

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Monsters And Men Pt.1

"Repeat to me again why my haggard daughter's child isn't chained in the basement with all the other prisoners. I hired the best and you tell me that spineless heathen couldn't deliver me a naive, clueless child that has yet to know anything of the world." Ragnar ran his leathery pale hands over several wool coats that hung from the ceiling, thousand of others around in various styles and designs. He had a peculiar taste. One that matched his impatient temper that seemed to always be within reach.

"My king," Vex, the royal advisor, said smoothly. "Your father always said that even the best can be bested depending on their matchmaker."

"A child locked away in a city in the sky couldn't have killed that man even if he had his feet and ankles bound during the fight. He could've used his teeth and still came with the package. I suspect it was Baeron who aided her after his escape." Finally he pulled a dark leather coat with wool trim from an iron rack, admiring the white and crimson stitching. "And," Ragnar slipped his arms into their sleeves as he reached forward and pulled a clothes pin clip free before hurling it at Vex. Vex had no time to deflect the blow. By the time he'd lifted his arm it had already been lodged into his left eye, so deeply the white sunk in on itself.

A pink and red gel like substance leaked onto the hand that cupped his face, howling in a pain Ragnar ignored while he smoothed the fur lining his jacket down. "We don't take advice from foolish men that didn't know how to rule a kingdom, let alone protect his family. Are you saying I will fare the same death?" His voice was harsh and cold, edged with a daring need for the advisor to make another mistake. Unlike his son who lacked patience, he lacked it to the bare minimum. "He was a king and I am a God amongst men. I don't need to prove myself like my hellion of a son wishes to meet me where the sky is the limit. To me, my limit is the heavens."

Vex said nothing until Ragnar's head slowly turned in his reaction, the harsh lines of his face worn by age, the one blind and one green eye locked on him. Strange he was blind and it was like he could see into one's soul, daring them to open their mouth and say the words that'd send them to an army grave. The harsh sound of crackling filled the air, and Vex quickly said, "No, may you forever Reign and may the gods envy your glory."

"You learn quicker than your father." Ragnar spoke about his father's death carelessly. One less person in the world to challenge him for his throne. "Did they ever find the rest of his body?" He said, musing in his own mind; a work of dark art.

"No, they never did. Only his heart and his eye." Vex said, swallowing harshly after. Sweat beaded his brows as he swayed.

"Don't pass out until we're done with our conversation." Ragnar turned around, heading to the Iron doors. He thrust his hands forward and the door threw open. "Ironic his eye was found and yours is missing. The man never did have much of a heart and you still loved him all the same. He favored Baeron more than you, now his prodigy is running on the loose helping some teat suckler around. What of my son?" more lightning crackled in the air and thunder boomed outside the castle.

"Interfered with Razmyr Krestov's capture." He gritted out in pain.

"Mn, does he still care after that abomination?


"I want her here! If I have to get her we don't want to see another city fallen to ruin. We know I have a chasm filled with an endless temper. I will fetch Barron's wife myself after I finish speaking with the Princess of Eli'ak. As for Strelitzia Magiano, I will also get her myself. You may now faint, clean yourself up, cry, bitch, squee, but do it after you clean my floors." Then he was gone to the meeting room.


The royal altar was adorned with velvety drapes framing the golden urn that sat in its center. Within it held the last of her father. It had only been a year since she'd seen his kind smile and warm eyes. The portrait on the easel did little to ease that pang of hurt that came every time she was reminded that he was gone. Being a princess Jezmerine should have been prepared for the worst at any moment and her father hadn't been the youngest, but still it was too soon. Ever since his death there were no more celebrations in the Great Hall. Less dancing women peeking around corners trying to be subtle about their presence but of course she knew. The princess laughed and hiccuped nearly choking on her sob.

"I miss him. I miss them all." Everything changed. Her mother had become more withdrawn, always trying to appear unfazed and unshaken. Her brother had gone off on a quest for revenge. Eddy hadn't been allowed back at the castle. And Zachariah...Zachariah had been taken away to be used as leverage. Jezmerine let out a sigh trying to relieve the weight she felt on her heart. The days where she could roam carefree had long gone. No more adventures or sneaking about; at least not beyond when Ragnar called on her to do his dirty work.

She glimpsed over her shoulder at her guard Zira, sniffling and wiping her nose. "You aren't allowed to leave me, okay? I forbid it. No getting captured or dying or even trying to seek revenge." The girl's words weren't meant in earnest but she wasn't sure if she could handle her closest friend being lost to the world too.

It pained Zira to see her princess in such distress. Before she would smile often, always in bright spirits even. Now the light that she normally shown with was dim and sad. Something that didn't suit her at all. She cursed the prince mentally for leaving the way he did. Of course she understood his reasoning for it, but to leave Lady Jezmerine so shortly after what had happened seemed selfish to her. Now Zachariah was gone as well. Taken by the pale bastard who claimed himself a god. She mentally scoffed at the thought.

