
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 30: One Year (2)

After everybody left, All Might and Klein found themselves engrossed in research in one of the libraries of Dressrosa, their eyes scanning through the vast sea of information about this world. Thoughts raced through All Might's mind as he absorbed the basic knowledge and began to piece together the puzzle of this unfamiliar territory.

"'Paradise,' Yuki called it," All Might murmured, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and determination. "So he means I should go to the first half of the Grand Line."

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the horizon, All Might made his decision. It was to heed the suggestion of Yuki and buy a ticket of a ship that takes him to the first half of the Grand Line.

As the morning rays of a new day painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, All Might stood at the edge of the bustling port, his eyes fixed upon the ship that would carry him towards his destiny. The vessel was not special in any way, it was just a regular passenger ship, for which he got a ticket under the condition that he cleans the deck.

As All Might stepped onto the ship, he could feel the energy of adventure humming in the air. Passengers of all walks of life bustled about, their excited chatter mingling with the salty breeze.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as the ship embarked on its journey through the vast and treacherous waters of the Grand Line. Along the way, it made numerous stops at various islands and ports, becoming a hub of activity. Passengers embarked and disembarked, each with their own tales to tell.

Yet, amidst the harmony and camaraderie on the ship, darkness lurked in the depths of the Grand Line. One fateful day, as the ship sailed through treacherous waters, a sinister presence loomed on the horizon. The dreaded Jolly Roger of a pirate crew fluttered in the wind.

The peaceful atmosphere shattered like fragile glass as the pirates swarmed the ship, their cruel intentions etched upon their faces. Panic and fear gripped the passengers, their cries mingling with the clash of steel and the thunderous roar of cannon fire.

All Might, the hero he is, immediately stepped up and tried to save the other passengers from the pirates. As the clash between All Might and the pirates ensued, but he could feel the weight of his injuries dragging him down. Despite his indomitable will and unwavering determination, his body could not match the strength of his opponents. Their mastery of Haki proved to be a formidable challenge for him.

"I can't give up now," All Might thought, his mind racing as he strategized his next move. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to press on, to fight with every ounce of strength he had left. But the reality of his limitations loomed over him like a dark cloud.

Time seemed to slow as he battled against overwhelming odds. Each exchange of blows, took its toll on his already battered body. He fought valiantly, parrying the pirates' attacks and delivering powerful strikes in return. But deep down, he knew that his time was running out.

'I can't keep this up much longer,' All Might realized, a twinge of frustration mingling with his determination. The time limit of his body using One For All was fast approaching. The strain of maintaining its incredible strength was taking its toll, pushing him to the edge of his limits.

Just as the battle threatened to overwhelm him, a sudden intervention changed the course of the fight. A blind man stepped forward to lend a hand. His arrival brought a glimmer of hope to All Might's weary heart.

As the blind man stepped forward, a surge of protectiveness washed over All Might. His instinct to shield others from harm kicked in, his mind racing with thoughts of defending this seemingly vulnerable individual. But as the blind man effortlessly dispatched the pirates with unparalleled skill, All Might's initial perception shattered like fragile glass.

'This man... he's on a whole different level,' All Might marveled, his awe mixing with a tinge of self-realization. The blind man's fluid movements and unwavering confidence spoke volumes of his unmatched power.

Quickly connecting the dots, All Might recognized the source of the blind man's extraordinary prowess to be something he read about in the library of Dressrosa: Haki in combination with a Devil Fruit.

'If I can learn from him... master Haki... I can become even stronger,' All Might pondered, a spark of ambition igniting within him. All Might was confident in learning Haki, he was just lacking someone that could teach it to him.

Approaching the blind man with determination, All Might mustered his courage. "Excuse me, sir," he said, his voice tinged with respect. "Would you be willing to teach me the ways of Haki?"

The blind man turned his head and 'looked' at All Might using his Kenbunshoku (Observation) Haki. There was a moment of silence, laden with anticipation. And then, to All Might's relief, a faint smile graced the blind man's lips.

"You seek to protect others, even at the cost of your own well-being. That is a quality I admire," the blind man spoke, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom and experience. "I will teach you, but only for a year. Whatever you manage to learn during that time depends on your own effort."

All Might's heart swelled with gratitude. The blind man, known as Issho, the future admiral of the marines, had recognized his sincerity and had agreed to be his mentor.

"Thank you. I will give everything I have to learn from you," All Might declared, a newfound fire burning in his eyes.

As the year unfolded, All Might delved deep into learning and mastering Haki under the watchful guidance of his mentor, Issho.

"Focus, Toshinori," Issho's voice resonated in All Might's mind as he honed his Kenbunshoku (Observation) Haki. "Feel the intent." Issho said as he used his cane to attack All Might.

After some time into the training he could sense the slightest shifts in the air, anticipate the incoming attacks, and discern the intentions of those around him. His injury was no problem in learning Haki, as Haki was related to the willpower.

"I can see it now," All Might whispered to himself, a mixture of awe and excitement lacing his words.

