

A free open world that has infinite possibilities will now be discovered?......

Error_9739 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

3 days..

let's do some preview in the future shall we?

around 10-30 years

Kusho:there is supposed to no one dictate all these aus they all should live a happy life and I can't afford to just stand there and watch all of them dying

Error404:its not like you can do anything about it

Nightmaresans:shall we finish him for you sir?

Error404:yeah go on

Kusho:I'm here just to get dust sans and six bones

NIghtmaresans:I'm sorry but I can't afford that to

Shattereddream:let's go brother

Nightmaresans:Allright brother here we go

that's all for the preview ye it's spoiler but it makes me excited so I just put it there so I can't forget


after a few hours

Kusho:*intense inhale exhale* well that was tiring *kusho's knees has given up* I'm glad I took that 3 year training with sans and undyne haha my knees won't move I have been fighting these guys for a few hours

piles of dummys

Guards:what do we do now ma'am? should we send more?

Chara:no thats enough for now *we only have 3 days left before the war begins* let him rest for a few hours then I will fight him myself

Guards:where are you going to ma'am?

Chara:ima go talk to the leaders just watch him carefully you have seen his skill right don't underestimate him

Kusho:well that was quite tiring hmm? oh epic its you

Epicsans:so yeah the attack will happen in 3 days bruh are they ready for the attack?

Kusho:yeah they are ready

Epicsans:where are you right now thought I can't detect your location

Kusho:I'm somewhere in their base challenging me later on I will be out of here the Chara in this au will have battle with me haha I'm dead anyways new good news I got my second form

Epicsans:really that's good bruh I want to see it myself next time we'll gotta go

Kusho:Allright *phone sound off* oh a water for me? thanks

Guards:haha it will make you sleep for days you know haha now miss Chara will think he was so weak that his body gave up hahahaha

Kusho:*drink the water kusho knows what's the effects are okay* ha that was really tasty I never know such water existed but yeah I will sleep for 1 day or so I only have 10 seconds before I sleep my vision is blurry its getting more blurry 5 more seconds.... 3...2...was time ever this slow?1...*knockdown ding ding ding*

Guards:now he will no longer be able to fight hahaha?... he's standing but he's asleep? maybe it's because he was standing before he got sleep

1 hour later

Guards:he's feet are not giving up he's standing like that for atleast a few hours wait miss Chara will be here soon

Chara:I'm here open the gate

Guards:miss Chara yes ma'am! wait miss Chara

Chara:what is it?

Guards:he seems to be asleep maybe he can't fight?

Chara:you worried about him? well worry not he might be acting by now

Guards:*but we he might*

Chara:don't worry he's stronger than all of you maybe stronger than me

Chara fast forward and ready to slash the unconscious kusho kusho got slashed in half with his blood all over [ERROR]

Chara fast forward slashed kusho in half all his blood over the floor [ERROR]

this cycle repeated for 100000000 times until

Chara fast forward slashed kusho kusho blocked her attack and ready to fight they fighted kusho killed Chara [ERROR] all this loop is happening right now back to Kusho's pov

Kusho:where am I why do things just transfer me to other place to another place but this one seem different it's all black pure black but somehow there are still lights maybe that white color is the one that lights this up

Dark:oh hello visitor you seem new here let me introduce myself I'm dark

Kusho:oh hi dark my name is

Dark:Kusho is it? oh I'm sorry for my rudeness interrupting when someone is speaking

Kusho:oh oh its okay don't worry about it haha anyways where are we

Dark:this is a dark void this is where I live in

Kusho:oh so you call this home?

Dark:well I can do anything I want here just for example I'll make a tree

A tree formed

Kusho:ohh that's pretty cool how did you do that?

Dark:didn't I just explain?

Kusho:oh oh yeah sorry sorry hehe

Dark:I can teach you some things if you want to

Kusho:well you look like really you look like a copy of me well maybe I can't trust a copycat

Dark:well uh about that I'm no copycat I'm just in this form because I'm in you're sub conciusnes

Kusho:oh I see then please teach me

Dark:well alright

anyways Peter Higgs the guy that discover God particle if you don't know God particle is a particle that if you can control it you can do anything you want anyways ima change it a bit I will call it dark particle

Dark:okay so this skill is called Dark Particle so dark particle is made by using your soul power to activate it and your life energy to make it work

Kusho:why life energy? can't I just do it with my soul power after all life energy and magic power is connected to each other so why then?

Dark: here let me explain life energy is your life force for example everyone has their own age limit and the average is 80 years old so when your 80 years old your life energy has reached its limit actually that is the best way humans can die since you can't feel even a glimpse of a pain but there are also different worlds who don't use life energy as their gas so they can engine themselves there are other that only created without a soul and has only one goal for example a guy was created just to defend this gate like that is the example who don't have life force that are created without souls and also a there is a world that where soul do not exist instead its called heart

Kusho:is that a heart shape thing

Dark:its far from that it looks like this and it make blood to flow through your body well they always developed life-force with that thing actually you have one just besides your soul


Dark:no its here

Kusho:well we already know the basic how about this Dark particle

Dark:oh yeah at your current strength I can only teach you how to summon small things


Dark:oh yeah I forgot that you have this copy skill its a strong skill more likely if you fused it with this thing

Kusho:I can be rich with that haha

Dark:don't use it for bad thing will you?


Dark:yeah I know you can do it like this but actually to the basics for now your still not strong to handle this we will do basics for now hmm so the first basic is soul magic which is you already know now we go to the life force oh yeah you did not feel your life force flowing in you did you here let me unlock it

Dark touched kusho in the back and then a sudden breeze comes

Dark:*breathed deeply* OPEN! there that should do it do you feel it now?

