
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 21: The Game of the God's

[All Might POV]

At night, as the moon cast a soft glow over the city, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Izuku Midoriya, the young successor of All Might, anxiously awaited the meeting with his mentor.

As the minutes ticked by, Izuku's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Finally, amidst the quiet of the seaside, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. All Might approached him in his skinny form.

"Aaall Miight!!" Izuku's voice trembled with a blend of reverence and emotion, tears brimming in his wide, determined eyes. In that moment, he couldn't contain the overwhelming gratitude and admiration he felt for his mentor.

"Who the heck is that?!" All Might's voice boomed. His shout echoed through the park, momentarily startling a flock of seagulls that had been peacefully roosting nearby.

"Did someone say 'All Might'!? Where, where!?" A civilian's voice pierced through the chatter of the bustling city street. The excitement in his tone was palpable, as if he had stumbled upon a rare and mythical creature. People turned their heads, searching for the source of the proclamation, their curiosity piqued.

All Might whispered urgently. "Quick kid, tell them that you mistook me for someone else!"

Izuku took a deep breath and summoned every ounce of acting prowess he possessed. With a voice that trembled slightly, he shouted to the gathering crowd, "I mistook him for someone else!"

"Congrats on passing," he told his student, a proud smile spreading across his face. All Might extended his hand, ready to give a high five to the young hero-in-training. But before their palms could meet, a sudden and peculiar occurrence disrupted the moment.

An ethereal, illusory screen materialized before All Might's eyes. It glowed with a mysterious energy, capturing his attention and enveloping him in its captivating presence. His brows furrowed with both intrigue and caution as he read the words that appeared, one after another, on the translucent surface.

[Do you want to heal your body!?] the first line declared. It spoke directly to the deepest desire that resided within All Might.

The second line followed closely, offering an even greater temptation. [Do you want to return to your peak!?] it asked, stirring the embers of his former glory.

But it was the third line that truly hit deep within All Might's soul. [Do you want to stay the Symbol of Peace!?" it beckoned.

And then, another message materialized. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods], it proclaimed.

[Will you accept]

[Yes / No]

Momentarily, All Might stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock as he stared at the strange screen before him. His mind raced, pondering the nature of this unexpected phenomenon. 'Could it be the work of a villain, manipulating his senses and planting a deceptive illusion? Or was it something else entirely?'

Izuku noticed the sudden change in All Might's demeanor. Concern etched across his face, he approached his mentor cautiously, his voice laced with worry. "Is something wrong, All Might?" he inquired, his earnest gaze fixed on the legendary hero.

All Might took a moment to collect himself, his thoughts spinning like a whirlwind. He carefully chose his words, not wanting to burden his young protégé with unnecessary fears. "Can you not see this blue glowing screen, young Midoriya?" he responded with a question of his own, hoping to glean some insight from Izuku's response.

Confusion clouded Izuku's features as he furrowed his brows. "I can see nothing," he admitted, his voice tinged with both curiosity and concern. "Is there something there?"

All Might's expression softened, a mix of relief and uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "Forget it," he dismissed, suppressing his inner turmoil for the moment. However, deep within his heart, he resolved to seek answers from his fellow heroes. This mysterious screen demanded further investigation, for he couldn't simply cast it aside as a mere illusion.

Later, as he made his way towards his trusted comrades, his thoughts remained preoccupied with the enigmatic blue screen. The allure of healing his battered body and returning to his former glory were truly enticing.

Lost in his contemplations, fate intervened with a sudden and unexpected twist. A villain's rampage echoed through the streets, drawing All Might's attention like a moth to a flame. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprang into action, leaving behind the unanswered questions and the illusory screen.

In the midst of the fierce battle All Might inadvertently clicked "yes" on the mysterious screen. It was a simple accident, a consequence of the chaos that surrounded him. Little did he know that this seemingly innocuous action would set in motion a chain of events that would challenge him in ways he never imagined.

[? POV]

"Yeah... Sorry, but... it's time." The words slipped from the lips of a man. In that moment, a square beam of radiant light enveloped him.

Gasps of disbelief echoed through the air as onlookers witnessed the inexplicable phenomenon unfold before their eyes. The sudden appearance of the light beam caught them off guard, leaving them paralyzed with shock and confusion. It was as if the fabric of reality itself had been torn open, revealing a hidden truth that defied comprehension.

All around, whispers of disbelief filled the air. "Impossible!" someone exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mixture of awe and disbelief.

Within moments, two more individuals found themselves engulfed by the same ethereal light beam. The trio floated effortlessly into the air, suspended within the beam's embrace toward a crack that materialized in the air some time ago.

"Once that light is cast... The area inside the light becomes a completely separate dimension and impenetrable from the outside," a voice explained.

