

goddess2222 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Who are this guys

The rest of the week went on quite interesting. For one, I made a new friend, Marlyn who was also my roommate. She was funny, and quirky and all over the place. Not forgetting beautiful.

We were a little different from each other, but that is what I liked even more about her.

Also for some reason I had not met the mysterious guy from the first day of class yet. Even though part of me wanted us to collide again. Apparently I came to learn that we only shared one class every monday of the week and the first week was not over yet.

I had seen Xavier only once at the cafeteria but he was far and with his friends. They seemed to be laughing out loud at something their friend had said.

It was now Friday and I had only two.lectures before I was free for the weekend. We were on our way to the hall with Marlin talking about how we would spend our first campus weekend. "Look Nandi, what if we sneaked in lots of alcohol, drink them in the hostels then pass out till Monday. How is that?" Marlin said and I kept on laughing.

"Marl we are in campus, I dont think people sneak in alcohol, they just buy it easily and about passing out I totally agree" I agreed obviously jocking.

"Nandi.. " Marl called but I dint realize because I was still making plans for the weekend.

"Or we could do full make up with red lipsticks.. very long lashes, even wigs. Do you have wigs Marl?"

"Nandi ssshh"

"Why? Whats wrong?"

I asked before I stopped walking or talking. Around us everyone was moving away and staring at one direction like they were being controlled by some remote.

"They are staring at those guys" I heard Marl whisper and I turned my head to look at the guys he was talking about who were approaching us.

Dang it there he was. The familiar god like face. But he wasnt alone, Xavier was also there and two other guys who were also really good looking but it seemed like the mystery guy was more outstanding.

Wait I thought Xavier had warned me about the mystery guy. Turns out they were friends? Thats wierd. Anyway I did not understand the whole point of people putting all their concentration on them, they were just guys, and they had been here for a couple of years. They should have gotten used to them by then.

"But why ?"I asked Marl who had already stopped completely and faced their direction.

"If not for their looks then I dont know best friend" She answered not turning her head away.

They walked so confidently, Like they owned the school. Like nothing could shake them and that they dint give a fudge about nothing else.

Then it happened again, the same tging that had happened the first day we met. When his eyes found mine. Of all the people that were on that hall, they found mine and I immediately felt a tingling sensation in my skin. My heart started beating fast.

It was the way he stared like he was about to rip my chest out

"Lets get out of here" I immediately grabbed Marl's hands quickly and walked much faster to our lecture hall. This must have attracted every other attention around us with people probably wondering why we were walking like we were running.

"What did you do that foor?" Marl asked looking at me me like I was crazy when we got to the lecture hall and had our seats.

"You wanted us to stand there and worship those guys like everyone else?" I asked not wanting to tell her about the mystery guy.

"Yeaa you are right. We better run around the halls when we see them" She said sacarstically.

She was right though, I shouldnt have made us run like that. But I was scared of what would happen if I continued looking into that guys eyes.