
“I Do and I Kiss?”

"Jae Bong. Thank you for agreeing to do this. Now if you would please tell me your conditions and I will tell you mine." I put on a strong front, but I was really so scared he would back out. "Yes Miss Kim. My conditions." He sounded nervous. "First. When the time is right I want a divorce. Second. We can sleep in the same room, but n-no, ummm, physical relations." Jae Bong said as the blush covers his face. "Ahh. Jae Bong. No need to worry. Part of my conditions is you can never fall in love with me. My second condition, even though you may feel awkward, we have to have a public relationship. That means, pda." I said. I feel awkward for some reason. Why? It's not like I like him, or ever will. "A-a public, PDA?" His eyes widened. "Mr. Min, we won't have to kiss. Mostly hold hands, hug, and act like we are in love. But only when we are around people. When we are alone, you don't even have to look at me." For some reason I felt sad. I am getting married, but I told him that he doesn't even have to look at me. Heh. What a relationship. It's perfect to please my father.

"So Mr.Min. Does that sound ok to you?" I asked. "Yes Miss Kim. I will do my best!" Jae Bong answered. "Oh! We will get married next week. So be ready. And also as soon as we are in the clear I will file for divorce. No need to worry. It will only be for about a year." I tried to smile, But it only made me feel more lonely. "Thank you Miss Kim. I will not let you down!"

*one week later*

Ahh!! It's today. Why am I nervous? It's only a fake marriage. I haven't told anyone yet that I am getting married today. I will tell my father after it is over.

"Miss Kim?" I heard a voice from be hind me. It was Min Jae Bong. "Ah hello Jae Bong. Are you ready to get married?" I asked. The nerves shook my voice. "As I'll ever be Miss Kim. Are you ok? Are you sure you want to do this?" Jae Bong asked in a worried tone that made me feel strange. It was like he actually cared. "I'll be fine. I'm just nervous about telling father later. Let's go." I lied.

"Do you, Min Jae Bong, take Kim Sook Hee to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The Priest asked. "I do" Jae Bong replied. "And do you, Kim Sook Hee, take Min Jae Bong to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest asked me. "I-I do" I stuttered. Am I really that nervous? "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." As soon as he spoke the last words, I knew what we had forgotten. The kiss.