"From the moment that beam of light came down..." the voice trailed off, its words laden with a sense of foreboding. The speaker struggled to articulate the weight of the situation, the magnitude of what had transpired.

"He has gone... out of our reach," the explanation resonated, filling the air with a bittersweet admission.

"What are you trying to do?" a voice demanded. All eyes turned to the man who had been the first to be enveloped by the beam of light, their curiosity burning like a flame in the darkness.

"To go higher," he replied, his voice resonating with unwavering confidence. It was a declaration that defied the limitations of their understanding. The crowd exchanged puzzled glances, struggling to grasp the true extent of his ambitions.

"No one starts... at the top of the world," the voice continued, its tone laced with a blend of wisdom. The words echoed through the minds of those present, carrying a sobering truth.

"Not you," the man continued, his voice steady and resolute.

"Not me," the voice acknowledged, a touch of humility seeping through its words.

"Not even the Gods," he declared, his tone brimming with authority. The weight of his words settled upon the listeners like a cloak of revelation.

"But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over," he proclaimed, his voice resounding with a mix of determination and triumph. It was a statement that defied the very fabric of their reality, challenging the established order with audacity and purpose.

"From now on..." he paused, the anticipation in the air palpable.

"I will be sitting on it," he concluded, his voice carrying the weight of destiny itself. The crowd stood in awe, captivated by the sheer audacity of his words. He removed his glasses, and stepped forward. With each second, he approached the gaping black crack in the sky.

Just as the man prepared to bid his farewell to the people below, a sudden and unsettling interruption fractured the moment. An illusory screen materialized before his eyes. He read the words that danced across the screen.

[You have been forced to join the Game of the Gods]

[Do you willingly accept?] the screen queried. The man hesitated, his mind whirling with conflicting thoughts. How could he willingly surrender to an enigmatic game orchestrated by unknown forces?

[Yes / No]

Without a moment's hesitation, he pressed 'no,' his finger meeting the screen with unwavering resolve. The decision was instinctive, an act of defiance against the unseen puppet masters who sought to manipulate his fate. He would not relinquish control so easily, not without a fight.

But the illusory screen did not yield to his refusal. A second message flashed before his eyes, ominous and undeniable. [You have rejected, force will be required to make you join], it declared.

Before he could fully comprehend the consequences of his actions, the illusory screen transformed once more, bearing an unexpected message.

[You have successfully joined the Chat Group]

Confusion mingled with curiosity as he attempted to unravel the meaning behind these cryptic words. 'What did this mean?' The answers remained shrouded in uncertainty.

The man's thoughts raced, his mind a battleground of conflicting emotions. 'What awaited him within this game? What is this game? And most importantly, who orchestrated all this?'

[? POV]

At that moment, the sunlight outside the window shone inside, illuminating the mess inside a dining hall.

A man, who had long regained his balance, briskly walked to the window and saw that the endless sea seemed to be burning with golden flames. It appeared to have been noon the entire time.

It was only morning moments ago!

He looked up and narrowed his eyes to see that the sky was filled with sunlight. There were no clouds nor the sun, just a swath of golden rays.

As he swept his gaze, he discovered nearby ruins which were diagonally ahead.

The ruins were mostly covered by seawater. Protruding out from the surface was gray stones and stone columns that formed a peak. At the top was a dome-like object. From its angle, it was able to hold up quite a large area of space.

The ruins were definitely massive in the first place. Through the transparent waters, Klein saw that its base extended to the seabed without end.

"These are extremely dangerous waters." At some point in time, the captain of the ship came beside him.

He turned his head over and waited for her to continue.

Her gaze was cast forward as she said somewhat wistfully, "I haven't been here many times. Furthermore, all my visits happened a long time ago."

She didn't turn her head as she looked at the sky and sea which were covered in golden flames.

"No one knows where the ends of these waters are. Nor does anyone know how wide it is.

"Do you know what's most dangerous about this place?"

"There are many ruins floating here. There are all kinds of mutated monsters. Among them include many demigods who have lost control or ancient evil creatures.

"This isn't the most dangerous part."

Could it be that these waters were where the ancient gods of the Second Epoch fought? The man thought.

She said with an ethereal voice as she continued, "Here, you will never guess what dangers you will encounter next. Perhaps you will just melt while approaching a ruin, turning into a wax-like monster. Perhaps you might turn into a rock amidst the storms from slightly deviating from the explored sea routes and end up shattering to pieces.

"At our level, that is the greatest danger."

Just as the captain of the ship said these words, a translucent screen appeared in front of the man next to her.

[Do you seek to return to your world?]

[Do you want to uncover the myriad mysteries of this world?]

