

Author: 耍耍二郎
Ongoing · 56.9K Views
  • 612 Chs
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What is 无限西游


  岳飞展翅九万里、八仙过海取东经、济公三戏白娘子、包拯夜审黑熊精、一百零八将怒上火焰山,樊梨花勇救师叔孙悟空、通天教主大战西方教主、灯草和尚暗恋紫霞仙子……好吧,以上无节操剧情,可能是没有的。   搜罗千年来的古典神魔名著,共聚大西游!   微信公众号shiou222;QQ群:308683664

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Trixie,,, the daughter of sam Smith and liza Smith. Her life was normal happy life.. Or thats what she thought. Her life well change at her the age 12. ( Clips form the story!) She skipped happily to her house. the wind going through her black fluffy hair and wolf like ears, her golden eyes were shining from happiness while her soft black tail with white ends swinging behind her. After all the 12yo girl was going to see her family again from her aunt Maria and her cousins she always loved to play with them. Just the thought made her run faster to her home to get ready. When she got there she started to stand on her toes as she ringed the bell she waited for 5 minutes no one came. She decided to go from the back so she walked around the house and opened the back door , when she got in she smell somthing strange so she keeps looking what's the smell came from she goes in the kitchen,nothing. She goes to the living room, nothing. She goes to the bathroom room and her room, Nothing in either of them. She goes to her parents room,she saw them sleeping as she get closer she can smell it more this disgusting smell. As she pulls the covers of them she found them died in their own puddle of blood. The red substance Dripping from the bed to the floor. Her golden eyes became wide as the tears began to flow down her cheeks. They were DIED… And she couldn't do anything. So many thought came through her mind as she huged her parents bloody body. ' YOU ARE USELESS!' the voices came back. "mom! Dad! Wake up please!" 'YOU COULDN'T SAVE THEM! YOU ARE A USELESS! THE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!' She left them started running to her moms mobile ringing the first one she saw on the call list while tears where flowing down her pink cheeks. 'IF YOU WERW THERE FASTER THE WOULD BE HERE NOW!' "Uncle sam! Please help mom, dad, blood." she couldn't explain whats happening she was trying to stop the *voices*. Then she felt the hit on her head. She could hear her uncle screaming through the phone telling her to stay with him until he come. She couldn't say anything as the phone fall with her on the ground and everything went black.

Laila_Samir · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :正文
Volume 2 :VIP卷


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