

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Wholesome (Emiya Family Good ending)


|5th day of the war|

|Kuroko Household|


We can see a Giant woman seemingly doting on our cute kouhai.

The giant woman seems to be spoonfeeding the Little girl like it was her child

We can also see a masked boy seemingly sad on another side of the table.

Tiamat then snorted

"Hmp, Mother will not dote on you."

"Aughh" he was hit by an invisible arrow

The boy we are talking about is of course our Main Character

So what Did he do to make tiamat angry and why is she in her Fgo final ascension state.

Let us go back in time.



After he nuked the Matou residence to oblivion and return to her home

She was then met by an Angry Tiamat

It was because of the explosion which confused him as She is the one who told him the blast the place into oblivion.

He then stated his reason

 But the Tiamat countered him

"I Said To nuke the PLACE and not nuke everything to even textures" she then added

 "do you know the consequence of opening rifts to different sides of the world?

Many dangerous creatures was sealed into each of the textures of the planet so that it will not wreak havok to the world,

If Gaia didn't regenerate the rift immediately this beast wouldve roam the  lands by now"

He then looks down like a child that has been teached by his parents of a lesson

"Still im Glad that the World and Counterforce did not send their Guardians at you" She then sighed.

"I know your strong and can protect yourself son but your powers are so dangerous that it can destroy this world 1000 times over but the people that are important to you cannot keep up and will also be swept by your destruction

That's why I'm mad at you son but please don't mistake this as hate but rather my love for you

I don't want you to leave me.

when you were born I sense your 'curiosity' upon the imaginary space in which I tried to manifest to just be with you.

I have seen a little bundle of light in my vast and endless cries. The light which made me force my way back into reality.

You are that light son.

My hope." After her rant

He then immediately goes to bed Cursing himself for letting his intrusive thoughts win and combining the strong force along with his mana to blow the place to high heaven.

|5th day early in the morning|

He did not hear Tiamat woke him up to breakfast

he then got out of his bed to go down the kitchen

he then see Tiamat which shock him

Tiamat then looks at him

"Hmp" it seems she is still mad due to what happened yesterday

He then looks at someone in the table.


She seems to be truly smiling

It seems she really likes Tiamat huh

"Delicious, thanks mama"

"Uhun, Im glad you like it"

She might have like her to much.

Sakura then looks at me

"Good Morning Hanten-ni" she then waved at him in which he smiled

He then questions Tiamat on how she got that form and where is Irisviel

Tiamat then spoke it directly without  no emotions

She had absorbed the Extra mana that Hanten exudes yesterday  and it did wonders to her vessel by making it stronger and make it more compatible with her divinity.

She then explains that after he slept,

  Irisviel  was then fetch by Kiritsugu and it seems the magus killer wants to meet him during noon.

After the explanations he nodded and started eating the food on the plate

So here we are now..

He then finds a plan to make tiamat not angry with him

His mind then finds a solution

"U-umm, Mom can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Can you go on a date with me?"

He was hoping for a rejection

But she answered joyly

"You want to go on a date with mother?"

"Umm Yeah" he then added

"I-im sorry for yesterday I couldn't control myself and almost destroyed the world"

"You must learn to hold back son and I hope this will be a lesson for you" his mother said.

She then happily took their plates with left over and then sing during the way to the sink seemingly excited at what his son is gonna do during their date.




After being forgiven by his Mother he then started to plan on their date after his talk with Kiritsugu.

|11 Am|

"Your early" Kiritsugu said

"I could say the same to you" he countered him then added

"I have things to do so I hope I could call you earlier but it seems like I don't need to"

"Uhuh" the magus killer said

After a while of silence Kiritsugu finally talked

"Thanks you"

"For what?" Hanted questioned

"For making me understand"

The magus killer then explains about his past and how he got his ideology until he crosspaths with the boy which shattered his ideals.

"I was always stuck in the past, seeing what my father did to my village made me go on the become what I am now"

"Ahh its always that" said Hanten and then he added

"Some of us use the past as a way to inspire themselves to move for improvement, Some uses it to fuel their emotions, Then theres someone like you who uses the past to make sure it will not happen in the present again"

"Sadly though the world sometimes hits us with its weight which made us questioned our ideals"

"Though there is another use for the past

Combining the three

And that is to learn from their past mistakes and use their emotions to adapt and improve and if it so happens again even if we are hit by reality we are ready for it" he told Kiritsugu

"Instead of dwelling on the past too much why not try to live for the present?"

"Live for the present?" Kiritsugu was confused

Hanten then focused to the 2 most important peoples of his life

He then see Irisviel talking to Maiya while laughing and Maiya herself was smirking a little.

"I see" Kiritsugu eye lit up

After then Irisviel and Maiya got close to them

after which Irisviel said something that almost made him spit.

"I talk with Maiya here. How about she become your wife? She said.


After which she sees his mentor looking at a different direction but her ears seems to be pink

"Did you convince her?" he questioned Iri

"Nope, she said she wants to be you so I made sure it works out for all of us

And also I want a sister"

"*sighed* very well" he just nodded at this

Polyamorous relationship is common in the world of magus after all so he doesn't need to be worried.

He then look at Hanten at his side.

"I'm gonna retire"

"Instead of protecting the WORLD I'm instead gonna protect my WORLD" Kiritsugu then remembered his daughter Illya that's on the Einzbern Mansion.

"Good for you to find your path" The boy patted Kiritsugu's shoulder.

