
Darkville Academy: Awakening Day

"Wow, this place is much more crowded than where we live," Mikel noted as he looked around. They had reached the main part of the town and Mikel could not help but feel marvelled at what he was seeing.

"Yeah, this is the busiest part of Paradise Town, the town's market is located on the East side while the school for kids is on the Northside. Here the rich and powerful families live as well as where so many evils reside," Aiden explained happily, he would not mind being Mikel's tour guide.

"Evil? What sort of evil?" Mikel asked as a deep furrow appeared on his forehead.

"Yeah...all kinds of evil one could think of, but that isn't what I'll be explaining to you because soon you'll know of it yourself..." Ayden paused and looked at Mikel who was a bit lost and smiled, "Come on let's hurry or the vehicle will leave us behind if we don't get in now I don't think we will be able to reach the academy anytime soon" he said and the trio rushed to the large vehicle and followed the group of people who were pushing themselves to get in, when the vehicle was filled, it began to depart.

"Aiden, what is the Academy like?" Mikel asked as the vehicle began to move, he could not guess what the schools in his new world are like.

"It's a school for Magic Ability Users, that is all I can say right now but do not worry, when we get to the school you will see for yourself," Aiden grinned as he replied Mikel.

Mikel became quiet for a while. He didn't know if he should be happy or not about enrolling on the Magic School. "But I do not have any Magic so why would I join you guys," he lied while making a sad face, sure he wasn't going to tell them that he is already a Mage; a forbidden one at that as it was still early to do so.

"And that is why we want you to come with us, this is the only way you can awaken your Magic ability not by staying at home," Ayden was the one who replied to him this time around.

'This isn't bad after all, this way I would be able to train my four elemental Magic abilities until I become master of them all, I can't wait to get to the school, '

" Hey, did you hear what my brother just told you or are you thinking about something else?" Aiden asked as he yanked Mikel out of his thoughts.

"Uh, I did, I did...you don't have to be rough when jerking me alright," Mikel said and massaged his arm pretending to be in pain.

Ayden watched as his brother and Mikel kept quibbling each other like kids and shook his head before looking out of the window, his thoughts drifted off to when they were still kids.

"I have done my part in bringing you two to this world, now I must return. Promise me that you will take care of your brother and that you won't let anything harm the both of you. I will be waiting for you and your brother, come soon."

Those were the words of their father before he left and never returned, he would never forget them neither will he forget the mistreatment given to them and their mother by their people which led them to run away from their place of birth.

He and his brother's birth was supposed to be a boon to the whole town but rather it became a bane. Growing up, they were faced with many dilemmas, slurs and derisions caused by the town as they denounced the cause of their misfortunes.

Taking it upon herself, their mother carried them away and moved to Paradise town where they were welcomed and treated fairly. Their wounds slowly healed with time but Ayden's remained, he never trusts anyone nor did he make any his friends; thus why he behaved the way he did to Mikel.

Ayden sighed and stared at his brother again before directing his eyes to Mikel who was also sleeping just like Aiden, "I hope you don't betray me by hurting him. "With that being said, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.


"Sleepyheads wake up, I think we have reached," Mikel said as he kept shaking the twins who were still fast asleep, "Still asleep huh?" he asked while staring at them, he brought his mouth close to their ears and screamed so loudly that they jolted up from their sleep immediately.

"I thought you both are the ones taking me to school, how come you slept and almost forgot your destination," Mikel said while the twins frowned their faces.

"Can you at least be gentle next time," Aiden grumbled as he came down from the vehicle followed by his brother and Mikel.

"Wow!" Mikel blurted out as they stepped their feet inside the large school. "Darkville Academy of Mages, this is awesome!" he could not help but applaud as he read the name on the big board by the side of the gate.

'This is definitely bigger than my former school ' he said inwardly while he followed the twins behind.

They got to an office and went in, there on the large chair sat a woman in her mid-fifties going through some documents on the table. Noticing the people that came in, she raised her head and removed her glasses.

"Who do we have here?" she asked with a smile as she sets her eyes upon the twins.

"Good evening mam" the two boys chorused and walked up to her table with Mikel following behind.

"You both are a bit late today, why?" She asks as she checks the time on her wristwatch, she had taken note of when the twins do come back from holidays or short breaks and this time around they were an hour late.

"He made us come late," Aiden blurted out without waiting for his brother to reply to the woman.

"Hahaha, I see...." the woman fixed her eyes on Mikel and stared at him for a while before continuing on her speech, " So who are you boy?"

"My name is Mikel Runner and am their distant brother," Mikel replied just like what Ayden had told him to say.

"Distant brother? I've never been told of you," The woman was left perplexed by the fact that the twins had a distant brother whom she knew nothing of.

"Yes, ma! We weren't communicating in the past but right now we do, my mom requests of you to write down his name as one of the students," Ayden said and the woman raised an eyebrow.

