
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 20: Entrance Exam

Some months had elapsed since that eventful day, and now the time had come for the entrance exam of U.A., the prestigious hero academy. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and nervous energy as aspiring heroes gathered to showcase their abilities and secure a spot in the revered institution.

One might question why Yuki had chosen to participate in the regular entrance exam instead of opting for the recommendation-based entrance. There were three simple reasons for his decision.

The first reason was rooted in his innate laziness. The recommendation entrance exam required an interview, a process that Yuki found tiresome and bothersome. The thought of having to exert extra effort for a mere interview didn't appeal to him, and so he opted for the regular entrance exam instead.

The second reason was a simple oversight. Yuki had unintentionally forgotten about the recommendation entrance exam until it was too late. Time slipped away unnoticed, leaving him with no choice but to partake in the standard exam.

The final reason, however, was the most intriguing. Yuki's father had assured him that regardless of his performance or attendance, U.A. would never reject him.

His father had nonchalantly remarked, "Even if you were to sleep through the entire exam, U.A. will never refuse you!" Such was the influence and backing of his family within the hero society.

Yuki strolled into the U.A. school grounds, a mischievous glint in his eyes. One of his primary motivations for attending this entrance exam was to irritate certain teachers and perhaps even his future classmates. It was a game he played in his mind, a way to inject some amusement into the otherwise mundane proceedings.

As he scanned the area, his gaze fell upon a green-haired boy who stumbled, only to be saved by a brown-haired girl. Yuki recognized him immediately, Izuku Midoriya, one of his future classmates.

A smirk danced across Yuki's lips as he observed Izuku's nervous demeanor. It would be quite entertaining to see how the young boy reacted to his antics. After all, he really wanted to see the face of that boy when he realized that Yuki got accepted, despite the stunt he plans to pull during the exam.

The first challenge came in the form of a written exam. While many applicants struggled and trembled under the pressure, Yuki adopted a completely different approach. He recalled his father's words, assuring him that failure was impossible, and a mischievous plan formed in his mind.

With a devilish grin, Yuki scribbled just five words on the paper before laying on the table, closing his eyes, and slipping into a deep slumber.

Amidst the tension-filled exam room, the overseeing hero glanced at Yuki who had fallen asleep. 'Another one that has given up,' that teacher thought.

Seated behind Yuki, a student with a tail eyed his front man's paper, hoping to catch a glimpse of answers to salvage his own chances. However, his hopes were dashed as he realized that Yuki's sheet bore nothing but the provoking words, "Refuse me if you dare!"

Frustration and regret gnawed at the tail-bearing student's mind as he realized the gravity of his situation. 'Fuck, how am I supposed to pass this exam? These questions are too difficult, and my quirk alone won't compensate for the points I'm about to lose,' he thought with a tinge of bitterness. His misguided attempt to cheat and lack of dedication in studying had come back to haunt him.

As the final minutes of the written exam ticked away, candidates hastily completed their answers and gathered their examination papers. The room buzzed with a mixture of relief, anxiety, and anticipation as the participants filed out, eager to regroup in the large room where the details of the practical exam would be unveiled.

However, amidst the departing crowd, one figure remained unperturbed by the commotion. Yuki, still lost in the realm of dreams, continued to enjoy his undisturbed slumber. Oblivious to the unfolding events, he remained undisturbed by the shifting atmosphere around him.

Outside the examination hall, the anticipation was palpable. The buzz of eager whispers filled the air as candidates eagerly speculated about the upcoming practical exam. Questions hung in the minds of these aspiring heroes, their thoughts consumed by what challenges lay ahead.

As the last few students trickled out of the examination hall, the vigilant exam overseer, Cementoss, glanced around to ensure all the papers had been collected. His gaze fell upon Yuki, who lay slumbering peacefully at his desk, oblivious to the surrounding hustle and bustle.

A faint furrow creased Cementoss' brow, a mixture of exasperation and bemusement playing across his face. Inwardly sighing, he made his way toward Yuki's desk, each step purposeful and measured. The room was filled with a soft murmur as the remaining candidates observed the unfolding scene.

As he approached Yuki, Cementoss marveled at the young man's audacity. 'Some youngsters nowadays truly are impossible,' he mused, his thoughts punctuated by a hint of amusement.

