

A free open world that has infinite possibilities will now be discovered?......

Error_9739 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


the next day





the next day

Epicsans:hey kusho wake up we have to go now or else they will leave us behind

Prisoners:yeah you better wake up or else we're leaving you here

Kusho:let's go then


prisoner1:so here is the plan you two will be the ones free other prisoners and we will distract the police so you can free them all alright?

Epicsans:*I don't have a good feeling about this*Allright! let's go

kusho and epic run to free the other prisoners

Epicsans:you noticed it right?

Kusho:yeah they are traitors then why even listen to them in the first place?

Epicsans:let's just do our job for now bruh act like ninja


they both freed the other prisoners silently well after they free the prisoners it's not silent anymore

Epicsans:tsk as I expected they did not negotiate with these people they don't even have a plan

a blade almost hit epic

Epicsans:*shivering* b-b-bruh can we just talk about this?

guards:hands up



Epicsans:so where is the big ball that is supposed to hit them?

Kusho:what what big ball? *shiver* bruh nooo I got your habit

Epicsans:that's not what we should worry for now RUN!!

and yes


Epicsans:they are traitors AAAWAAAAA RUN KUSJO RUNN!!

both hides in a room

Epicsans:are we safe now?

Kusho:shhh they will notice us


they stayed in that room and in that room has a box which where they hide they stayed for 20 mins

Epicsans:Allright it seems that they are not here anymore I do not hear them wait why did light turned on? *shiver* bruh

Kusho:just don't be noisy look there is a hole there try looking

Epicsans:why it had to be me bruh

Kusho::/ ima go then


Kusho:hmm on top of this box I see uh a doll?

and infront is it's a girl with a bow

the bow shooted it strikes they're box good thing no one got hit

Epicsans:uahhhh *fainted*

Kusho:bruh hey epic wake up there's a dog look

Epicsans:what where's the dog is it doggy?

epic sans stand up and then revealed on where they are hiding

Epicsans:is that girl wait SHES FRISK KUSHO RUN


Epicsans:no its yours YOU SAID THERE WAS A DOG

Both:uahhhhh run

Frisk:.....?who are they wait I remember they are the escapist they seem to get they're weapons then why are they not fighting back doest matter I have to get them *shooted a gun a laser gun*


Frisk:both of you stop right there HANDS UP


Epicsans:hey kusho have any plans how to leave this situation

Kusho:yes just follow me

Epicsans:hope it's not bad bruh

Kusho:look whose talking

Frisk:shut up both of you

Kusho:wait ma'am let us explain

Frisk:alright I'll give you 5 minutes now explain

Kusho:Allright so uh were here because uh were from uh

Frisk:what? I can't understand you

Frisk get closer

ye i deleted the old because it suck for the storyline

Kusho:why so close?

Frisk:I'm checking you both Allright you both are checked

Epicsans:phew were safe now kusho well will you escort us to our jail?

Frisk:no you will come with me


Epicsans:what? wait no no no I thought we will go to that jail

Frisk:you will not ask why? because you two have thee ability to escape and even save everyone that is I'm the jail

Kusho:but we did not mean to were just

Frisk:no excuses

Epicsans:bruh I hope I did not go to this au

Kusho:same this is even my first time and my first au I got arrested for no reason

Frisk:shutup I will take you both to a lie detector test if you're saying is true

Kusho:epic we will have a chance yoooo

Epicsans:yes bruh thought we gonna die here

Frisk bringed them to a room there is chara and only her and a button with a Mike yep literally lie detector test just a little bit advanced

Chara:is it them?

Frisk:*stands up straightly* Yes! mam

Chara:Allright bring them here

Kusho:bruh is this a lie detector test? suddenly bruh what is this is this lust no no epic give a box or something

Epicsans:here what you gonna do with it thought?

Kusho:I don't like feeling lust so instead I do this *buaghhhhhh* agh that's better

Epicsans:ew what is that why are you doing that is it because you don't like lust? but why do that it just lust almost every man like it

Kusho:well I don't

Epicsans:you're wierd in your own ways bruh

Chara:you two shutup you guys talk too much just st here

kusho and epic taken their seats well kusho is besides chara and epic is besides frisk

Kusho:can I know why do we have to be besides you two?

Chara:no questions just answer what we're questioning on both of you

Epicsans:okay bruh

Chara:first question where are the two of you from?

