

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: A coincidence


Happy mothers day to everyones mothers!!!

When I wrote this I didn't know that its actually mothers day until I see the social media.


"A mother's Love is more beautiful than any fresh flower"

-Debashish Mridha


Hanten cannot explained the situation he was in

"I finally found you,  I tried to escape that place to make sure I cant return yet no matter what I do it is useless

So instead your mother made a plan and create a vessel for herself to manifest using the throne of heroes

How about it! Your mother is very intelligent right?" the Loli(?) Said while Poking his cheeks and hugging his sides

"Um, Ok? But who are you?" he Said

Due to his question the loli(?) Pouted

"Mhmm, How could you forget about your mother" As she streches his cheeks

"Ow ow ow ow! Bwut I welly dot nou?(But I really don't know?)"

The loli then sighed

"Do not forget about me again son

My Name is "Tiamat" The Primordial Goddess of the sea

I Manifest here as the class alter ego

Are you happy?" as the loli smiled.

He then remembers about the Fgo Arcde and The collabs.

"Thank you for manifesting Tiamat" he said

"Mhmm, don't call me Tiamat call me Mother instead" she pouted

"W-Well then Thank you for answering my summon M-mother" he nervously said

Tiamat then nodded

"That's better:

After the introduction of Tiamat they finally entered back home and she immediately requested to cook the food which Hanten did not refuse.


But the light pillars earlier was not left unnoticed.



|Various PoV|

After the light show Hanten made

It was not left unnoticed by the others

So they started to scout the place either by themselves or their familiars


Kayneth PoV

"Did you find the cause of that light?"his wife sophia questioned him.

"No, But my familiars are already scouting the area."

 Its not that they've not seen a light pillar before but rather the effects of this one is a bit scary

"The Air itself distorted when we saw it earlier" Sophia said

"Its not just"

No, rather Space itself was twisted

Kayneth thought while sweating

"Who could output such power in this age?" he wondered

The atmospheres mana is degrading due to the lack of mystery as humanity discovered the truth of existence.

Such is why Magics from the past cannot be replicated but instead was downgraded into magecraft

Same situation was put upon the Supernatural beings

Gods and Phantasmal creatures either died like the dragon Albion or Retreated to the Reverse side of the world

They can't also not mind the fact that many weird events was happening around the globe.

The Antartic plateau Almost melting.

Giant stunamis near the antartica and spreading over countries thats near Sea.

Hawaii's Volcano Kilaueia Seemingly Stops Spilling lava.

It was not mind by the mage's association or the supernatural in general until

The event in New Zealand happened.

That's the time when they take it seriously

All the Lords and nobles and other supernatural related people gathered to discuss about it.

Trying to find who the culprit is

Yet they seem to not find their clues

[If Hanten Sees them during the gathering he would have laugh is ass out.]

So the association remains vigilant and made sure to Find clues on Someone or maybe something that caused all this

Why did they thought that the culprit is the same?

Some Nobles are connected to modern technologies

Such is why they have a tidbit of information on the situation

What they found on satellites made them confused even more

There is seemingly something moving faster than even the satellite could image


They found a little clue

It it made all the magus say "absurd"

There seems to be after images but it cant be traced due to the really small pixels

the person(?) In the image seems to be wearing somekind of black suit

It also has black hair

But that's all they can find

Nothing else

Even if they try to use these clues to find it

Many people in the world have similar characteristics.

After the discussions

They then see the Lord of the Astromancy Marisbury Animusphere trying to Explain his discovery on space

"Though my Discovery Is not connected to the Global Situation I feel the I need to tell you what I have discovered"Lord Animusphere said in his special seat that's made for The lords along with his daughter Olga Marie at the back.

He then explains more.

"During my space Mapping I have detected Gravity waves along with unknown light source that seeming comes from somewhere"

"And how will that help us in this situation" one of the lords said

"Nothing. But, I have found where it originated" Marisbury said

All the other lords snorted but after the next sentence they all panicked.

