't last as he crouched down again.

"Have you come to die with him?" the demon asked with a smirk.

"Fangclaws!" Aiden whispered to himself as he glared at the demon who didn't know what he was doing.

There on the spot where the demon stood, the earth began to crack and from the cracks emerged sharp fangs attached to claws.

They began to circle the demon who stared at Aiden with disdain. "Do you think your little trick will work on me? hahaha!" the demon said and began to laugh.

The fangsclaws seeming annoyed by the taunt made a screeching noise and dashed at the demon who was taken by surprise. They began to tear and bite on his skin causing him to yell out in pain.

"Can you still walk?" Aiden asked as he bent down to help Mikel up.

"A bit, just give me a hand and I'll manage to stand," Mikel replied. Aiden nodded and crossed his hands behind Mikel's back holding him firmly.

As they made their way out of the scene, the demon screamed and burst out of the circle of fangclaws, he rushed over to Aiden with his blood filled eyes and was about to use his claws on him when Mikel stood in front with his back facing the demon and took the gash.






"Hey, why did you do that?" Aiden asked in shock.

"Your brother needs you, go now and leave here. Take him out of the woods," Mikel ordered while gritting his teeth.

"What about you?" Aiden asked worriedly, his brother needed him but what about Mikel who took the pain for him.

"I'll be fine, leave here! Go!" Mikel said as he used his remaining strength to balance himself on the ground.

Putting his hand in his pocket, he brought out the dagger that Aiden had given him and held it firmly waiting for the demon to come for him.

"Trying to be the hero is it?" the demon taunted and rushed to Mikel.

"Ahhhhh" Mikel screamed as he used the dagger to stab the demon on his chest close to where the heart is supposed to be. The demon in surprise fell to the ground, the fangclaws did a nice job in weakening him to the point that he was almost left with little strength.

Not giving him a chance to recover Mikel rushed over to the demon to stab him again but this time around he dodged and Mikel fell to the ground.

Taking this an opportunity, the demon gave Mikel another gash on his thighs, and jumped on him, he gripped his throat firmly making it impossible for him to breathe.

"I should have killed you a long time ago," the demon mumbled in regret and began to slam Mikel's head on the ground.







Slowly but steadily, life began to sip out of Mikel, his vision started becoming blurry as he began to get extremely weak and tired.

"I can't die like this! I need to do something," Mikel muttered to himself while trying to keep his eyes open, out of instinct he lifted his other leg and using the strength he got from nowhere gave the demon a kick in his shaft, the demon screeched and fell.

Mikel picked up the dagger and slowly crawled to the demon who was still crouching in pain and began to stab him countless times using his last bit of resilience.

He gave his final stab and fell close to the demon, he couldn't continue, he was exhausted and was in pain. His mind stopped functioning as it gave in to the darkness that was already crawling up to it. Mikel sighed and closed his eyes.


Quest Status: Completed

Shapeshifter Demon Killed

Rewards: 10 points

New Stats Acquired:

Charisma: 20

New skills unlocked:

Sense: Level 1

Enhances the host's five senses by 10 times; the sense of hearing, seeing, feeling and tasting will be enhanced by 10 times.

Available Points: 10



A quest not yet attained

Rewards: 6 points.

{Complete it before 48 hours or lose your rewards}


"Can the system be any less noisy?" Mikel grumbled as he tried to get up, "Ahh! am alive but I feel like I'm dead."

He slowly got up and sat down, beside him laid the demon dead in a pool of dark blood. "I can't believe I killed this idiot but it gave me what I deserve though," he took a thorough look at his body, it was filled with claw marks and cuts, sighing deeply he got up and began to make his way out of the woods.


"Aiden, will Mikel be fine?" Ayden suddenly asked again causing both his mom and brother to frown deeply.


Just like Mikel had ordered, Aiden took his brother out of the woods and by the time they got to the open, it was already dark.

Evelyn who had been worried sick about her sons sighed in relief the moment she saw them coming out of the woods but not seeing Mikel also made her somewhat distressed.

They were done dressing Ayden's wound but he was still pale and weak, he had refused to eat or sleep and kept asking if Mikel was fine.

"I have told you numerous times that he will be fine, just take some rest while I go wait for him by the door alright?" Aiden said trying as much as possible to sound confident even though he wasn't.

"Can I come with you? I want to wait for him too," Ayden pleaded weakly but his brother shook his head and left.

"Son, listen to your brother and rest alright? Mikel will be back, I'm sure of that," his mom said while caressing his hair. Ayden closed his eyes but his ears were perked up waiting for any signs of Mikel.


Outside the house, Aiden sat down on the stairs and faced the entrance, too was worried about Mikel but he couldn't do a thing, he could not go back to the woods because it was already very dark.

"I wish I didn't leave him behind," he said with a hint of sadness coating his voice.

"You wish you didn't do what?"

Aiden upon hearing the familiar yet weak voice sprang up and looked towards the entrance, there at the gate he saw a pale, wounded and bloodied Mikel standing with the support of wood.

"Come and help me, will you? or just keep staring like you've seen a ghost," Mikel mumbled weakly causing Aiden to come out of his reverie.

He rushed to where Mikel stood and supported him, they both took slow steps until they got into the house.

"Mike!" Ayden abruptly sat up on the bed the moment he heard Mikel's voice despite the pain he was receiving from the wound on his chest. He came down from the bed and slowly walked out of his room.

"You are back?" he asked as he saw Mikel being held by his brother.

"Aiden please can you take me to my room, I can't stand any longer," Mikel turned to Aiden and whispered, he didn't reply to Ayden nor did he spare him a glance.

"Mikel, about the woods I'm sorry, it was my fault. Thank you for saving me and my brother, if not for you we would have been dead," Ayden said with guilt in his voice, he truly regretted his actions earlier.

"Hey, say something to him will you?" Aiden nudged Mikel who still did not say anything to his brother.

"Well, I have nothing to say to you. I did all I did not because of you so quit your pretence, I feel weird just listening to your apologies," Mikel said and turned around, a slight smile appeared on his lips as he staggered to his room.

"Wait let me help you," Aiden rushed to Mikel and helped him to his room. When he came back he approached his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hmmm, you should not feel bad towards what he said and don't believe him. He did it because he didn't want us to get harmed but you see....you should be more friendly to him from now on, I think he'll forgive you."

Ayden didn't say a word and silently went back to his room followed by his brother who gave him a hand.


Meanwhile, when Mikel got into his room, he took off the blood-stained cloth and sat on the bed butt naked.

"I can't believe he was apologising to me just n..ow, it feels odd," he said as he recalled when Ayden was talking to him. "Well, I guess he won't say no to me from now on, heheheh."

Mikel took out an ointment from the locker and applied it on the wounds that were close to his range.

"System shows me my Available points," he said after applying the ointment.


AP: 10


Strength: 60

Agility: 120

Mind: 10

Intelligence: 20

Endurance: 20



"The system gave me a new stat and a skill, that's quite generous of it, I do not know what Charisma is used for but that will be for tomorrow, 10 available points? it's best if I add some to my intelligence, it is important as well."

Mikel added 4 points to his Strength, 2 to his intelligence, and 4 to Endurance. He checked his new Power Level and it read '600' he felt happy at his achievement, "Guess my fight with the demon didn't go in vain after all."

Feeling energised after distributing his available points, he laid on the bed and went to sleep as soon as his body touched the soft mattress, his body was already dead weak and he could not be awake for a second more.

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