

"Here's my deal Sook Hee. You can either get married, or not. If you do I will let you have complete control over this company. If you choose not to get married I will demote you and give my company to a more.. stable person." My father stated.

"Ok." I whispered. "I refuse to just give this company that you built to some nobody!" I could feel my anger slowly coming to a boil. Why did

It have to be now?

If there was one thing I have learned from all my years of working at this company, there is always a way around things. I am a business woman and I cannot be held back. I will get married, but who says I have to fall in love?

Ok. So the plan is to find a willing available guy. Someone who will not fall in love with me. We have Ki Tae. I mean he's an actor so he should play the part good. No, he is too much of a player. Hhmmm. What about Junsu? Pros: He's tall, handsome,and an actor. Cons: He is way to creepy. I constantly catch him looking at me like I am food. -.-

Oh wait! I know the perfect guy! He is heartless and smart. Good at making up stories. Handsome. Perfect I tell you, perfect.

"Min Jae Bong, come to my office ASAP." Oh how I love the intercom. :)

"Ahhh.. What does the crazy witch want now?!" Jae Bong said aggravated. You see not many people like me. Yes, all the employees call me "crazy witch" behind me back and think I don't know. But I know very well how disliked I am, and I plan to keep it that way.

"Yes, Miss Kim." Jae Bong said as he entered my office. "Have a seat Jae Bong. I'd like to propose to you. It's an offer you can't refuse.

Hi welcome to the second chapter! I am sorry the are so short, but I hope you still enjoy and stay interested. The two main characters are “Kim Sook Hee” and “Min Jae Bong”. Thank you for reading! Oh and please give feed back of what you would like to see in the upcoming chapters! :)

JangMicreators' thoughts