

goddess2222 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First day of class

"Be careful. He's not the type you want to mess with" I heard someone whisper next to me and I turned to look. "Are you talking to me?" I whispered back to the guy whom I hadnt notice was sitting right next to me. He also looked really hot almost like he was the one I wasnt supposed to mess with. If I had not seen the other guy before ad probably rate him as one of the hottest I had lay my eyes on. There was just something about him too that I could not put my finger on.

"Yes you. That guy you have been staring at soo much, you dont wanna get involved with him." he smirked as he whispered these unsensible words.

"Me? Staring? pff! Incase you havent noticed, he was the one looking. And besides, we just joined campus, how do you know him?" I said out of mere curiosity.

"Ooh dear, we are in a combined unit, some of us are in our third year. I guess you should really start coming early for your lectures. You dont wanna miss these important details" He said still smirking.

"Noted okay" I shrugged and faced the lecturer. I realised he was kind of right. I should be coming early to the lectures that would follow.

" My name is Xavier btw.. but you can call me Vier. Its nice to meet you" he continued whispering and stretched his hands to greet me. I wasnt concentrating on the lecture as much as I needed to apparently thanks to the hot guys in that hall.

"Nandi, nice to meet you too" I stretched my hand back faking a big smile.

Besides everything that was happening that morning, I felt happy to have been there. In the university of my dreams studying something I had always wanted to, IT.

Yes my parents wanted me to choose something more complex like being a doctor or a scientist for whatever reason, but I was so clear on what I wanted to do. I enjoyed technology and they wouldnt change that.

I also couldnt wait to.make new friends, and enjoy the freedom that was about to be presented to me.

I remembered being home and having to lie to.my parents that I was going to see my best friend just coz I wanted to meet up with my crush. There was no more of that. And as much as I would really miss home and the warmth it gave me, I wanted to explore everything else.

State University was one of the best university in the country where children of big ministers and well off families were mostly enrolled here because they believed it offered one of the best forms of education. Well my dad, being a minister himself, also believed this and I dint see a reason for him not to.