
《SPY •|||• a new start》

"Don't leave me." She hugs him tightly. He kissed her forehead and leaves. ************* "I missed you and I love you. That day you saved me and today I saved you Jungkook." She touches his cheeks; he was holding her. She falls in love, starts caring for him. And he found his soft corner for her. But what will happen when she realizes that she's in love with a spy? Stay tuned.

Nihyun17 · Music & Bands
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Chapter 1: Stranger

"Certain things in life... are meant to be the way they are."

It was already 10:00 pm at night. I was totally exhausted due to 6 hours dance practice. God knows why did even Kim Yona wanted me to dance although it helped me to improve my dance still, I don't see any reason; that she loves to watch me dance. My legs feel like giving up. I wanna sleep. And it's good that I actually had my dinner with Yona. I was walking casually until I heard a voice.

"Hey pretty girl, where are you going? It's pretty late. Let me take you home. I'll accompany you." I gave him a disgusted look; these drunkards will give me a headache; I need to slip through this situation ASAP

"Ajussi, it's okay. I can go on my own." I replied walking; and trying to slip away from him.

"No, no. Let us take you home sweetie." Two guys blocked my way. "Listen, I'm not a kid. And honestly, I don't wanna cause any trouble to you all. So, leave me alone." I said firmly and suddenly a hand grabs my arm too tightly and I kicked his leg strongly.

"I told you. Don't touch me. Got that? Just stop right there. Don't even dare to step forward. Mind it." I shouted. Being a empty dark alley; it was kind of useless even if I shouted at them.

"You are alone and still have courage to fight with us. You think you can win? Let's see." And just after saying that; one guy pushed me to the wall which caused me to scream a bit. And that guy was holding my wrist tightly which caused bruises. And he looked at my fingers and started scratching it on the wall which was hurting like hell and gradually it started bleeding.

"How does it feel?" he asked with a smirk.

Another guy came forward and pushed my chin. "Hey girl, I ju-"

"Hey! Don't you dare to touch her. Leave her alone." I looked at the owner of the voice. I could barely see his figure as it was all dark. He started walking forward; he was wearing a mask.

"Why? Is she you girlfriend? Then she needs to pay us."

"Why does it even matter to you?"

He came forward fighting with all of them alone. His fighting skills were awesome. He punched all of them until they bleed and then came near me. But he got cuts in his arms and wrists too. I was staring at him and then the guy tightens the grip on my wrist and I screamed slightly as it was paining. That guy took out a gun and pointed on my head "Do anything and she dies" I heard him say, I was terrified and I was on a verge of breakdown. Never in my life have I faced this type of situation.

"Okay. I leave" He said.

And in a fraction of second the game turned and he kicked that guy and his gun fell; he picked it up and took my wrist. Threw the gun on him and started running with me.

"Don't look back" I could feel how serious he was.

A guy blocked our way and he was holding a piece of wood and was smirking. I gasped. That guy came to hit us and I felt arms around my body; he hugged me. The wood hit him and both of us fell on ground. His hands were securely holding my head saving me from getting hurt. He stood up infront of me .He fought with him. And as soon as he got a chance he grabbed my hand and he locked me inside his car. He got inside the driver's seat.

"Hyung. Take care of them." I heard him say. And he started driving. I was too shock to react to anything.

He stopped the car in a safe place; his face was still covered with a mask and he was wearing all black. He faced me.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"You sure? Give me your address and I'll drop you."

I nodded and gave him my address. When I looked at him; it reminded me of the gun from which I was likely to get shot; I felt like crying. It was all paining; I did cried; I hate being weak. He pulled me into a hug.

"Shh~ don't cry. It's obvious that you're scared and thanks a lot for being such a brave girl and listening to me." I nodded and his words made me cry harder. "I hate myself for being weak" I mumbled in a low voice but was enough for him to hear. He patted my head.

"You're not weak." I heard him say and little did I know I fell asleep in his arms.


I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes. "We reached." He was standing outside the car. I looked at my apartment and I was about to get out. I saw a band aid on my fingers; the ones which were bleeding earlier; due to scratching.

"I brought some medicines in case you feel weak and do take care of yourself and don't cry. And I also brought some chocolates if you like." He said me and gave me the meds and chocolates.

"But I don't even know you-"

"I know that you don't know me and I don't know you. Just think these as gifts. Just accept it." He said and was walking to driver's seat.

"But you too got injuries; let me dress up your wounds at least." I said.

"No need. Bye" his mask fell; he picked it up yet I couldn't see his face and he got inside the car and left. And I saw his car disappear. And I was standing until and unless his car totally disappeared in front of my sight

I didn't even have the chance to thank him or to ask his name

It's my first time writing here; being a writer; I don't want to disappoint you all. I hope you'll enjoy reading my fanfiction.

Do leave a review about this chapter.

Lots of love <3


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