"Does he have any Magic ability?" She asked looking at Mikel.

"No, not yet but I believe he will be able to awaken his magic if he stays here in the school," Ayden replied with confidence which made even Mikel stare at him for while.

'He believes me? this much!' Mikel muttered inwardly to himself.

"Umm, if that is the case then I have no objection. The Magic awakening will commence next week so he should stay in your dorms till then, I don't want problems," the woman said and the trio nodded before they left the office.


Just like the Dean had instructed, Mikel stayed in the dorm for an entire week without stepping out. This one week was the worst day of his life as he had nothing to do, the system didn't give him any quest and the twins only returned at the late hours of the day. Even when he would want to discuss with them, they'll end up falling asleep because of one reason or the other.

Having spent his one week being locked up in the dorm he was finally happy to come out as today was the Magic Awakening day.

New students were asked to go to a certain large hall and wait until the Awakening Stone is brought out. Mikel after asking for directions from the twins trekked to the hall and there he saw other new students waiting for the event to start.

Joining the line, he looked around as he observed and made a mental note of his surroundings, the new students were anxious while some were happy but he himself had no expression, he stood on a spot seeming impatient to begin the awakening.

'What if my whole four elements show? I wouldn't want that. System help me out!'


{Host what element do you wish to be noticed?}

Thinking about it, Mikel was quiet for a while....'Fire and lightning are dangerous and pernicious, I might as well pick one of them... System make the fire element to be the first one to be awakened while the rest stay hidden '


"Great! I'll awaken the rest a second time one after the other to not arose inquisitiveness here."

"You are welcome to Darkville Academy," A man in his mid-thirties says as he entered the hall. Gaining the attention of all the students he proceeded with his words, "You all are here for your Awakenings, I see.... but let me make it as a sound of warning to you, don't come here to the Awakening Stone if you have no ounce of magic in you. I do not want what happened the last time to repeat itself, I don't want my time here to be wasted by kids like you," the man sounded to be upset about something as he stared down at the crowd of students who were dead silent while he spoke.

"Do you understand!" he yelled suddenly causing some students to shudder.


"Good! Now come with me in a straight line, don't mess it up or I'll be forced to throw you out of the hall," the man said and began to walk towards a transparent door.

"Why does he look to be in a bad mood, it's not like we are the cause of it," a student whispered to her friend who shrugged her shoulders not saying a word.

"We paid to be in this school not like we didn't pay the necessary fees," she continued talking not knowing that the man had stopped on his track.

"What did you say?"

She suddenly heard the man ask and when she turned around she saw the man staring daggers at her, not knowing what to do or say she bent her head.

The man instead of saying a word to her only smiled and continued on his steps, to the other students it was a mere smile but to the girl, it was more than just a smile.

The students followed the man till they got to an open place, at the centre is a stone-like object, spherical.

"One by one you will come to this stone and place your both hands on it, the colour it glows will determine your ability."

After explaining to the students, the man stood aside and one by one the students walked up to the stone.

The first student to go placed his hands on the stone and seconds later the stone vibrated and began to glow blue colours until the entire body of the Stone is completely covered in blue.

"Water Element! that's not bad, you can go." the man said to the boy who left with a somewhat sad face.


Another boy walked up to the stone and did the same thing the first boy did, brown lights covered the stone until it glowed fully.

"Earth! nice, you got a defence ability," the man said and the boy smiled and left.






It finally got to the girl from earlier's turn and she walked slowly to the Awakening stone, with her hands shaking visibly she placed it on it.

Seconds passed, Minutes passed...


Someone exclaimed from among the crowd, opening her eyes, the girl looked at the Awakening stone with a stiffened chest.

It was a plant element!

What a joke!

"Pfft! hah hah!"

The students began to laugh out as they could not hold it in any longer.

The girl stared at the stone in bitterness, she was finished! her parents spent all they had so she could come to this school and become a fire element ability user but what did she awaken? a plant element!

In the entire history of magic element ability, the plant element is considered the most useless of it all; it isn't destructive nor is it defensive, it is completely useless.

The man stared at the girl as a smile curved at the end of his lips, he cleared his throat gaining the girl's attention.

"This is how useless you become when you talk without intuition. The plant element is considered the most useless element in the field of magic ability, I won't tell you lies, well...you can leave!"

The girl walked out of the place with her head lowered, she dared not look at the faces of the students, not even her friend as they were all giggling at her. All except one; Mikel.

The entire time he concentrated on the Awakening stone and initially he saw traces of red flickers but how and when they all turned green was something that marvelled him, he glanced at the man and he seem to be smiling the whole time.

He stared at the girl as she walked past him and he felt pity for her but he didn't do anything as he wasn't in a position to do so, he also didn't want to gain anyone's attention in the meantime.

So hungry!!!:'(

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