"It seems to be near our Biggest gas giant Jupiter"

"What?" all of them shocked by the information

"From what ive found Its some kind of star presumably similar to our sun,

But we don't have to worry as it seemingly disappeared short after it sends the light rays along with the gravitational waves so we do not have to worry about lasting damages to the solar system"

But then Marisbury said something that made them all Frown

"what we have to be worried about is


Who can easily snuff out a star

No! scratch that how is there even a star near Jupiter

Marisbury does not even know

Is it a person, an alien, or maybe a GOD

We will never know..

|Kayneth PoV ends|

We move to another PoV

|Archer PoV|

When the king was summoned in the war

He immediately frowned at the mongrel that tried to use command spells to control him

How dare a mongrel tried to control this king

If he is not bound by the stupid rules of this war he would have executed him for his impudence

But he didn't as he still has uses

"You? My Master?

Your but a disappointment

You have a choice to wish for anything yet you choose this?"

His Contractor Is trying to win this war so that he can use this  Kings belongings.

"Hmp, your not even fit to wield just a simple gold on my treasury yet you dare to Try and touch the grail and also use it not for yourself"

after all the king is a selfish man

he owns all treasury in the world

and made sure to use it all for himself

so for him his master is just a dog following his ancestors work.

After his rant his Dissapointing Master that was kneeling before him finally left the Place he is in.

After that he called the priest and told him to secretly assassinate his master so that he can make a contract with him instead.

After all the Priest is a better entertainment.

The priest or now that he knew his name Kirei Kotomine left his abode

He then observed the City with his abilities

He has two things that he want in this war

Or maybe three

His grail


And finally the Boy

The first two was already obvious

But the last.

He was greatly amused

By his lightshow

It even made hin serious for a second after he sees who the boy summoned

And then laugh

"Hahahaha, To summon her.

You really are interesting Kuroko Shiruhanten or should I call you the entity from the beyond.

This king is greatly entertained by your show.

I hope you can amuse me more"

The king did not call him The signature Human nickname but rather treat him as an equal existence

The Kings laugh was heard outside

Disturbing even Tokiomi.

|Kuroko Household|


We can hear a woman singing a melody on a kitchen


She seems to be cooking something

Of course you already knew her.

She then called Hanten

"Son!!Dinner is Ready!!"

Hanten then got out of the couch and bolted straight to the kitchen

He seen that Ti- his mother is holding A steaming pot with many vegetables

A plate was also ready in the table

"Dig in" His 'Mother' said

He then took a scoop from the steaming pot and tested it

After then he tried to sip the soup

"Umai!!" Hanten said which made the Loli goddess happy.

"Umu, Im glad you like it" she then took another plate and started eating


When hanten was about to scoop another soup he then stops for a second.

He can sense someone outside his house

He then use his mystic eyes and finds a bird like creature flying in the sky

He also found another person

It seems to be using a mask scurrying on the shadows

Thankfully his house is reinforced so no one can get In

He is not the only one that can sense it,

"Hmm? It seems like someone is disrupting our dinner."

Tiamat then lets out a terrifying aura that seems to shake the house.

"Ti-Mom Stop!! Stop! Don't worry I have a plan to finish them." He immediately said

After that the aura receded and he sense that the scout and the assassin left.

He then told his Mother about his plan

And what's going on in the war

But after telling his plan she immediately got enraged by the Matou situation and the devious crest worms.

"Where is the location?

The Poor Child is suffering and you did not do anything?" He was then ranted by his Mother

"We have to get the child out of there Immediately!!"

"Don't worry mom I got a plan" Hanten then explains his plan to Nuke the Matou mansion



It was almost 12pm

We can see a certain priest walking down the sewers

He heard the news about many murders and is now ordered by his father to find the culprit

He was also given the information by his assassin that the murderer was a master of this war

More specifically the master of Servant Caster

Now why did he tried to find by himself rather than his assassin

Well his assassin is busy On finding the cause of the light beacon earlier before

Sounds of water drips through the sewers

He then smells blood

But he cant sense anyone

He then move left and followed the trail and was then welcome by dead corpses seemingly stuck in screws.

He seen some leftover items so he presumed it to be a temporary base

"It seems that the culprit already change his Location"

He then move into different sewer passageways

Yet he didn't find anything or anyone so he just returns.

