

goddess2222 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Birthday

Ashley's birthday venue, that is her friend's place was quite big and well furnished. I had seen houses like these before ofcourse and even bigger but I dint realise students would leave in houses that big.

I realised the eyes that had turned our directiob when we arrived. They looked at us from head to toe. If it wasnt the fact that I was with Marl and she made me feel so comfortable, I would.have left immediately.

."Guuuys you caaame. Welcome in dont just stand at the entrance" We heard Ashley's familiar voice and that made it a whole lot better. She took us to where the rest of the guys were. They had already started serving drinks and I could tell that most of them were already tipsy.

They also were mostly third and fourth years and a few second years. For freshers I think ot was only Marl and I. Okaay sounded cool. Atleast we had started being included in things for whatever reason.

Ashley introduced us to the crowd and they all cheered like we had brought some trophy. A different girl, I later learned she was the owner of the house, brought us our first drink in party cup.

We made eye contact with Marl obviously coz this was the moment we had been waiting for the whole effin time. We made a secret smile before the guys around us, includinh Ashley, started cheering again. This time asking us to down our drinks in one sip.

That was a bad idea, but we could not realize at that time until later. "Drink! Drink! Drink!" they kept going.

I decided to do just that.. drink the whole thing once without a second that. OMG.. What was that. Why had people treated it so highly. That thing tasted bad. From the smell to the taste. It was almost like I had just drunk a toxic chemical out of the lab. I turned to Marl and guess what, she wore the exact same expression I did. Almost like we were asking ourselves the same damn questions.

"Yaaay! another one!".. I heard them say.

Did they just say another one when the first one almost knocked me off my feet. My whole mouth and throat was on fire.

"Give them a break guys" thank Ashley was kinder getting where we were coming from.

We were all seated around three big sofas. Most of the people their had their patners with them and once in a while I saw them kissing and getting too close. I mean it would have been easier if they just got a room.

But even though I had started getting tipsy, I noticed that the guys in the room avoided us. Yes they stared once or twice at us, the only freshers in the room, but they barely talked to us. Now that was wierd. Because everyone was interacting with everyone except with us. At some point I even noticed some three guys whispering something while looking at us.

I dont kbow if Marl had noticed it too.. She seemed to be in her own world after that first tot and now on the second drink which we decided to chase with a soda and drink it slowly.

It was now time to play truth or dare. Someone had suggested. Well some of the guys who were there had already left for the pool outside but we were still a good number for the game.

We decided to sit down in a circle and one of the guys decided to start. "Ashleey I will start with you baby.. you are the birthday giirl" The guy said.

"Bring it on Mark" Ashley replied excitedly. She was obviously used to this game.

"Ok Ash truth or dare" he asked and Ashley chose dare. He then dared Ashley to give him a 3 minute lap dance. Daamn she did and she did it good. Aftet the 3 minutes were over I could see how he was silently wishing it would go on.

It was now Ashleys turn to choose the next culprit. And what better way to continue other than choose me. I almost chocked on my drink.immediately I heard my name on her lips.

"Nandi I hope you are ready for this.. truth or dare." I took a minute to think.and silently pray that she atleast chose something easy for me. But which one was better, a truth or a dare.

Now I realized dares were more dangerous. I mean I dint want to be asked to have a 5 minite salsa or grind on these strangers who dint want to talk to us in the first place.

And so I went with truth. She immediately curled her mouth into a smile. What was her deal this time.

"Okay Nandi, are you going to stamp Nate?"

Stamp Nate.. I did not get what she was talking about so I pardoned her question. Everybody seemed to have gone silent as if a bomb had just beed dropped. I turned to Marl and she also dibt look like she.had the slightest idea.

"Cmon dont play dump, just tell us, are you going to stamp him or not?" She said even more curious.

"Who is Nate?" I asked and they all made that face of what are you talking about. How do.you not know.

"Mark care to explain to her?" Ashley told Mark. I was already getting very uncomfortable but I also.wanted to.understand what they were talking about.

" Ooh ops seems like she really does not know Ash, give her another question" Mark said before taking a huge gulp from his cup.

"How comes she doesnt know.. Doesnt everyone know?" Ashley said very confused.

What was this that I was supposed to.know that I didnt.

I felt Marls hands get to.mine before she whispered to.me to.ignore them and they were more drunk than we were.

When Ashley realised that I really did not understand what she was talking about, she stopped insisting but still asked an even wierder question. She wanted me to.say if I had given a blowjob to any guy before. I answered no. Truth is I had but I dint think.it was any of her business. I was getting off vibes from her and it was heightening by every minute.

It was now my time to ask and what better way to.entertain myself other than asking two girls to kiss. The two girls being Ashley and the owner of the house. They actually looked like they had been waiting for that kind of dare that whole time.

The game continued and when everyone.had been dared, people started getting busy with other things.

"Thats my song.. wooouh they are playing my song" I took Marls hands making her stand to dance with me. Well people werent dancing but this did not stop me. Good thing Marl was so easy to adjust and accomodate new situations. I guess thats why we were friends in the first place. We danced and jumped and twirled and I felt like I was having the most fun since the party began.

We took another drink after the song and now.we were completely tipsy. Even though people still had more games to play and more drinks to.have, we decided our drunk selves should.head back to.the hostel .

I tried ordering a cab from mh phone.but I.was completely shaky, and so I asked whom I realised was even worse. We managed to find some girl in the crowd who helped us order and that is how we went back.