

A free open world that has infinite possibilities will now be discovered?......

Error_9739 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

the plan

creator here yes epik so this chapter should atleast contain 2000 plus words so be ready see ya guys next time

(somehow this story I am making originally the views I got everyday is *average* is like 10 or so but just a few hours it blew up to 300 plus I'm more fired up now)

Kusho:now humans from otherworld are way more genius than all of you here how did they got Here? why did they not sending aircrafts if they're hacking skills are that advanced? it'd because they are preparing for the day you use your full force against them and they will have a surprise attack against you the 4 year endless battle will just truly begin heh

Leader3:you kiddo? you seem to be a genius like how did you know about them? only we four know that they are from other world

Kusho:you're all creations (and he did not said anything after that)

Leader3:creations we? huh...

Leader2 and 1:we creations we are no creations qe are genius that is picked and who created us!? no one!

Chara:you both shutup didn't you hear him? he already said what the enemy plans and those 4 years we almost used all our resource and our electricity is limited it can only last for atleast 10 years and if we use all of it for this all out war it can only last for atleast half a month or less our technology maybe advance but our electricity can't keep up with it so we need something cheep and reusable even if the machine is destroyed already anyone else have a plan? just speak up

Frisk: (as expected of miss Chara she's a genius not just in battlefield and also in plans!)

leader1:I do have one I can take care of the reusable mechanics since I'm the one that is expert here of machines

Chara:prepare as many as you can

leader1:how much we can do even a million

Chara:billion robots

Leader1:ugh oh uh well uh

Chara:just joking just do your best

Leader1:oh uh right away ma'am! now if you will excuse me

Chara:now leader two since your technology is about fixing or like making robots you have to assist leader1

Leader2:right away ma'am! (she really is so good!) now if you will excuse me

Chara:now you leader 3 since your the one who knows tactical formation atleast make a hundreds of dozens of plans so even if something happen there will be a backup plan anyways make all that plan will possibly happen and anyways don't treat those humans a weakling Allright?

Leader3:yes MA'AM! mow if you will excuse me

Chara:now you Frisk

Frisk:ye yes!?

Chara:just chill I won't shout on you or anything


Chara:you're work is to fire up the soldiers and train them and do your job

Frisk:yes! yes ma'am (with a sad face)

Chara:hmm...? and do your best best of luck

Frisk:(frisk smiled) yes! ma'am! now excuse me then

Chara:phew it's finally over can take my free time now

Kusho:you're a genius to think all that in just a glimpse an average person can't do that I can rell your iq is atleast on 200 myiq you say? around 120 to 130 its more likely builded up for plans and remembering things I rarely

Chara:no one cares about your story so just shutup and sleep

Kusho:ehhhh Allright ma'am

Chara:hmm what a refreshing day hey are you...he's asleep I gotta check the other guy huh?I can't move why is that

Kusho:it's soul overuse you can't move for a while if you use your magic too much

Chara:you how did you escape there

Kusho:what do you mean? I'm right here I N T H E C A G E

Chara:illusion? maybe it's because of that soul overuse thing (but it's impossible to be an illusion I feel a dark soul that has too much hatred to like fully made of hatred ima just sleep)

???:they're both seems to be asleep oh brother kusho you are so innocent and you do not know what will happen in the future well worry not im here besides you your big brother will protect you good night don't have nightmares *suddenly disappeard*

Kusho:was someone there? nah maybe I just don't had enough sleep and she's asleep? she's not there and where am I a bed? she's not here thought I'll just sleep it's comfortable here just like old days

Chara:what are yo- he's sleeping what do he mean by old days is he cold? why do I even care about him.....ugh I will just give him atleast a pillow *she opened the cage she heard a voice talking to Chara and rhe word was sister is that you? oh wow you came back with a present for me thank you *glitches* sister why did you leave me* wha-t?... what are those visions am I crying? can I atleast save this guy I I will do the right thing now I won't do that thing ever again I swear it..

ERROR404:heh that blackfigure thing inside kusho it's ominous that thing even seen through my perception hehe maybe that thing is also an omnipotent just like kusho? but they are both incomplete I will make they're challenges a little bit more harder now

(yooo thanks for 1k views)

omnisans:what you looking at?

ERROR404:this kid have a thing sealed inside him the figure seems to be kusho brother

omnisans:how interesting is that

Kusho:hmmm it's good to have another tommorow don't you think epic oh yeah we're separated from each other where am I this view seems to be different I see I'm in her bed I don't know why but I think alot happened when I am asleep? nah it's just me she's not here I still wear my prisoner clothes oh there's a note over there it says *you don't get out of the room I have leave your paintbrush so you won't get bored even if you try to escape its meaningless you can't destroy that door CHARA*so I can't leave after all well atleast I have this now I can entertain myself *a plan to bind her then I escape perfect* ( few hours later ) she's here now

Chara:I'm back!?

Kusho:ink bind

When kusho tried to escape Chara got broke up on the binding and didn't let Kusho escape

Chara:I'm not the main leader here for no reason you know

Kusho:oh yeah forgot she's strong

Chara:now go in the cage


Chara:what? I said go!


Chara:I'm angry now get in


Chara:you're persistent then I'll just tie you

Kusho:why in the bed thought? where are you gonna sleep?

