
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 31: One Year (3)

Gu Yue Fang Yuan, driven by his relentless pursuit of cultivation and strengthening himself, also departed from Dressrosa. With a singular focus in mind, he embarked on a quest to discover an island that would provide an ideal environment for his upcoming Earthly Calamity.

The concept of an Earthly Calamity held great significance for a Rank 6 Cultivator like Fang Yuan. It is a trial that every cultivator of his rank faces, a formidable test that occurs every 10 years within their inner world. However, due to the unique time dilation effect within Fang Yuan's inner world, where time flows 60 times faster than in reality, his Earthly Calamity arrives once every two months.

Driven by the urgency of his cultivation, Fang Yuan scoured the seas in search of an island that would meet his stringent requirements. After a diligent search, he finally discovered an island that seemed to possess the necessary qualities.

With a twisted grin on his face, he let his demonic nature run wild, unleashing a torrent of brutality upon the unsuspecting inhabitants. Each life was mercilessly snuffed out, their pitiful cries swallowed by the winds, ensuring that no one would dare disturb him during the upcoming calamity.

With determination burning in his eyes, he initiated the Immortal Tribulation Tempering Aperture technique, a method that would ensure the Dao Marks he gained after passing the calamity were tailored to his specific needs.

After this massacre, for the remaining Fang Yuan trained tirelessly, both mastering new techniques and perfecting old ones.

Finally, the day of his Earthly Calamity arrived. With determination burning in his eyes, he initiated the Immortal Tribulation Tempering Aperture technique, a method that would ensure the Dao Marks he gained after passing the calamity were tailored to his specific needs, or to be more specific, it changed the type of calamity to one fitting for the surroundings. For example initiating it in a volcano has a high chance of a fire type calamity, which provides Fire Path Dao Marks.

To his surprise, no calamity descended upon Fang Yuan. His heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he awaited the inevitable trial that would test his strength. However, as moments turned into minutes, and minutes into hours, he came to a startling realization.

'No calamity...?' Fang Yuan's mind buzzed with a flurry of thoughts. His initial anxiety gave way to a growing sense of excitement and speculation. He contemplated the implications of this unforeseen turn of events, allowing his mind to wander into the realm of possibilities.

'Could it be that this world lacks the presence of Heaven's Will?' he pondered, his mind buzzing with speculation. 'If there is no Heaven's Will, then there will be no Calamities and Tribulations.'

'Without Calamities and Tribulations, I can focus solely on refining my cultivation and strengthening my techniques,' Fang Yuan mused, a confident smile curling upon his lips.

His excitement fueling his determination, Fang Yuan turned his attention back to the Sovereign Immortal Aperture, his gaze fixed on the flourishing Blessed Land within. The sight of it still producing Green Grape Immortal Essence filled him with a sense of reassurance and reaffirmed his belief that he had made the right choice in agreeing to stay in this world.

'With my Blessed Land producing the Green Grape Immortal Essence undisturbed, I will have a limitless supply of vital energy to support my cultivation,' Fang Yuan thought, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

A flicker of excitement danced in Fang Yuan's eyes as he grasped the potential significance of this revelation. It meant that his Blessed Land would continue to thrive without the interference of calamities. The absence of Calamities and Tribulations presented an unexpected advantage, one that could propel him towards his ultimate goal of becoming Immortal. After all, more preparation time is exactly what he needs.

For the rest of the year, Fang Yuan dedicated himself to honing his killer moves and refining his combat techniques. His every movement was a calculated dance of power and precision as he sought to push his martial prowess to new heights.

During this time, Fang Yuan also indulged in his Demonic Nature, exploiting every possible resource this world had to offer. His insatiable desire for power led him to plunder and pillage villages, seizing valuable treasures and rare materials that he deemed useful for his cultivation.

'In this lawless world, I am the predator, and everything is mine for the taking. These villages, with their meager defenses and untapped resources, are ripe for exploitation.' Fang Yuan thought, a twisted smirk curling on his lips.

With ruthless efficiency, Fang Yuan dispatched any who dared to challenge his claim. His demonic aura instilled fear in the hearts of those unfortunate enough to cross his path, and he reveled in the chaos and despair he left in his wake.

One fateful day, an unexpected opportunity materialized before him in the form of an offer from the marines. A twisted grin twisted across his face as he contemplated the potential benefits and risks of accepting their proposition.

'Replace Crocodile and become a Shichibukai,' they say,' Fang Yuan chuckled darkly, the wheels of his mind turning with calculating fervor. 'An alliance with the marines could provide me with protection, influence, and a means to exploit their resources. But can I trust them? Will I lose my autonomy in the process?'

Deep within the recesses of his thoughts, he weighed the pros and cons. Ultimately, Fang Yuan saw the marines as mere pawns in his grand scheme for dominance. Accepting their offer would be a means to an end, a stepping stone to greater heights of power and control. With a decision made, he set his course, ready to exploit this newfound alliance to its fullest potential.

But Fang Yuan did not stop there. To further strengthen himself, began to use Soul Searching on Haki users to learn the secrets of their formidable abilities. The process of Soul Searching was a gruesome ordeal that severely damaged the soul of the individual that it was used on.

