
“Min Jae Bong”

Oh my god! This witch is actually crazy! Does she actually think I want to have a fake marriage w-with her?!

*Flash Back*

"Have a seat Jae Bong. I'd like to propose to you. It's an offer you cannot refuse." Miss Sook Hee said to me. I was scared, nervous. I had no idea what she would say next would sound so insane. "Y-yes Miss Kim. What is the proposal?" Oh no, I stuttered. Why did I do that! Now she knows I'm scared. ㅜ-ㅜ "I want you." She stated staring at me. She wants me? To do what? "Yes?" Was all I could say. My hands were shaking and sweating. "I want you to be my fake husband." Miss Sook Hee said so calm. "What!?! Why? Why me?" I said loudly. "Shh Min Jae Bong! Quite down a bit or everyone will hear!"

Why was she acting different? She never cared what people thought about her. That's one of the reasons I admire her. But now she wants to get married, a fake one at that. Why?

"Why?" I said after finally calming down. "My Father, Kim Jung Go, want me to. He said if I don't get married, I will have to step down. He said he would give my business to someone else!" Tears started to form in her eyes. She tried with all her might to keep them in, but one had to escape. "Miss Kim. I'll do it. But I do have my conditions." I tried to sound firm but it came out a little weak. "Ahh yes. We must make a contract." She said as she got a little excited.

*Later that night.*

Why would she pick me? I'm just a screen writer. I'm not that handsome, I don't know how to love anybody, I am a nobody.

*The next day.*

"Min Jae Bong, to my office, now!" She yelled over the speaker. It was time to make the contract. And I had my conditions ready.

Hi! I will eventually make the chapters longer! ••Min Jae Bong is a screen writer that has never fell in love.••


Kim Sook Hee = 27

Min Jae Bong = 29

JangMicreators' thoughts