Kusho:*crack*can we answer different questions instead

Epicsans:*why s the first question already want to know where we come from*

Chara:no answer it or you both die

Kusho:from my home

Chara:.... I'm not joking ANSWER ME

Epicsans:bruh ahahahahahahahha nice one kusho

Frisk:you shut up

Epicsans:yes yes mam

Chara:ugh dammit next question what kind of power are you possessing you kusho guy you go first

Kusho:Allright I can do magic

Chara:are you stupid or something were not here for jokes ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL KILL YOU now you epic guy your no epic remember that

Epicsans:oh okay bruh so my power is magic too

Chara:I had enough ill take them to my home and I will punish them

Kusho:maybe my armor will help?

Epicsans:what armor?

Kusho:like this uaaaahahahahhahauueuueuee9duoddhbdbddnkd pikaboo

Chara:were not here for jokes come with me *dammit idont know why but I can't risk killing them is it because they did nothing? and they are good people*

Kusho:we can help you...


Kusho:we can help you delete them in existence

Chara:you're joking

Kusho: am not trust me *he said it with a sharp eye*

Chara:there's no on- *those eyes he's serious others might not know but I can tell* Allright I will consider it

Kusho:another chance another day

Epicsans:yes were safe for now anyways m sent here to save this au how about you kusho? did inksans send you here?

Kusho:well actually he's my friend and ths is my first time traveling au and this is the au I choosed somehow

Epicsans:fate maybe?

Kusho:I'm sorry but I'm the one who makes my own fate

Chara:making your own fate? it's impossible

Kusho:it is possible

Chara:fool now go there

Epicsans:atleast this box is way more comfortable

Chara:now you get out there kusho

Kusho:what where are yo taking me? what what

Epicsans:don't worry kusho I will be fine heh

Kusho:okay *m worried on myself not about him he's stronger than me* so where are you taking me

Chara:on my room

Kusho:what why your room well atleast put a cover i dont want to see anybody body anyways I consider be in dark

Chara:no a cctv will always watch tou 24/7 your dangerous that's why I have to separate you from him were here now get in there

Kusho:Allright I'm in anyways how many people did you already killed?

Chara:I did not kill them

Kusho:just answer me

Chara:who do you think you are for me to answer you?

Kusho:you killed 5857 of them you know the reason why more come and come?

Chara:what do you mean

Kusho:they comeback because alot died because of that war there are also humans connected from this world from other world they die here 6 times they die real life.... you did not know it do you?

Chara:*what then I killed atleast*

Kusho:that six times they got revived are the chances they have they feel the pain 6 times just fighting for others and that 1 hour after that one hour cooldown they're characters that they possess will just keep killing like that they did do to they're original but you know what's worst? they're soul is stuck in that character of theirs and they still feel the pain that they don't want

Chara:shutup they did it first were just fighting for ourselves

guards:ma'am you have to go now the talking of the plan will begin

Chara:ima just stay here i will use the monitor to talk to them instead

Guards:Allright best of luck

Kusho:I will watch here then

Chara:just don't annoy us and shutup

rhe monitor begins to open and there are 4 different people one of them is Frisk (and because I'm lazy the other 3 I will call them leader 1 leader2 leader3)

Leader1:Allright we shall begin our talk about the plan

the other 4 nods

Leader1:so everyone here has their own plan for the war and that war we shall win that over and we can't lose no matter what so starting from my plan we can make a hundreds of aircrafts and the enemy has only weapons and we also created for defense robots they are automatically doing they're job

Leader2:can't there be other way you know that they're hacking skills are way more advanced than us even thought we have more advanced robots to fight for us how about this we make a pit that make them fall and we will use leader1 aircrafts if they make a bridge qe will use his aircrafts to shoot them and break they're bridge *heh I'm sure the main Leader miss Chara will b-*

Kusho:hahaha that's all you can think of? your a leader but the first guy plan was better than yours haha you know that they hacking skills are way more advance than yours and what will you use to do that bridge aren't it mechanics you using your brain or something?

Leader2:shutup no one cares about your opinion!

Kusho:now humans from otherworld are way more genius than all of you here how did they got Here? why did they not sending aircrafts if they're hacking skills are that advanced? it'd because they are preparing for the day you use your full force against them and they will have a surprise attack against you the 4 year endless battle will just truly begin heh

chapter 3 ends here