[Do you seek strength?]

[All your deepest desires will be fulfilled!]

[You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods]

[Do you accept]

[Yes / No]

[Refusal will result in loss of control]

[? POV]


When his level reached level 240, a powerful surge of energy exploded within a certain man's body.

The level 240 Promotion Mission appeared. He glanced at it. It was not difficult, but he was not going to stop now. He had two more Mission Completion Cards, so he directly used one of them to complete the Promotion Mission.

From level 60, a Race Evolution would occur every 40 levels. The last Race Evolution was at level 220, so level 240 would usually be a normal Promotion. However, with the benefits that he had received from the Evolution Cube, he received a bonus Race Evolution chance.

The [Gene Optimization—Evolution Cube] effect has been triggered.

You have received a bonus Race Evolution.

You have taken another step on the path of evolution. You have ascended in the hierarchy of life. Your genes have reformed… Under the influence of the Evolution Cube, the chances of Mutation Option appearing in this Race Evolution have increased.

Randomly drawing 9 matching evolutionary directions…

Drawing complete!

Please choose one of the following options for your Race Evolution. Warning! The evolution process is irreversible. Please choose carefully!

Selection complete. Undergoing Race Evolution… Evolution complete.

Your race has been changed. Molecular structure is improved, organ structure strengthened, metabolism changed, and adaptability enhanced… Your potential aptitude has been improved!

You have satisfied the Prior Requirement.

Race Mutation activated!

You have reached the peak of the hierarchy of life. You have found your own direction on the path of evolution. You're going to undergo changes you have never experienced before. From this day forth, you are going to become a unique being like no other in the entire universe…

Detecting evolution path… complete.




Exclusive Race created.

Please select a name…

Exclusive Race Name confirmed.

Your race has become: Black Star Race

You have been invited to join the game of the Gods.


Still thinking that this is part of his race mutation he did not think much and simply accepted.

[? POV]

A strange looking living creature began to shine brightly.

First, there was white light, from pale transparent light to pure white light, and finally to thick milky white light.

Next, there was a hint of red inside the white light. The red quickly spread, turning the light into pale pink, before it turned pinkish red, and finally, bright red like fire.

After the red light, it turned orange. After orange, it turned yellow…

Like the colors of the rainbow, it continued changing, until finally, the light became black.

Inside the black colored light, this strange looking living creature twitched continuously, from the size of a thumb, it expanded to the size of a basin.

Inside this dark ball, a fetus was shining brightly in rainbow light, it could vaguely be seen.

Life force was gathering, it was growing and becoming stronger.

White fog started to surround it.

The temperature of the surroundings fell rapidly, fog turned into frost, covering the surface of the ball.

Next, lightning shot out, surrounding the ball, forming a web of lightning.

Lightning crackled as sparks were created. The sparks fell on the frost and did not extinguish, instead, the frost started burning.

The frost turned into qi that surrounded the ball.

Green patterns slowly appeared on the surface of the ball. Soon, they turned from phantom to solid, becoming countless vines and twigs.

The twigs were wilted, while the leaves were green and lively.

Soon, fruits began to grow around these leaves.

These purple fruits emitted a fragrant smell. But the surface of the fruits were very ugly, there were many holes in them, like they were rotten.

Green patterns slowly appeared on the surface of the ball. Soon, they turned from phantom to solid, becoming countless vines and twigs.

The twigs were wilted, while the leaves were green and lively.

Soon, fruits began to grow around these leaves.

These purple fruits emitted a fragrant smell. But the surface of the fruits were very ugly, there were many holes in them, like they were rotten.

Eventually, after a total of eighty-one changes, the ball turned into mud, as the fetus inside was at its largest, a baby was formed, stretching his four limbs!

At once, the ball that surrounded him cracked, the baby was born!

This baby had a lively expression, his eyes were shining like stars, he had pale and fair skin, his limbs were chubby, his face was rosy, cute and delicate, and an immortal aura was oozing from him.

A formless force surrounded his entire body, it protected him from damage, he was safe and sound.

The baby gradually landed on the ground.

During this process, he grew rapidly.

From the time of his birth to when he was two to three years old physically, only a breath of time had passed.

Four, five, six, seven, eleven, twelve years old… when his legs landed on the ground, he was already a sixteen year old young lad!

At this moment, he opened his eyes, looking at his young body, he was shocked: "An entirely new… body, but… what is this?" His eyes were fixed at a blue screen that appeared in front of him.

[Do you want to surpass the Venerables?]

[Do you desire power?]

[Do you want to become Immortal?]

[You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, do you Accept]

[Yes / No]

He immediately refused, not wanting to join anything he knew nothing about.



[You have successfully joined the Chat Group!]