

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: Killed The Creepy old guy for Good


"Art is an Explosion"

-         Deidara


4th day| Kuroko household]


After the events yesterday

Kuroko then goes back to his house as his mother is nagging him to return home with mental link

After Eating dinner and showering he then sleeps to wake up early in the morning.

Kiritsugu then called him (yes he has phone)

And told him about the success and the banquet that will happen tomorrow.

After which Hanten told him to send his servant to battle with berserker

Of course he told her who berserker is

Such is why she steeled herself for the upcoming fight

"How would you bait Berserker out?" Kiritsugu said

"Don't worry he will show up tonight, make sure that saber fights him off as I will end his masters life"

"I see then goodluck" after that the call is cut.

He then stretch his hand upwards

"I guess its time then" he sighed readying his entrance to the matou residence tonight.




|Timeskip|Almost night

Kirei PoV

His servant gave information that Caster and his Master was killed by An unknown person

"I see, Try to scout that house where the light was found"*kirei

"I tried Master, I even tried to infiltrate the house

Yet no matter what I do I cant seem to penetrate through"* Assasin

"Very well, just scout its surroundings and make sure to find who is inhabiting the house"*Kirei

[Hanten is so good at manipulating light and sound waves that assassin himself thought that no one leaves and enters the house due to the  illusion]


It seems that tohsakas plan is falling down due an unknown variable in the shadows

But he didn't care about that now

As the he will end Tohsakas life by the kings orders

Though the king is graceful enough to give him a cryptid clue.

"He who carries light and darkness to the never-ending spiral of beyond" "An eye that reflects a singularity and a mind that signifies the infinite macrocosm" is what the king said.

Though it seems to be an insane ramblings of an insane human ..


Its not

But rather the one who spoke it was the First hero which meant that his words might have a meaning..


I finally left the king


After that I heard a sound of a gunshot..

I immediately bolted into the sound..

|Fuyuki Church|another branch|

The church?

I Then entered GODS santuary

And found my father bleeding holding his chest

He seems to be in agony screaming…



Father Risei then sees me


"Help me"

I then sense his magic circuits in different directions that what they are supposed to be

Must be the cause of his agony

I resisted to Smile at this

Ahhh pain it feels really good on other is what kirei is thinking right now

And he stop resisting and finally smiled.

"Why are you smiling, hurry up and heal me!!" his father told him

Yet he did not move a bit on his position

"A-aughh" he cough blood.

After a while the struggle stop

And he sees his father lifeless in front of him.

"Ahh im sorry oh great god but  I can't  stop seeing others suffer"

Truly sadistic…

He then seen a paper on the side of his father lifeless body.

He then move to pick it up

After this he grin and called his Servant to get ready soon after he is done from his assassination of Tohsaka to a certain location…


Another PoV

Tokiomi PoV


After racking my brains on how to win this war to get the 3rd magic to better my Bloodline Position in the Mages Association.

"Ungrateful Archer, he already knows that I'm the one who summoned him into this world" he ranted on his uncooperative servant who instead treats him as the servant.

When he was about to enter His servants place

He then felt something piercing his chest

"Aghh" he then see a hand going through his chest as he then cough blood

He then heard a familiar voice

"I apologize but your servant itself wants you to die" that's what heard before he died…

"D-damn you Kirei I-I always knew"

His final words before his soul goes back to the root ..



PoV ends|

After Kirei's assassination of Tohsaka he then goes to the golden king

After that the king bestowed his command seal to himself..



We go back to our Main character

He seems to be stretching on a tall building


|Hanten PoV|


Finally I have been waiting for this

I then use my Mystic eyes

And look through the insides of the Matou residence

And as I Expected

I found the old mam

"Eww" I seen so many crawling creatures pile up together into one person along with the house being an infestatiom  to this thing.

I then look at the basement

And god

Its much worse..

"blegh, disgusting!!" I was really tempted to blast the place to oblivion

But i stopped myself

I then tried to find someone

A purple haired girl


"Found her" I then x-rayed through her body and found life's that are not supposed to be there I then look at the biggest pulsating lifeforce that's on her heart.