But the path to mastery did not stop there. With unwavering determination, All Might delved into Busoshoku (Armament) Haki, seeking to fortify his body and imbue his strikes with an unyielding force. Unlike Kenbunshoku (Observation) Haki, Busoshoku (Armament) Haki was kind of troublesome to learn and master with his injured body. Coating the arm with armament Haki was not the problem, instead the movement itself was the problem.

But amidst this growth, there was an absence that lingered, a void yet to be filled. All Might's heart yearned for the awakening of Haoshoku (Conqueror) Haki. Yet, as time slipped by, it became evident that this extraordinary power had not revealed itself within him.

"Perhaps it is not meant to be," All Might murmured, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. "But that will not deter me."

Beyond the training, a profound connection blossomed between mentor and student. Issho and All Might found solace in their shared ideologies. They engaged in discussions, their perspectives intertwining and expanding, illuminating new facets of their beliefs.

While some differences remained, they stood united on the fundamental principles that drove them. The pursuit of justice, the protection of the innocent, and the unyielding commitment to a world free from oppression.

After All Might also left Dressrosa only Klein remained on this island. Klein's mind swirled with a mix of excitement and caution. Hidden beneath his unassuming facade, Klein had ascended to the rank of Sequence 4, becoming a Demigod of the Fool Pathway some time before they entered this world.

'I can still not trust them,' Klein mused silently. He had chosen not to reveal his true capabilities to the group, allowing them to perceive him as a mere Sequence 5 Beyonder. It was a deliberate choice, for he saw no immediate advantage in revealing his ascension.

"No need to draw unnecessary attention or raise suspicions in this world," Klein reminded himself, his lips curling into a faint smile.

He knew that his powers were far from weak by the standards of this world. With his mind set on a daring plan, he seamlessly transformed himself into one of Doflamingo's elite officers, assuming an appearance that would grant him access to the heart of the Donquixote Pirates.

Under the guise of an officer, Klein approached the Doflamingo. His thoughts raced, concocting a strategy to seize control of the man who commanded both fear and respect in equal measure.

'Doflamingo, prepare to fall under my sway,' Klein whispered inwardly. He was about to deploy his unique abilities, a perplexing power that no one in this world had ever encountered. In his hands lay the formidable ability to take control of Spirit Body Threads of others and therefore transforming them into his puppets.

As he stood in the presence of the notorious captain, Klein wasted no time, swiftly initiating his assault. Doflamingo, unsuspecting and ignorant of this power, found himself ensnared in the clutches of Klein's influence before he could fully comprehend the situation.

As the seconds ticked by, Klein's power began to take hold. In a mere three seconds, he had already gained a semblance of control over the Shichibukai.

'Just a little longer,' Klein silently urged himself, his mind focused on solidifying his hold over the pirate captain. Time seemed to stretch as fifteen seconds elapsed, each passing moment further cementing Doflamingo's fate as nothing more than a puppet at Klein Moretti's command.

Within those fleeting seconds, the once leader of the Donquixote Pirates was reduced to a marionette, his every action dictated by Klein's will.

'The puppetmaster of this world becomes my puppet, how ironic' Klein thought as he witnessed his plan unfold flawlessly. Doflamingo succumbed to Klein's control without even comprehending the nature of the threat.

Following the takeover of the Donquixote pirates, Klein assumed the guise of Doflamingo. He wasted no time in exerting his newfound authority over the pirates and ordered them to prepare for a journey. With calculated precision, he orchestrated their journey into the territory of Big Mom, their next target. The allure of the Big Mom Pirates' vast collection of paramecia fruits beckoned to him.

Arriving within the territory of Big Mom, Klein's eyes fell upon a colossal woman wreaking havoc in her insatiable quest for sweets. This was none other than Big Mom herself.

'Luck truly is on my side' thought Klein as he witnessed the rampaging Big Mom. For him that was an opportunity, one that Klein could not pass up, as he does not know when, when not now he should take control of her. Stepping forward, he skillfully manipulated the mindless pirate rampaging with desire for sweets under his control, making one of the three Emperor's his puppet.

'Time to add another marionette to my collection,' Klein's thoughts with a sinister satisfaction. After turning Big Mom into his marionette, he let her perform her duties as if nothing happened.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Klein executed his meticulously crafted plan with unwavering determination. From the shadows, he manipulated the upper echelons of the Big Mom Pirates, one by one, into unwittingly approaching the puppet that stood in place of their leader. They remained blissfully unaware of the truth, unknowingly surrendering their minds and wills to Klein's control.

Nearly every time when one of them met with Big Mom, the time would come when that person realized something was amiss with their leader, but by then, it would already be too late. They would join the ranks of his marionettes.

As the year drew to a close, the once-mighty Big Mom pirates had been reduced to mere puppets in Klein's grand scheme. He had effortlessly turned them into his marionettes.

With a satisfied smile, Klein reveled in his newfound status as the puppet master behind the scenes. Silently and discreetly, he had conquered the vast territory of the Big Mom pirates, leaving no trace of his conquest and ensuring that no one realized what was going on.