
《SPY •|||• a new start》

"Don't leave me." She hugs him tightly. He kissed her forehead and leaves. ************* "I missed you and I love you. That day you saved me and today I saved you Jungkook." She touches his cheeks; he was holding her. She falls in love, starts caring for him. And he found his soft corner for her. But what will happen when she realizes that she's in love with a spy? Stay tuned.

Nihyun17 · Music & Bands
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Missed Connections

"Meeting is important.

But falling in love? Let's see what love brings actually."

I overslept as I saw the time. I woke up; I got muscle cramps on my arms. Still I managed to do my daily routine; I prepared the breakfast, had it and left for work. I didn't feel like going to University today.

As I entered, I again started thinking about yesterday. That boy; he was dressed in black yet he helped me but I couldn't even talk to him or thank him. I was snapped out of my thoughts; as I bumped into someone.

"Ouch" I rubbed my forehead. I looked up at him; it was like I was lost for a second. I somehow felt it similar. He was a handsome guy with dark brown eyes. Something in him was interesting... and unknowingly I checked him out.

"Oh, sorry" he said. And I was snapped out of my thoughts once again.

"No, no. it's okay." I bowed and I left. I hurriedly went inside the changing room and there Iseul started asking me; "What were you doing? Earlier?"


"Don't you think I saw? You seem to be interested in him? Right?"

"Nothing like that." I had my poker face, but she was giggling and smirking.

"Want me to help?" She asked again.

"No need" I again replied her dumb question soullessly.

"It's Jungkook, our new co-worker. He joined today only and I can be your cupid if you wa-"

"That's enough Iseul. Let's get to work." I cut off.

I went out after changing my outfit. I usually work at the counter. I went there and saw Jungkook standing.

"So... you will be helping me in the counter today?" I asked him

"Yea' I guess" he replied with a smile. I did found his voice similar.

"That's good Jungkook"

"I see... you even know my name. At least give me a chance to introduce myself properly." he pouted cutely.

"Actually... Iseul told me. But you can still introduce yourself in your way." I replied him with a smile.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook from Busan; your new co-worker from now on." He smiled. I swear his smile is really a cute one. Wait no, cutest one.

"I'm Lee Abhi from Seoul. Nice to meet you Jungkook; hope we will get along." I said. And before we could make our conversation further, customers started coming in and we became busy.


After work, both me and Iseul went to café to spend some time. Even though we are from different universities yet we became really close friends.

"You look down? Something's bothering?" she asked me with a concern look on her face.


"Tell me. I can say if you're lying"

"It's... just... projects you know." I thought to tell her about yesterday's incident but then I thought if it worries her; so I decided to keep it myself.

"Okay, I gotta go Abhi, have to do group projects, my partner will be coming to my home." She said with an excited face. I bet her partner is a BOY

"With whom? Tell me."

"My classmate." And she started smiling and that made me sure that her partner is a DAMN BOY.

"All the best. I'll root for you Iseul. Fighting Iseul" she smiled and left.

I also went out of the café and my damn mind again started wondering about that boy. I wish I could meet him again.

<<Next Day>>

I went for work. I entered and I saw Iseul and Jungkook standing near the counter; it looked like they were waiting for someone. "See Jungkook, there she came." She said him.

"Yah! Abhi, come here fast" she nearly yelled.

"Why what happened Iseul?" I asked her but she was smiling. Did something good happen with her? I doubt. The reason for her happiness can be her CLASSMATE.

"Oh... we were taking about... having a dinner together. Only we co-workers. And both of you are coming no matter what; I'll be sending you the address Abhi. Make sure you don't come late." She said and we nodded. And after that we got into our works.


I picked a black dress from my closet. I don't know what excites me this much but I was excited for sure. I applied light make up, let my hair down; wore high heels and headed to my destination. Iseul; sure have planned something.

I went to the restaurant where Iseul wanted me to come. I entered and saw Iseul; looking beautiful as usual, Moonbyul; looking sweet. And I also spotted Daniel; he was damn handsome in casual but there was still one more person left whom I wanted to see. And I was somewhat curious about him. It's like I've seen him but can't recognize. I sat near Daniel and opposite of Iseul.

"You are looking so beautiful today, Abhi" Daniel complimented and I smiled.

"Thank you so much. You too look so handsome." I too complimented him. Then only Jungkook arrived, looking all sweet and innocent.

"Hey beautiful girls and Daniel." He said and took a seat near me and smiled at me. I sometimes think... does he kills everyone with his smile?

All the time I kept on taking to Iseul and Daniel as Moonbyul was damn BUSY with Jungkook... more likely she was trying to hit on him and her silliness made me smile at her. After eating dinner; we had beverages and we ordered. Daniel received a call and excused himself. I was still sipping on my chocolate shake. Even Monbyul left; and only me, Iseul and Jungkook were left. Iseul received a text and she really smiled brightly; which made me curious...

"What's the matter dear I-S-E-U-L? I emphasized her name.

"Ahh~ Abhi," She was blushing too hard while saying; I bet it's about a boy. I bet it's her CLASSMATE. Till... now never in my life I've seen Iseul like this but it's fun to discover her new self too. "I need to go; need to meet someone." She whispered. "Okay guys Bye and good night." She said to me and Jungkook and she left.

It was an awkward silence.

"I too need to go. Make sure to leave after finishing your drink. And it's also getting late. Bye" Jungkook said and eventually got up and left. A disappointment feeling hit me. And that was very unknown to me. Like was did even I expect him to stay with me. It's just two days I met him.

I stepped out of the restaurant after finishing my drink. I was about to walk but my feet stopped me as it was raining and I forgot to bring my umbrella. To my surprise a car suddenly stopped infront of me and the glass slid down and revealing a smiling face.