"Wake up!" Cementoss's voice reverberated through the room, sharp and commanding. He had hoped that the abrupt awakening would jolt Yuki into a state of urgency, but the nonchalant response he received dashed any remaining expectations.

"Who wakes me up from my nice dreams? Is the exam already over?" Yuki's voice held a casual indifference, as though the exam itself was an inconsequential inconvenience. Cementoss's eyebrows knitted together in a mix of frustration and disbelief. This young man's disregard for the gravity of the situation left little room for optimism.

After a momentary silence, Cementoss grappled with growing skepticism. He had encountered many students throughout his years as a teacher at U.A., but none quite like Yuki. It was as if the rules and expectations that bound others simply didn't apply to him.

He reached out and decisively snatched the exam sheets from Yuki's desk, his frustration mounting with every passing second. As Cementoss skimmed over the words scrawled across the paper, his temper flared, threatening to consume his professional composure.

"You better leave now. We don't need a student like you," Cementoss seethed, his voice laced with an unmistakable edge of anger. The audacity displayed by Yuki, both in his carefree demeanor and the provoking words on his exam, struck a nerve within the hero.

Yuki, seemingly unfazed by Cementoss's outburst, responded with a nonchalant retort. "Well, see that," he casually replied before turning his attention towards the hall where the other examinees had gathered.

Internally, Cementoss vowed to ensure that Yuki would not pass. The young man's arrogance and blatant lack of respect for authority fueled Cementoss's determination to prevent him from entering the esteemed ranks of U.A. High School.

As Yuki approached the designated area, he found Present Mic in the midst of his speech. Though he had arrived slightly late, he managed to catch the tail end of the announcement. "Now, let's move to the main event! Plus Ultra!! And may you all suffer gladly the trials to come!" Present Mic's booming voice reverberated through the air, igniting a sense of anticipation among the assembled examinees.

Yuki approached the area where all students gathered where he found out that Present Mic was already in the midst of his speech. Though he had arrived slightly late, he managed to catch the tail end of the announcement. "Now, let's move to the main event! Plus Ultra!! And may you all suffer gladly the trials to come!" Present Mic's booming voice reverberated through the air, igniting a sense of anticipation among the assembled examinees.

Joining his assigned team, Yuki noticed several familiar faces from the anime, including the explosive Katsuki Bakugo.

As the starting signal echoed through the examination ground, Yuki wasted no time, soaring into the sky.

With a surge of power, he unleashed his quirk, conjuring a storm that crackled with electric energy.

Amidst the gathering storm, Yuki's thought with confidence, 'This time, nobody can stop me! Now I finally have an opportunity to test the power of my quirk without anyone nagging!'

Using his magical power, he employed a spell to detect the presence of the robots scattered across the field. Observing the feedback from his magic, he murmured to himself, "Looks like no robot has been eliminated so far."

His gaze narrowed, lips curling into a self-assured smile. "Strike!" he declared, his hand pointing with unerring precision towards the ground with the robots.

In perfect synchrony, bolts of lightning erupted from the storm he created, each arcing towards its designated target with high precision. The thunderous impact reverberated through the field as the robots were obliterated, their metallic forms reduced to smoldering remnants. The destruction earned him an astounding surge of villain points, setting him apart from anyone else.

'Looks like my precision training sessions with Lady Nagant were not wasted' He thought as he observed that every single robot was obliterated by his lightning strikes.

"What just happened?" exclaimed one of the heroes watching, his eyes fixed on the cameras displaying the awe-inspiring spectacle.

"It's that man in the sky," Principal Nezu replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "He single-handedly obliterated all the robots in one fell swoop."

The impact of Yuki's display left some of the onlooking heroes speechless.

"Amazing," murmured another hero in a hushed tone, his voice barely audible above the whispers of disbelief circulating amongst the crowd. The sheer audacity and skill exhibited by Yuki left an indelible impression on the heroes watching.

Yet, amidst the astonishment, a sense of concern began to bubble up among some of the heroes. Their voices rose in an outpouring of indignation, their anger fueled by the realization that a single individual had effectively monopolized the testing site, leaving no way for the other students to get villain points.

"This is troublesome," seethed one hero. "What should we do now?" The question hung in the air.

The examinees, their expressions a mix of confusion and curiosity, whispered among themselves, desperately seeking an explanation for the extraordinary phenomenon they had just witnessed. "What happened just now?" one of them voiced the collective bewilderment.

