

goddess2222 · Fantasy
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Invitation to a Party

After the encounter with the mystery guy, a part of me wanted to not see him again obviously out of embarrassment but a part of me just wanted to see him all the time. I could not pick between the two. But I still had questions like why were the students reacting to their presence. Did they have an effect on the school too or what.

It was now evening, the two morning lectures had gone quite well and I enjoyed them but there was one thing I could not get off my head. "Him" maybe I would ask Xavier on the next class we had together. That was Monday.

We were in the hostels now I was finishing up on an interesting novel I had been reading about warewolfs and Marl was trying out some new clothes she had ordered online. She was constantly asking for my opinion and I thought they all looked amazing on her except for one blue dress that seemed a little bigger for her curves.

We then suddenly heard some noises outside our room with people cheering and laughing out loud.

We walked to the door and opened it to see what was going on. We found a few girls on the corridor with really short skirts. A few of them were twirking and there was a small cirlcle around them cheering. They seemed to really enjoy the entertainment. Some even started grinding on each other.

I had never quite witnessed anything like that. "What are they doing" Marl asked obviously as shocked as I was.

I was about to make a comment when we heard someone talking to us. "Do not mind them, they are second years, they thrive in any attention they can get"

We turned and found this girl, she was tall like modelish tall and had her hair in long braids. She looked quite pretty. Damn did this school enrol people according their looks or what.

"Ohh do they do this often?" I asked still trying to figure out who she was.

" Mostly on Fridays to prep for those weekend parties. Theres usually lots of parties going on every weekend, starts on Friday nights though." She informed us

"This is what people used to do back in my highschool I dint know it happens here too" Marl said also looking at the new girl.

"It happens and even more wierder things happen,btw do you guys have plans for the weekend? Today is my birthday, I would want you guys to join in if you want to"

I dint know what to be awed with the most. The fact that she was asking us to join her birthday or the fact that we had not known each other for more than two seconds.

"Why us? " Marl asked in the most blunt way she could.

"Oooh sorry I havent even introduced myself. I am Zara I am your next door room mate. I have seen you guys a couple of times in the hallways and.apart from that you guys are quite popular in campus. I am sure you know that already."

Us? Popular? No we sure didnt know that. But that would have explained the amount of attention we would get when we were with Marl mostly at the cafeteria.

I still dint understand why us being popular was a reason for.her to invite us.

"Its at my friends place, she lives off campus but its exclusive so only specific people have been invited." She said proudly.

Marl and I made eye contact not sure what to say.

"We will think about it then get back to you" Marl replied quickly to avoid more akward silences.

"Thats totally okay, uum I guess you are Nandi and you are Marl.. Marlin" Daamn we really were popular.

After saying our quick goodbyes we got back into our room. Wheew that was a lot of information we learned for just a short time.

"Do you think we should go?" I asked Marl who was already smirking like she had wild ideas going through her head.

"Ofcourse.. ofcourse Nandi. I mean we will get to experience our first party ever. No curfew, No sneaking in or out.. just partying. Aaaand there will be alcohol. What do you say hunny"

The truth is neither of us had ever tasted alcohol before. Wine maybe I had.. just once. And it was exciting to have to try it for some wierd reason. Just coz of how everyone else always made a big deal out of it.. Now we would know how it felt to take real alcohol.

"Mmmh yea maybe we should try this campus party. I am in." I said excitedly.

Now we just had to carefully choose our outfits and let Ashley know that we would be there. I hadnt heard her mention any colour theme so we would choose that for ourselves.

I had completely put away my novel and was now finding an outfit. Marl had easily found one from the new ones she had got. It was a little red dress with some flowery detail at one of the sides. She had now joined me to find me the right dress. We then agreed on a maroon dress I had tried on . It felt like it exxerggerated my curves but Marl said that was what made it even more outstanding. I thought so too.

Now we just had to tell Ashley that we would be there and ask her about the venue and Marl handled that perfectly. She went to Ashley's room which was right opposite ours.

Apparently the venue was a five minute drive from campus so that wasnt bad. We now went on to talk about what we thought the party would be all about.

"Marl" I called after a thought stroke me. "Yes"

"why do you think Ashley said we are popular. Have you heard about this before" I asked and Marl seemed to put a thinking face.

"Let me seee.. because your daddy is a minister?" She said smiling.

"Cmon there are a lot of people who are like that here in State University. Plus you are the only one who knows that" I said

She saw my point and we decided we would ask someone who had the whole answer later....Ashley.