Kusho:haha this is amazing just look

Dark:hey hey chill for now

Kusho:oh oh yeah right sorry

Dark:so try breaking this stone with your bare hands

Kusho:Allright here I go...?

Dark:you did not even tried well that's good now try punching me no actually just attack me with all your might

Kusho:but you might

Dark:got hurt? who do you think you're talking to I'm the one teached you that

Kusho:Allright then

Kusho punched Dark kusho thought that he punched him but it's an illusion was it? another punch came in punch after punch and punch after punch u til kusho reached his limits

Dark:good that's enought for now now to shutdown it just breath deeply and then close the walls that is connected to your lifeforce

Kusho:I did it but it's complicated anyways can I know who are you really?

Dark:well dark is my name

Kusho:you're a girl aren't you?

Dark:well uhh about that WELL THATS ALL FOR TODAY GOODBYE!

Kusho:*kusho waked up to reality where Chara is infront of him and ready to slash* oh I wak-?! AH WHAT THE *Kusho blocked Chara attack*

Chara:as expected you were just acting

Kusho:what acting oh yeah acting it's not acting I just suddenly waken up and then this happened well they gave me sleeping water so I thought when I drink it you will not attack me guess I'm wrong

Chara:I have no time for talks fight me already

Kusho:well if that's what you want be ready to cry

Chara:who do you think I am?

Chara go forward ready to swing 1...2...3 death breathing first form death slash *I'll put some life force to it kusho said and then slash* the slash hit Chara

Chara:whatever type of magic you use against me it won't work this blade is made of the strongest metal and it even have folded ten thousand times just to make this it's *Chara raised her sword she is using it for shield* it's *impossible I know it's impossible for this blade to be broken but why do I feel fear change plan I will repell it back to him instead* *she tried to but her sword was broken and the slash go through her sword and after the sword reached the wall a big explosion happened that it make a hole*

Chara:i-i-impossible how such a basic skill can destroy this sword and this sword was made by him you

Kusho:did I overdo it? I was just trying to use this with a simple slash and this sword did not even handled that attack I did not even had the chance to use the dark particle

Chara:*turns ragemode*

Kusho:uh you okay? did I hurt you or something*Kusho get closer*come I will take a look at i-!?

with an amazing speed of slash kusho almost did not feel it

Kusho:what speed if I didn't somehow dodge that I will be in real trouble her face its changing *cringggg* oh hey epic

Epicsans:kusho becarefull that power its called hate its a type of power that every aus are scared of be- [ERROR]

ERROR404:sorry but I can't let you say that I want to see what will kusho do heh

Kusho:hey epic are YOU OKAY? ANSWER ME HEY! guess it's just me now I can't kill her I can even barely see her moves if I use dark particle it won't work since it can only make things make things? did dark noticed that it can make infinite energy well that will be cheating but did he? well worth a try analysis dark particle can be used every 5 minutes it can last the infinite life force for atleast 1 minute is it enought to beat her? shouldn't say negative things I have to do this Dark particle Infinite Life force activate

hah it worked then the things left is defeating her without killing her

Chara go forward kusho at an unimaginable speed

Kusho:what is this? it's like I'm seing her in slow motion? so this is the full power of my life force? no I don't think it is the full potential somehow I just feel my power growing and growing more I have to end this my body won't be able to move after this skill how did I know? it's simple it's just like soul overuse ha now here I go

Kusho go forward a fast slash from Chara kusho blocked it an intense battle begun they fight till they are tired after a few seconds later kusho finally found an opening

Kusho:Okay! here I go neck slap *dark particle off* ha exactly on time what bad luck I I not even have the chance to ah I'm dead

Guards:sleeping gas button go

Kusho:sleeping gas *intense inhale*you know why he did that okay?

Guards:now go open get miss Chara

Kusho:I can move a little now atleast the effect of paralization is not as soul overuse its just physical then I need to exercise more huh well I have to get out of here and end this war this au should have an amazing ending wait it's okay to ruin the story right? well it doesn't matter anymore I will make a portal to epic *created a portal* Hey e-p-ic

Epicsans:we were too late

an enormous amount of soldiers and planes was getting out of the enemy base

Kusho:we have to stop them here we can't let more casualties happen

Epicsans:if it's just both of us it'd be suicide and look they're leader seems to be infront he's strong he's not scared even if he's the one that is in the most danger place kusho planning to attack them with only two of us is suicide I know that you wanna save this au but we can't do it

Kusho:it's not like I can't do anything for them this au should live a happy life I can't just stand there and see people dying infront of me but hey you have enough time to request help from inksans this is not a battle only us can do but we have friends don't we?

Epicsans:well I'll leave you here survive bruh or else I'll follow you even to heaven

Kusho:haha I will *kusho go forward to the enemies and he started fighting them*

Epicsans:then I will have to go as quick a- what is this sensation I feel like if I do one wrong move I can die anytime but I have cheat death it's impossible for me to die *epic look at his back* what someone is no one is here but I swear I sensed someone ugh I shouldn't wait too much time *he got in the portal*

???:well that was close did not think my brothers friend would be someone such strong as him my power I just convert it all to sensation so I'm at my weakest form and even kusho he's already fighting incredibly but it's not even 1 percent of his true power I should go too it would be bad if I got spotted but this is not the time yet for me to help you kusho you have to do all this on your own for now...*he look up and smiled a demonic smile*

ERROR404:heh as expected he knows that I'm here what a powerful being he is and yet he isn't even close to his fullest power let's just say a clock has 24 hours but in his power he only move a 0.002 seconds you still have a long way to go and for your request you do not want me to watch you right? then I will stop it at once

it ends here anyways thx for the 2.11 k sheeesh