

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Monsters And Men Pt.2

Her hands slipped from Jezmerine's shoulder. "All because he could. Your brother doesn't seek revenge. He seeks safety so that will never happen again. Yes, he blames himself and feels he can't come home until he knows we'll be safe. But then Aldain said, 'Take one down on his knees and all will follow, leave an enemy alive thinking they'll lay on their belly, then it is you who will see the eyes of hell before they do.'

"You're right, you're right." D'treroh's rule over their kingdom had always been stifling. There were always times when she'd catch her mother and father arguing in hushed whispers late at night in their quarters. More times than not it had to do with how her mother wanted to be more than puppets while her father wanted to wait things out for the sake of peace.

The princess sighed, pulling her skirts back to kneel down before the altar, leaning forward to rest her head against the stone. One day all of their names would be etched alongside his. It could have been her. It should have been. All of those years where she blew off her studies to go shopping or go on adventures when she should have been listening to the lessons. Now she had to step up for all of them. If her mother knew that she worked for Ragnar or that she was allowing herself to be a tool to be used against people that they cared about...what then? She whispered a silent apology to her father's remains inside his resting place. But she knew her words wouldn't reach him considering there was barely anything left of him.

Katherine didn't have the heart to tell her that he probably couldn't hear it. There was barely anything left of him, just enough for the consumption ritual of passage. Some kin were denied their power and strength passed on by their father or mother, and here her son was lucky to have that honor to carry a piece of his father's spirit with him only to deny it. The last letter he said, he said it didn't feel right. Remembering the bloodbath and all the brokenness of that day; it didn't feel right to consume what was left of the person they loved leaving not a drop of them behind.

Sam was the most free spirited child out of the two, Jezmerine the more passionate one. Katherine never thought she'd see the day she'd feel the brokenness behind a letter. Even so, the boy still didn't lose sight of who he was. Revenge meant killing an entire family, good and bad. But he wanted the ones who had too much of an opportunity to harm them more. "It's tearing him apart." the words absentmindedly escaped her.

The princess turned sharply in a moment of panic wondering if somehow her mother knew. Though when she glimpsed up at the far off look on the queen's face, her mouth snapped shut. She would have said something but then Zachariah's life would be forfeit and that would be another death on her hands. Only there were no barsies for slaves. They didn't get the rights to graves like the rest of them, engraved to be immortalized forever for everyone to remember fondly.

"I don't think it will make Sam feel any better." Jezmerine had never thought of killing or death even though she'd watch her father die in front of her eyes. Maybe it just wasn't in her to hold all of that anger inside. Maybe there was something wrong with her for not being filled with hatred and vengeance and seeking the blood of others. "But if we make preparations now, fortify the cities, have the armies ready then maybe he'll think it's safe enough to come back?"

Katherine scoffed. "He killed armies and left cities in ruins at his feet during his first raign. Our men don't even know how to properly hold swords when staring into evergreen eyes thirsty for blood. But maybe if we...." She paused for a moment. "No, it wouldn't work." She didn't finish her sentence, sighing as she rested a hand on her forehead.

Slowly she stood, taking her mother's hand in her own. Jezmerine had never felt like more of a disappointment in her life. Untrained in the way or war and the only skill she had–charming others to her whims–was being used for the enemy. "What can I do then? We..we could.." The princess scrambled for an idea but ultimately she was useless. Her perfectly shaped brows drew together. "Why not negotiate with others to form an alliance?" Each word softer than the last drowned out by her own disillusion.

"And who would dare endanger their people to save us? Aurelia probably wouldn't because we stayed beneath his thumb so long. Ja'harra's people refuse violence unless their people are endangered. Am I to do what Ragnar did to her just to get someone to side with me only for them to slit our throats the moment our back is turned? The only people left for us to turn to is far east, or the renounced islands of Kovya. Bluebeard is a poison this war doesn't need in war. I hate to call them all savages, but he is one devil of a man we can't afford to desperately ally ourselves with."

"Yes mother.." The gentle grasp fell away to tuck them within her skirts once more. There were few options left for them. All they had was her brother out in the world by himself looking for the only way he thought they'd be safe. She knew Ragnar and the way he operated, even that wouldn't be enough. A small part of her was glad she'd been born a woman and the second child; no one expected much from her. Not destined to be queen of Eli'ak or even vital when it came to their longevity.

A quiet had fallen over her, finding her place back at her mother's side, watching the thin curls of smoke dance in the air. "I'll think of something," She promised not only her family, but herself. There had to be a way for them to rebuild their once great nation.

The doors opened, and on swift feet the messenger rushed over to them, handing the letter to Jezmerine. "From someone dear."

Our monthly meeting has arrived yet again, I hope you make the wise decision to attend like you have for the past year. Disobedience only hurts you in the end. —Ragnar Aldain

Jezmerine tucked it away into her pocket, drawing her shoulders up before painting on one of her usual smiles for the sake of her mother. "I need to go sort out some arrangements I've made and make a small trip. I'll be back at my usual time." She gave her mother a quick kiss on her cheek then took her leave.