Chara:we- well I have this sofa I will use it in the floor so can sleep

few minutes later

Kusho:uncomfortable isn't it? why not just sleep here besides me I can't do anything to you after all I'm tied up

Chara:in you're dreams

Kusho:you will get a cold if you stay there it's not good you know

Char:ugh fine

30 minutes later

Kusho:yes finally its complete ink replacement technique phew good to be alive well this chain's are still here thought I can ask epic to rip it off Allright epic wait for a little bit time

Epicsans:yo bruh your alive

Kusho:what happened to your hand!?

Epicsans:oh its my punishment

Kusho:what but that's too much

Epicsans:its okay let's just go

Kusho:Allright can you rip this chains off?


Epic summoned a mini blaster and tried to use his other hand

Kusho:your hand when did it grow?

Epicsans:oh didn't I said that I can rip off my parts and connect them again?

Kusho:-_- well let's just get out of here for now

Epicsans:by the way how will you save this au?

Kusho:I'll break the system

Epicsans:hey won't that kill all the people here?

Kusho:don't worry I'm using this thing ink gave me and if they die ima use this skill called revive it seems to be level up

Epicsans:level up just like games? maybe yo mean it just get stronger

Kusho:yep its that but this au it's different I tried it lately with a small piece of code it did not work maybe doing that will not be an option

Epicsans:what will you plan then don't worry I will be with you hey kusho I will teach you something its called breathing technique so it's simple you just take a deep breath then you fuse your wild imagination and make a technique it need enough strength thought I'll show you one

Kusho:hoho sure

Epicsans:btw it's in you if you use a blade or not then here I go *inhale deeply* moon breathing first form DARK MOON!

*slashslash slash slash*

Epicsans:so I take down atleast 100 of guards don't worry they are not dead with just one technique imagine how powerful it will be in other forms

Kusho:I think I got it

Epicsans:you do? then show me oh and anyways you can make a personal breathing technique that is made by yourself mine I copied it if you make one you might not notice the difference

Kusho:Allright then here I go

Guards:stop right there

Kusho:*inhales deeply* unknown technique first form dark slash

Epicsans:bruh how basic well dark slash seems to be a bit normal name and the technique is especially made for you

Kusho:did I do it?

Epicsans:yeah you put some magic into it?

Kusho:I did not why you ask?

Epicsans:well those burning can only be make if you put some magic maybe it's normal well anyways why are these blackflames not gone yet *a few seconds later* oh its gone but the thing it's burning seems to be gone with it atleast those guards is still alive they're asleep thought then let's go

Kusho:haha this world is so wide that I don't know most of the things in this world haha how exciting this world is

Epicsans:aren't it bruh? you still don't learned even 1 percent of it heh

Kusho:I can't wait to then this breathing I will call it death breathing

Epicsans:well for what reason?

Kusho:well in my power I can control death and revive and so death breathing who decided if my enemy should die or not

Epicsans:I see but it's not like you can kill people

Kusho:do I look I can't? guess you're not the only one

Epicsans:you're friends too huh


Epicsans:but hey look the outside is there we can finally be free

Kusho:this is where we separate

Epicsans:what do you mean bruh? we should be together

Kusho:here's the plan I will give you these things so we can contact each other so about the plan

Epicsans:are you planning to negotiate with them?


Epicsans:I see then let's do this

few minutes later epic is already in the enemy's base spying

Epicsans:I got here Kusho

Kusho:nice and the last step I have to negotiate with them you just keep spying don't get caught Goodluck

phone call off

Kusho:wait am I lost? uh nope I'm in the right track well I am here her room

Chara:where did you go? *she's pointing a blade*

Kusho:I want to help you not just leave this world without helping both the enemy's you and your allies need help I can help will you let me?

*sharp eye for real*

Chara:this sharp eye again Allright I will do it but you have to follow my orders

Kusho:such as?

Chara:following my orders and

Kusho:I already put my life on the line

Chara:*how did he*then it's decided your officially with us then follow me

Kusho:Allright you seem sad

Chara:What do you mean?

Kusho:you lost someone don't you someone that you love to your hearts content..?

Chara paused walking

Chara:do you know who are you talking to

she grabbed kusho's neck and cornered him in the wall

Kusho:o-o-ofcourse I know who I am talking to

Chara:I will make this pass but never speak about that again

Kusho:why do you want to forge-!

Chara:one more word and you're dead now shutup

Kusho:don't forge-

Kusho got smashed (guess that hurt I don't wanna feel that punch that's crazy)

Kusho:where am I? what is this place is that a canvas an empty canvas conveniently right for me

Guards:miss Chara if my calculations are right he can't hear us here or see us

Chara:good now summon a dummys that would attack him but don't make the puppets attack him until I said to attack it Allright?

Guards:yes ma'am

they summoned a puppet

Kusho:oh someone is there hmm? you don't have any emotions your a puppet? anyways I'm Kusho and you are?.... yeah your a puppet....hmmm...*an intent of killing!*

Chara:make it attack now!

Guards:yes ma'am! (the Guards clicked a button that make the dummy attack)

the dummy punched kusho dodge

Kusho:but ofcourse that's not all there is more so I have to fight you all huh? I don't want to kill but you guys don't have lives so I won't mind 2 options get ready here I go!

the dummys have a sword kusho dodge all the slash and kusho said death breathing 'first form would not work on these guys then new form!)

death breathing 2nd form! silent death you all are supposed to be judge death or alive the ones who is alive should be living the ones that are not are supposed to die *kusho said*

ends here