I was angry for three reasons

Angry to what zouken did to her body,

Angry to his father that just traded her with no remorse

And Angry at myself for not saving her earlier when I got my powers.

I then sense Tohsaka and found him dead with a hole in his chest.

"Looks like the priest did his thing huh."

Kiritsugu will take care of him so I just focused on my task

"Mission Start"

Hanten then disappeared..


|Kiritsugu PoV|

|Random abandoned Park in Fuyuki4

I readied my Rifle and send Irisviel to Hanten's house

As it is the most protected base in this place

I left her there so that I can carry saber with me.

I then seen Maiya on a high building ready to Assassinate the priest during our fight.

I then heard a rustling sound

After turning back I finally sees him

An Eye that looks similar to my own

At the same time we also hunt maguses

That's why I deemed him as rival.

"Your finally here" as I ready my gun.

"Of course" the priest said while smiling

"Lets finish this" as both of them move towards each others direction

Kiritsugu then shoots his gun

But Kirei just deflected with his black keys

They then got close and hit each other

With Kiritsugu dodging Kirei's Black keys

And Kirei dodging and tanking Kiritsugu's

Bullets and dagger strikes that was reinforced.

But Kiritsugu is getting pushed back

He knew that he would lose in close combat quarters due to the Priest unique martial Arts called bajiquan.

So he retreated back and shot a hail of bullets at him but the priest just dodge it all.

So he then use his Emiya crest ability

"Time alter, Double accel" after Kiritsugu said this time seems to slow to him and then rapidly loaded his gun with origin bullets and then move around the priest shooting  him with his bullets in circle.

He then stops his time accel making his perception go back to normal

After this the priest was pierce by the origin bullets in the different parts of his body.

Making his magic circuits go haywire

But even to this he did not flinch

He kept on fighting Kiritsugu without holding back and almost killed him

But Maiya immediately saves him by shooting the priest with heavy anti tank bullets which separates his head to his body.

"Finally" Kiritsugu then sigh and called his servant saber

It seems that she was overwhelm in numbers and was saved by the boys information and keep up with the servant long enough without lasting damage and for her master to kill the master of assassin.

They then move In the inner parts of the city as they sense the released of berserker.


After reaching the place they then see a figure that's seems to exude a black fog which hides its existence

But saber already knew who it is

Kiritsugu and Maiya then goes far away as they knew that this is her fight

"Sir lancelot can you hear me?" Saber no Artoria tried to reason with one of his most trusted knights.

"Aaaaaarrrrrrttttthhhuuuuuurrrr!!!!" but instead she heard him shout her name in rage instead

"Please I don't want to hurt you" as the king of knights hand shivered and stopping herself from tearing up.

He then growled her name at her direction and immediately bolted into her.

She was left with no choice.

"Im sorry" she said and also move into berserkers direction

And they started fighting

The King and his knight..



|Hanten PoV|

|Matou residence|


I then move to the Matou mansion

And entered the place by tunneling ignoring all bounded fields in the place.

I then Phase through the walls and shocked the purple haired girl though its only a glint in her eyes as it immediately go back to its dull color.

There was only a silence

Until the girl spoke nervously.

"U-umm what are you doing here big brother(?)" she then shivered hoping that his grandpa did not sense the Man.

"Do you want to go out of this place?" I said to the girl.

"B-but Grandpa Said that I cannot go outside" she nervously said.

"Don't you want to see the world?

It has many beautiful things you know

Oceans reflecting lights creating kaleidoscope

Patterned flower fields

And snowflakes

Just imagine them. Beautiful right?

So just hold my hands

You will be out of this decrepit place to another one where you are not hurt by your grandpa and out of those crawling things" he then reached his hands to her

Sakura for the first time felt her heart flutter

He then sees the man along with his hands like a light.

He then remembered his explainations

And shivered at the mentioning of the "crawly" things.

But she then started tearing up

Ohh  how much she waited for this

Someone saving her from this place.

"C-Can I?" She said not sure if the man will truly give her what she wants.

"Of course, you just need to hold my hands" Hanten said

She then reach out and touch his hands after which she immediately fell asleep due to Hanten forcing her brain to sleep, using his great control over matter he move the neurons on her brain to certain places which immediately lets someone sleep.