Hanten finally knew where shirou inherited his rizz.

"Your not just here to tell me about your story and how you got two women right?"  

Kiritsugu's eyebrow twitched at this.

"Of course not, can you finally take her connection"

"Yes, let us start" Hanten nodded and he tunneled them along with himself to his backyard

Three of them almost puke by the experience of quantum tunneling

"please don't do that again" Kiritsugu pleaded to him.

"Sorry about that, ehe" he made a peace sign.

He then turn serious and look at Irisviel

And told her to hold his hands in which she complied

After this tried to understand the complex connection of the grail to her

He then see many black threads seemingly pulsing and giving her small dose of curses

He then explained to them whats going on which made their faces grim

"Can you take the curses away?"

"I could but the curses need to move somewhere else as to not form into a black mud"

"I will take her curse" Kiritsugu then recommended himself

Which Hanten refused.

"No, you want to protect them right? I don't want a man that will go crazy due to the curses" he was thankful to Irisviels homunculus heritage which made her more resistant to curses but slight resistant can only get you somewhere it will eventually overwhelm which is why Irisviel is slowly getting weaker as the war progress.

"Sighed" Hanten then did something dangerous

After cutting the Connection to the grail he then absorbs the Curses inside Iris Body and then change her properties to that of a normal human he then transform his mana into life force and feeding her Iris with vitality.

"I absorbed his cursed and made sure that she can live as a human

 I also solve her lifespan problem" After saying that he then was flooded with memories

It's the memories of the curses that he absorbed trying to corrupt him.

The curses then tried to pierce and stick to his soul but after they stuck themselves to his spirit the Memory laps disappeared. As if they didn't exist.

After which he didn't felt anything so he didn't mind it

After finishing the memory laps Iris asked him worriedly

"Are you ok?"

I told her that im fine yet she was not convinced and even felt guilty as I absorbed the curses in her body.

"Don't worry I'm hard to corrupt than normal humans"

They calm down but is still worried for the boy.

"I see, then as per our trade I will give you the command seal of my servant"  Kiritsugu then summon his servant.

Hanten then told Kiritsugu to give it to his little sister which made Kiritsugu confusef

After which Hanten called Tiamat and told her to Bring Sakura in the backyard.

Sakura and Tiamat was now in the backyard after a minute

Hanten then told Kiritsugu to move the command seal to Sakura after a while a tattoo appeared on sakura's hand

Kiritsugu along with the two women then finally said goodbye to his servant and Hanten

Tiamat also waved at Iris and she respond in kind

Tiamat then screamed

"Please visit us sometime"

Which gain a nod from Irisviel.

They then disappeared presumably going to Russia.

They then move their eyes to saber that is kneeling on the ground to Sakura

"Thank you for taking me in My lady"

"A-ano you don't need to kneel" Said Sakura

"Understood" she then stands up.

After the introduction they then entered the house.






We can see our main character seemingly posing on a mirror

He seems to not be in his Drip today

He decided to go for casual clothes for his Mothers date.

He then left the house first and move on to the certain street in which they will meet.

He was using his mask but controlled the photons to make an illusion that he has a face (face similar to his own but no charm or charisma).

It cant be helped that  women keeps staring at him.

After then he heard someone who he was waiting.

"Son" we see Tiamat using a blue turtleneck and blue fitting jeans that seems to fit her color pallete by being the goddess of the sea.

"You look beautiful Mom" he honestly said taking glances at her Mothers curves. It seems his body is already creating those hormones. Annoying.

They then move together merrily

Trying amusement parks.

Eating by spoonfeeding each other and even using two straws in a Drink.

Playing Arcade and winning her mother a dragon plushie

They seems to be enjoying each others presence ..


And lastly Mom

"Can you close your eyes?" Hanten told her mother.

"Hmm ok?" Tiamat confused just followed her sons instructions

"Don't open it till I say so"

"Nn" she nodded

And then she felt his son hugging him

She then felt her powers and divinity disappeared which made her panicked

But his son Reassured her that everything is fine and just trusted him.

"You can open it now" she then felt his sons hug disappear

She then opens her eyes and what she sees made her eyes widen

A beach

Not just any normal beach

The ocean is glistening with different colors along with the sands that seems as clear as diamonds.

The Star itself seems to not rise in the horizon making beautiful colors on the clouds

She can feel the foreign yet similar winds brushing her faces.

"T-this" Out of all the surprises this seems to be the most beautiful surprise that his son had given her.

She then Lets her bag falls to the clear diamond and started to run towards the ocean

"Son H-how?" she questioned

"I have trained my powers to the point that I can Create living planets and Stars" he then boast and laugh a bit.

"This Is a planet dedicated to you Mom. NO You Tiamat

A planet that reflects you beauty and love created by your SON"

She then teared up


Hanten thought he fucked up until

Tiamat lunged at him and called his name

"Hanten uwahh!!"

It seems she is crying from a different reason

She then stops and wipe her tears off

She seems to be more beautiful than before.

Smiling while the star behind her reflects a ray of light to both of them

"Thank you for this"

"I love you Son" she then kissed him on the lips which caught Hanten in surprise.

She then hold his hand and pulled him to the waters to play

Hanten noticed this and just smiled

They then played for a while ..

till eventually two of them sat on the sand with tiamat leaning her head onto Hanten shoulders while holdings hands.

They just silently watch the Star looms over the Horizon.



While Hanten hope that this would last forever.


pls review, comment and gib stones ;-;