We then move on to the Fake Master along with her Butler which is secretly saber

They seem to be staying on a certain place

She then explains to her butler that she is slowly getting weaker.

That is because of her being the grails vessel. And then Kiritsugu entered the room and told him about it.

He then clenched his fist

And thought to himself that this is for the greater good

Yet he feels hurt

He started to doubt if this is the right path

After all Irisviel is his wife.

"Don't worry Kiritsugu. I can still move right?" she then flex her nonexistent muscle which made saber giggle.

"Right. Very well. I still have things to do. Saber keep on protecting her" he said in which his servant nodded

After he was about to leave he then heard a voice

"I can stop her weakening you know?"

He along with saber and Irisviel tense up

And both him and his servant immediately

Bolted into action transforming into her battle state and kiritsugu readying his gun

"Woah woah woah! Chill" they then see a teenager(10) with a faceless mask just phasing through their room with his hand up.

"Who are you" The magus killer saif

"Me, I'm you friendly neighborhood quantum man" the masked boy said which made him and his servant confused

"Do not lie" he said

"Sheesh, Calm ur tits man, I don't want to fight" the masked boy then continued

"Instead im here to make a proposal"

"Why would I hear from a kid" he said until Irisviel spoke

"How about we hear the boy Kiritsugu. He didn't do anything right"

He then calms down and nodded to his wife's decision.

He then tried to hear the proposal.

"I can help you with your wife's situation in turn give me sabers command seal" he heard the absurd proposal and immediately refused

"I refuse"


"Because the grail can make my wish."

"And what is that?"

"Why do you need to know" he then pointed his gun at the boy

The boy just laugh at this but kiritsugu did not play around and he shot the boy in the head

But instead of the bullet piercing through

He sees the bullet turn into a butterfly which distracted him and saber

The laughing of the boy continued until he said something

"You think the grail will give you your wish?

Let me tell you a bit about the grail itself

Indeed it will wished for what you want

But it will be a corrupted version or the most worst version of what you wish for."

"Impossible, how do I know your not lying"

"Ask you wife over there about the 3rd grail war" he then pointed to Irisviel.

Kiritsugu then look at his wife

"Ano, Im sorry but I only know a bit of what happened" Irisviel then spoke up

"Its fine as long as you can explain it to your hardheaded husband here" the boy said

She then explains what she knows of like the cheating of the Einzbern by summoning a specific servant but instead summoned the most weakest that immediately died In the 3rd war.

"Um? How did it relate to the situation now" Irisviel said

"I can tell you more, here is my location and don't worry its not a trap" he then pulled a card and the street that where his house is at.

He then gave it to Kiritsugu and then  the boy just disappeared..

After the disappearance a long silence followed

But then Iris broke it by speaking

"How about we go"

"But-" Kiritsugu retorted

"You want to know about it too right?

And I feel that the boy is not a threat."

"*Sighed* very well" he said he also want to know more.

He also don't have to worry as his servant has a strong sense…

|Kuroko Household|3rd day of the war


Hanten finally talked to the protagonist yesterday and got them curious about his information.

"kukuku, All according to Keikaku"

"Breakfast is Ready!"

He then heard his Mother called him

And then he walk to the kitchen

"I have seen you going somewhere yesterday, Where did you go?" her mother ask him.

He then explains what happens yesterday.

"But you already have your Mother

Why do you need another servant?"

He sweatdropped at this as he cannot answer her question.

But then She sighed

"I guess Children always grow, I had hoped to find a good daughter in law for you, but still I will make sure that she is fit to be your servant"

"What no-" she misunderstand the situation

"I know son"

"What I mean is-" he then explain the reason why he wants saber

The reason is for her to make a contract with Sakura for her protection.

After the misunderstanding was solve he then saw Tiamat smiling happily.

"I see so you don't want her to be your wife" he then heard her mutter silently "Good"




After they finished the discussion and breakfast

They then heard a knock on the door.



|Kiritsugu PoV|

We finally go to the location that the masked boy gave us.

It coincidentally is the place in which the light beacon showed up.