Hanten then held Sakura in his hands and tunneled back to his home

Immediately after tunneling he  was greeted by the sight of Tiamat and Irisviel talking

They seem to resonate with each other and giggling

Maybe because they are Mothers except one is a goddess.

They then see him and then look at the girl.

Tiamat broke the silence

"Son Is she the one?"

"Yes" I then use my quantum tunneling and let all the worms phase through her body and fall to the ground I also fix the damage that was given to her by these creatures and even restoring her hymen.

Tiamat then immediately Erase the worm creatures along with the crest worm itself

"Disgusting" his Mother said while her face is scrunched up.

She then told him to erase that place so that no one will suffer any more to these horrid creatures to which he nodded

"Please take care of her Mom" he said as he was about to leave.

"Don't worry son, just blast that place into oblivion for your Mothers sake" Tiamat said

"Just watch the explosion" He said before immediately tunneling to where Kariya is..

He seems to be in agony and half of his face seems to pulsed.

He then took of his mask and told him.

"I can save her" his charismatic and charming voice was heard by Man

"Who?" he then look at the Man

He is so handsome that he almost died just from seeing his face it then told him.

"I can save sakura"

"H-how aghhhh!!" he screams in agony as the agitated worms eats up his insides

Kariya then said while crying

"Please save her, She have suffered enough I don't want to see her like that again, no more!" he pleaded as he slowly dies from the worms stealing his lifeforce

"Don't worry I habe already took her out of the mansion, She is in a safe place."

"T-thank you S-sir, im sorry sakura I cannot see you one last time" Kariya said as he slowly turns into a husk of himself.

"Please kill me I don't want the worms to burst outside my body, please give this old man his rest" as he seems to bloat

"Very well" Hanten then erased his body slowly starting with all the worms.

"Thank you" was the Matous final words.

At the same time Saber then plunge his holy sword into his trusted knight Lancelot.

Tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Im sorry"

Lancelot in his last days regain his thinking and smiled after then he dissipate into nothingness.




Hanten then move on to the Matou house again this time showing up infront of Zouken which seems to pulsate due to the lost of two host.

"yOU! wHo ArE You?" The old man said.

But he did not answer and just said

"You know I would have tortured you if not for you being a cock-roach(fun fact: the worms looks like Male genitals don't ask how I know this) at the same time im disgusted by this place, so be grateful" Hanten said.

He then lets out his mana to the atmosphere after which it expanded with its speed exponentialy getting faster and coated the whole world

The citizens around the globe was then confused when the atmosphere turn purple.

The maguses on the other hand are panicking as they can sense the distortions in space.

Hanten then Gathered all his mana back on a single point in one of his finger.

After which he combined his mana to his control over the fundamental force

Specifically the Strong nuclear force

He tried to create as much atoms in his fingers and then collide them with each other after, he then coated it with his mana

That means the resulting atomic explosion will pierce the higher dimension.

He made sure to create a wall of 4th dimensional construct around the residence and also a certain kilometers on the ground.

He then started saying a familiar line from an anime in his past life

He spoke it in english with a japanese accent.

















The resulting explosion is so catastrophic that it even punctured holes through each and every Textures of Gaia until it was immediately closed.

A Giant mushroom that seems to dwarf the whole japan then appeared and pierce the  Ionosphere but it seems that it did not destroy any infrastructures.

Instead they just felt the shake and the waves of winds and dust which circle the whole world and broke almost all the glasses and windows around the globe with the exception of his home.

After the explosion we can see Hanten I  the middle of a giant hole that pierces through the mantle.

The Matou residence was immediately erased from reality and the house near the residence seems to be puddles of molten lava

He underestimated his attack and almost destroyed the world there but he continously created 4th dimensional construct to keep the excess energy from leaking

The supposed 4th dimensional construct he made to fasten the underground was immediately Shattered until he noticed it and also continuously made the dimensional constructs to stop boring a hole through the planet.



"I really need to hold back more" he sweated at the untold destruction he created.


Pls review, comment and gib stones ;-;