"I will stay by your side as long as you will it, my lady." Her tall frame that normally towered over the princess lowered until she was on one knee, bowed with a fist over her heart. Zira meant every word. Only death could make her leave and even then would it need to pry her away.

"I know." There had never been a moment of doubt when it came to the woman's loyalty. She'd never doubted her for a moment but hearing those words was a comfort.

Taking one of the unlit incense and lighting it with another, Jezmerine placed in the holder before her father, bowing her head in respect. "I miss you. I hope you're doing well in the afterlife. I'm trying to keep things together. Your favorite daughter will make sure your legacy survives." Even though she knew it was mostly for show. He couldn't hear her. Saying these things out loud eased the burdens she carried.

The doors opened and the soft sound footfall could be heard before Katherine appeared at her side, a hand on her back. There was a black lace veil shielding her face from view. "You know, you're your father's favorite. He worried about you more than he worried about the rest of us."

"And that part of the reason he died." A maid said harshly under her breath. It was one of Vaughn's close personal maids.

The woman hadn't been quiet enough although Jezmerine was sure that she wanted her to hear. Surely there were more who shared her feelings. "I know," She smiled sadly. Retrieving a monogrammed handkerchief from her pocket to dab at her eyes gently, careful not to smear the makeup.

"You two raised me well. There's no need to worry. I'm sure he's resting well and watching over us. Everything is at least stable for now and we're doing well." The princess had been doing her best to fill the gaps left by her brother and father. Her mother had been with her every step of the way and for that she was grateful.

Katherine turned around and slapped the maid across the face. "Don't disrespect my daughter. Other people's actions are not her fault. He chose to give his life on his own accord, and if he were alive to hear what you said to her, you would be thrown out of this castle." Although the veil covered her face, one could only imagine a furious expression beneath.

Jezmerine gently placed her hand on her mother's arm, smiling despite everything. "It's fine, mother. Our subjects are allowed their opinions although they should be said more quietly. We all miss him and she speaks from a place of hurt." Maybe she was imagining things but there was a wink of light that gleamed against the golden urn. "I don't think he would approve of us being harsh. Everyone just needs time to heal."

The maid held her cheek where the queen had slapped her, but the fury in her eyes remained, upper lip twitching. "You didn't lift a finger to do anything to mourn like the rest. He was like a father to me." Then she stormed off, the double doors slamming shut behind her.

"And this is what happens when we allow them opinions, daughter. They continue to run their mouths without thinking they'd be punished. Good thing Eddy isn't here, he'd be another mouth that would never shut up." Katherine kissed her fingertips and placed her hand against the stone where all the royal family members were hurried, his name etched into the surface pushed more toward the front. "I would've given my life for that man." And she would've. She may have been too ruthless to protect her family over the ones that didn't hold their blood, but she had a heart worth more than a thousand kept promises—her worth more than gold because the price may fluctuate, but her word never would.

It was the very thing she'd promised Vaughn's father when he lay on his deathbed. Weak with the stench of death clinging to him like a wrongly mixed perfume. Every time in a game of chess the queen saves the king, though this time she couldn't. Of course a queen was a queen without a king, but a country without a king fell into turmoil.

"Don't be mad that your brother didn't come. I know you were looking forward to it." She finally said again, removing her hand from the cool stone. "He has every right to want to kill the man who killed your father. And I know with your smarts you must think it is foolish, but we both know how Noble Sam is when it comes to his family. It isn't about revenge. It's about our safety and survival now. Not reckless but wise. You know what one of the Aldain's told me before the dog to the king killed your father?"

The cloth in her hand was balled, tucking her fist into the skirts of her dress to hide the unusual show of frustration. Her mother could read her like a book. Without saying a word she knew the feelings that Jezmerine hadn't dared to voice aloud to anyone. Not even her guard. More than anything she wanted her brother home. The barsy was supposed to include the whole family. It was supposed to be the one time that they were all together again and then Sam could finish his quest for revenge or whatever he wanted to call it.

"If he kills then there will be someone else wanting revenge and then they'll want to kill Sam. So on and so forth. This isn't what father would want. It's not what I want." She knew it was selfish when the maid was right. The king would still be alive if not for her. Gently leaning into her mother's side for comfort.

The monks and maids that flitted about in the back of the room were a welcome buffer to keep her from bawling her eyes out once again. There's been enough within the last year. "We need to stick together so I won't fight your decision." Her lips pressed together sure that her mother would lecture her if Jezmerine didn't concede that her way was better. "What did they say?"

Katherine turned around and gently grabbed Jezmerine by the shoulders. "This is war. We don't get what we want. Especially as women without a king. Sometimes It doesn't pay just to sit around quietly, it depends on the person. The most dangerous snake is the one that strikes without warning. For years," Her voice sounded hoarse. "Me and your father tried to remain as still as possible beneath the Aldain's thumb. But it is hard to give this kingdom life without breath we couldn't get because of suffocation. Still, doing everything he's ever told us to do, loyal dogs he said, his man killed my husband. Your father."