"Why did lightning strike all the robots simultaneously?" questioned another, their voice tinged with both awe and perplexity.

Just then, Present Mic's voice boomed through the speakers, breaking the hushed conversations. "The student flying in the air, please leave the testing ground. Everyone else, stay put. We will prepare another round of robots."

As the announcement echoed, the U.A. teachers swiftly made their decision. They would give the other examinees another chance, while Yuki was politely asked to depart from the testing ground.

"Good luck to you all," Yuki offered his parting words to his fellow examinees, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, before making his exit. A satisfied grin on his face spoke volumes about his confidence.

A while later, within the halls of U.A. High School, the teachers gathered to discuss about a particular individual who had made quite an impression during the entrance exam.

"He has zero points on the written test. We cannot simply accept him based on his performance," Cementoss stated firmly, his voice resolute as he voiced his concerns.

"The written exam is not the sole determinant of a student's potential," countered Present Mic, his voice filled with a hint of excitement. "Just look at the power and prowess displayed by his quirk! It's truly remarkable."

As the teachers talked with each other, a lively discussion ensued, each hero offering his perspective on the matter at hand.

"Never can we accept that man as a student; he does not have any respect for his teachers," added Cementoss, his voice laced with firm determination. He couldn't fathom the idea of admitting someone into U.A. High School who displayed such blatant disregard for authority.

"What does that matter? We have many students with rebellious attitudes in this school," countered Midnight, her voice holding a touch of nonchalance. She was no stranger to dealing with such individuals within the student body.

Cementoss's frustration grew evident as he continued, his voice filled with a mix of anger and disbelief, "Look at what he did with his exam! Not only did he fail to answer a single question, but he also had the audacity to write 'Refuse me if you dare!' If that is not a direct challenge to the very foundation of this institution, then I don't know what is."

The air in the room grew tense as the teachers grappled with the decision before them. Some were inclined to dismiss the rebellious young man outright, while others saw a person with great potential.

Hearing this argument, Principal Nezu interjected, his voice carrying a note of certainty, "We indeed cannot refuse him. Look at his name!"

Cementoss, momentarily perplexed, questioned, "Yuki Takehara? I don't understand what's so special about this... name..." His words trailed off as realization dawned on him. "Wait, you mean he's related to 'that' family."

"Indeed," affirmed the principal. "I received a message from Mr. Takehara himself, stating that his son will be joining us this year."

As the implications sank in, a sense of curiosity filled the room. However, there was still one burning question that lingered in the minds of all present. Cementoss voiced it, "But why did he not participate in the recommendation exam? Given his family background, it would have been a guaranteed acceptance."

A thoughtful silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of shuffling papers. Principal Nezu leaned back in his chair, considering the question at hand. "I do not know for certain, but based on the personality traits his father warned me about, it's likely that Yuki found the interview process too bothersome," he surmised.

A week later, a letter addressed to Yuki Takehara arrived at the Takehara household, bearing the seal of U.A. High School.

Yuki carefully opened the letter, his eyes widening as a holographic projection emerged. However, instead of the figure of All Might, it was Principal Nezu who greeted him.

"So it indeed was something special, just for Izuku, just as I suspected," Yuki mused to himself, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. It seemed that his actions had garnered attention, even from the esteemed principal.

In the holographic message, Principal Nezu wasted no time in delivering the news Yuki had been awaiting. His voice carried a touch of authority as he revealed that Yuki had been accepted into Class 1-A of U.A.

Principal Nezu, however, had a final remark to temper Yuki's enthusiasm. "I hope," he emphasized, "that you can somewhat restrain yourself during your time at U.A."

A Moment after the end of the message, suddenly an illusory screen appeared in front of Yuki's vision.

[You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, Player!]

[Do you accept]

[Yes / Yes]

'Why is the No button missing!?' Yuki thought to himself. After all he did not intend to join any unknown game, especially one titled as suspicious as 'Game of the Gods'.

Although at first he tried to ignore it, after some days this screen still did not disappear, therefore he decided to accept it in hopes of getting rid of it.

[(Admin) Fake Flügel has joined the Chat Group]

[All Might has joined the Chat Group]

[The Fool has joined the Chat Group]

[Black Star has joined the Chat Group]

[Little Demon Venerable has joined the Chat Group]

[Scheming Shinigami has joined the Chat Group]