With every tortured soul, Fang Yuan expanded his own understanding of Haki. Their agony became his gain, their anguish fueling his ascent to unparalleled power.

But Fang Yuan's insatiable hunger for power and immortality did not stop at the acquisition of Haki. His sights were set on even greater heights. A chilling resolve settled upon him as he embarked on a relentless manhunt, a hunt for a Logia or Mythical Zoan fruit user.

The hunt began with Fang Yuan tracking down a pirate possessing the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Hydra. After locating his prey and approaching the pirate, the time for confrontation had come. The pirate, still unaware of the impending doom that awaited him, transformed into a fearsome Hydra.

In a swift, calculated strike, Fang Yuan lunged forward, his Flying Sword Gu finding its mark. With a flicker of his wrist, he beheaded the hydra, expecting his victory to be swift and decisive. But to his surprise, two more heads sprouted from the severed stump.

Undeterred by this unexpected turn of events, Fang Yuan adjusted his strategy. He unleashed a barrage of attacks, aiming to injure the body and weaken the transformed pirate. However, his efforts proved futile as he witnessed the enhanced regeneration and robust scales of the Hydra, rendering his strikes virtually ineffectual.

A twisted grin twisted Fang Yuan's lips as he observed the futility of his attempts. "Impressive," he sneered, his voice laced with a cold amusement. "But mere regeneration and scales won't save you from the depths of despair."

Seizing upon a new tactic, Fang Yuan left the hydra be. He left the battlefield as fast as he approached it and due to him flying the pirate had no chance of going after him.

Two weeks later Fang Yuan once again met with the pirate, this time however he had three people with him. The pirate's wife and two sons.

Fang Yuan said, his voice dripping with cold malice "You have a choice, pirate. Surrender to me, or watch as your loved ones suffer a fate far more agonizing than death."

The pirate's voice quivered with desperation as he pleaded for mercy. "Please, spare them! They have nothing to do with this. I beg you!"

Fang Yuan's lips curled into a sinister smile, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. "Words hold no sway here. Actions, however, speak volumes."

The pirate, driven by desperation, feigned surrender in a desperate bid to save his family. With trembling hands raised in submission, he hoped against hope that Fang Yuan would show some semblance of mercy.

The pirate planned that the moment Fang Yuan approached him to deliver the finishing blow, he would instead swiftly behead Fang Yuan to save his own and his family's lives.

Not impressed and already somewhat expecting such an action, Fang Yuan's heart remained as cold as ice, he quickly grabbed one of the captives and threw them into the middle of the thrust of the unnamed pirate.

With a swift and merciless stroke of his blade, the pirate struck down on what he believed to be Fang Yuan, only to shortly after realize that Fang Yuan used his own son as a meat shield and realize that the one he actually killed was his own son. The chilling sight sent shockwaves of terror through the pirate's soul.

The pirate, cornered and devoid of options, succumbed to the grim reality before him, submitting to Fang Yuan's demands. "I surrender... I surrender! Just please, let the rest of them live. I'll do anything you ask."

A chilling silence settled upon the scene as Fang Yuan raised his blade, a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. With one swift, decisive stroke, he ended the pirate's life, resulting in the Mythical Zoan reincarnating into a nearby fruit. But Fang Yuan's cruelty knew no bounds, he turned his gaze to the remaining captives, who are now no longer useful pawns to him, resulting in Fang Yuan killing them as well.

In the aftermath he ate the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Hydra, which aside from the full and partial transformation into a Hydra granted him the following properties. His blood was transformed into poisonous blood, he obtained the ability to spew deadly venom, and he also got regenerative properties as well as immunity to poisons.

Aizen similar to Yuki, Black Star and Fang Yuan, left the island the moment they decided to split. As Aizen departed from the island, a peculiar sensation gripped his being, a sensation he had grown accustomed to since entering the message inviting him to the Game of the Gods appeared. Yet, this time it felt more profound, an intensifying interference with his destiny.

His mind embarked on a relentless analysis of this mysterious force. With the combined power of his intellect and the computational prowess of an Ex-Machina, he delved deep into the enigma, seeking to unravel its secrets. Yet, despite his vast capabilities, the answer eluded him, shrouded in the veil of inscrutability.

In that pivotal moment, as frustration threatened to cloud his normally composed demeanor, a glimmer of hope emerged. The Hōgyoku sensed his unyielding desire to break free from this interference. Its power surged within him, a pulsating presence ready to shield him from the unseen forces that sought to impede his path.

While this mysterious fate changing force was not that focused on Aizen, the Hōgyoku's could not directly interfere with it. But with the growing intensity of the interference, it can actively get rid of it and revert it back to how it was before.

[POV CHANGE … General POV]

Aizen, the true author of Bleach once again managed to do it. He prevented the author of this fanfic from affecting his actions and writing about him. Since the beginning of time, no one was able to completely figure out the plans of this man and it looks like that it will also stay the same in the future.

The only thing known is that after one year passed the marine had a Vice Admiral with the name Sōsuke Aizen, except for this nothing is known about what happened in this year.