He along with Iris and Saber

Move toward the specific house

And then kiritsugu knock on its door.


He then heard a woman speaking


The door opens and they finally saw the woman

A loli with a light blue hair and blue eyes

(Hanten made an illusion by manipulating the photons around here so that her horns and irises are hidden)

"Hanten! The guest are here" The womam then called someone.

"Let them in"  they then heard a familiar voice

"Very well, welcome to our humble abode" the woman bowed.

He then felt his servant trying to talk to him using mental link

(Master. This woman is a servant be careful it seems that she is hiding her abilities )*saber

(I see, no matter what happens protect Irisviel if everything goes awry )*Kiritsugu


After the mental talk they finally followed to girl to the living room.

They then see a someone sitting on the couch and found it to be the boy yesterday

The boy then waves at them and told them to take a seat

They are confused on where they should sit as there is only a couch.

But then the boy Snaps and a seat and table manifested.

The boy then talk

"You want to know more right?"

Kiritsugu nodded

The boy then explains about the grail and how its tainted by the ALL THE WORLDS EVIL.

"What?" Shockingly saber was the first to react

Well Hanten expected this as she is the one who wants the grail the most.

"So in short it's a calamity that will devour the world?" Irisviel then said


Then Kiritsugu said

"How do I know you are not lying" kiritsugu said

How can I convince this guy? Is what Hanten is thinking right now

"Tch, So stubborn" he heard The masked boy

Kiritsugu Then added

"Even if its corrupted as long as it makes world peace then I will hold all the worlds evils for it."

"You know? I hate your ideology" the boy said in a serious tone.

"Let me give you a situation

There are two boats

One has many people than the other

Who would you choose"


"The boats with many people"Kiritsugu immediately answered

"Then let me Change the stake

What if the boat with lesser people has your family in it?" The boy questioned him again

Kiritsugu was surprised by this question

And did not answer

"Cannot answer now Ayy, this is why I hate stubborn people like you with your ideologies, How could you save others if you cannot save the most important thing in your life?

If I ever have a family heck I will even murder the world to protect them.

How about you?

Is your family important?

Or is the World peace more important?

Tell me Kiritsugu Emiya?

Speak?" Hanten was already getting pissed off by his stubbornness.

"Just seeing you now already made me pissed" The boy then added

But then Kiritsugu clenched his fist and finally speak

"My familly"

Hanten was surprised by this

He didn't think that his words pierce through his hardhead

"I will save my Family" Kiritsugu said

"Good answer, That's what I want to hear from you" Hanten

"Its not like saving everyone is a bad thing I might say it's a noble dream but the world is not what it is. And everything is just fvked up, you cannot do everything at once added by the fact the grail you are pursuing has an evil god incubating in it."

Hanten can just summed it up  with Murphy's law that "Everything that goes wrong will go wrong"

|PoV ends|

After their heated debate Hanten finally convinced Kiritsugu to stop pursuing the grail

He then tells him about his plans

But only about the grail and not the others

Kiritsugu then called someone..

Presumably Maiya

Then Kiritsugu told to leave the Priest and the noble to him.

"You can do whatever you want with them,  I will deal the others myself"

"Are you sure you can take them all on?" Kiritsugu asked

"ohh, don't worry about me I got it all under control" yeah might be overkill.



|Hanten PoV|

After they left

I then told Tiamat that I need to go somewhere.

"Take care. And come back early." she told me.



I finally got out of my house

And then Use my masked

A porcelain masked with no face.

I based it of from the statue that I met in the void.

Why did I make this?

Well you know my face right?

Don't want people to randomly orgasm on the street just by looking at it

Though there are people that are not affected

Like Tiamat

She seems to not be affected by my face

"That's good" I thought its good so I don't have to worry and always use the mask back home.

I then strolled into the city

Along with my black hoodie so no one tried to notice me





It seems like Kiritsugu and Maiya is on the move

I knew this as I can sense them jumping from buildings to buildings while  Holding sniper rifles..


They are going to a certain hotel where two nobles was chilling

He then use a his mystic eyes to see the port of Fuyuki City and found Irisviel and saber moving there because of the lancer Releasing his presence to taunt the other servants to fight as per will of his master Kayneth Archibald.

After Lancer met Saber they then exchange pleasantries and then started their fight.

Sparks and dust was exude from their hits

Many debris flying followed after.

With lancer holding his red spear while saber seemingly holding an air.

Then because of the information given to her by the boy she knew who the lancer is and what he is capable of.

So she dodge all of his attacks as the weapon that he is holding is capable of destroying her armor

After the counters she then took off the invisible air and started blasting small noble phantasm to overwhelm the lancer

The lancer also respond with summoning bot if his spears quickly dodging light blast.

Yet just one mistake in his movement can mean the end of his life

And he made one..

One of the lights hit his thighs and made a hole through it

But he did not stop and keep on fighting..


While this is all happening

Maiya And Kiritsugu finally found the hotel room both the nobles inhabits

Kiritsugu then look at his mentor then nodded

Readying his Sniper Rifle

If this fails he already made a countermeasure by planting bombs around the hotel.

Though he hope that it will not come to that conclusion.



We then move on to Hanten

He stops watching the battle earlier as he Looks for someone


He tunneled

"Found you" he said

And that was the last voice that is heard by the psychotic master named Ryuusuke as he was turn into a flesh ball by Hanten.

Caster shock did not move nor made a plan to fight back

So Hanten use his telekinesis to lock him on the ground.

To make sure he will not disappear immediately he sucked in the magical energy of the atmosphere and send it to Caster.

"You" he told him stop his daze.

"W-what?" Caster nervously said.

"Tell me what you know about 'them' ".Hanten said and explain about what he knows to Caster

The Caster knows he cannot do anything so he just explains what he know about the Outer gods.

"I see" after the explanations that lasted a while Hanten then spoke

"Do you Wish to see Saint"

"Y-you can do that"

Hanten did not speak and hold his face

By his control over the forces of the cosmos he then gathered so much light in casters face until it disintegrate his whole body

His last words are "Ahh this light, Oh my Jeanne I will finally return"

Creepy ass Mvtherfvker is what Hanten said after this.



After this we move again to the battle

We can see Lancer

But he is losing too much blood

Due to many holes that are in his body courtesy of saber swinging her sword and shooting light beams like a terraria character

He then Sense his connection to his Master getting Cut

Which only means that Kiritsugu and his mentor succeeded in the assassination.

He slowly then turns into particles

And then look at Saber one last time

"I thank you for having a good battle with me king of knights" he knew this due to the sword that she is carrying

"Im Sati-sf-ied" he said in broken words as he slowly disappear

"Thank you too for the good battle Diarmuid the knight of Fianna " Saber said

"Im G-lad t-to be r-respect-ed by the K-king of knight" Lancers final words as he dissipate completely.

She was about to return to Irisviel until Lightning dance in the Sky.

Then a boisterous laugh followed

"Hahahaha, What a great battle King of knights" the buff red haired man spoke.

Riding his chariot that was carried by bulls along with a small kid at the back who seemingly wants to puke.

"Apologies I did not introduce myself, I am Iskandar the king of Macedonia and the king of conquerors, a demigod and one of the sons of Zeus" After he finished introducing himself

Another servant entered the fray.

He seems to wear golden armor and seemingly seats om a golden floating jet.

The first one to broke the silence was Iskandar and asked who he is.

"You Mongrel who calls yourself the king of conquerors have no right to know of the grand name of this, but because The king of knights is here

I will entertained you

My name Is Gilgamesh

The king of Uruk

And the first hero of mankind "

He then spoke to saber

"King of Knights will you be mine"

Saber was confused by this and immediately refused

After then Iskandar Laughed and told the King of Uruk to join his army

In which almost pissed of the Golden king

"I would have killed you mongrel but this kings mood today is good so I will let you be. But remember there is no second chances"

Rider just laughed and then just invited them to a banquet that will be made next next day.

After all of that they left so that Saber could recuperate.

*sigh* thank goodness that the fighting stopped" Irisviel said while sending mana to saber so she can heal.

They then return to each if their bases..


pls review and gib stones ;-;