
ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ

【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Stowaway 淫王域


There will be sexual themes, strong language, and violence.

If you don't like smut don't read.

Don't report 

+18 only pls 

Now that's started let's have a fun time.

Hope you enjoy this 

Exaltation テコス

[ a feeling or state of extreme happiness.]


You just giggle and nod at the two shocked faces before a non-Sanji waiter comes to grab your guys' order which makes them rush out their order before turning their attention on you.

"Yup I'm a succubus which is why I want you to drink my blood, to connect you to me for I can help you guys with your future adventures but I can also give you a lovebite which works as well but you would have to be willing ." you smile before winking at them.

"Can I take some of your blood but in a bottle?"Nami asks but I see belis in her eyes and giggle at that before reaching into my pouch grabbing three vials. While Usopp just stares at Nami in disbelief and Zoro just blushes slightly thinking about a lovebite.

"Sure, you want to sell it right ?"You smile because you know about her situation but she still has to drink it.

"O-of course not Sister "Nami lies worst then Usopp but you just smile before opening the vials and biting your finger dropping some of your blood into the vials enough to fill them.

"My i-cant-drink-some-weirdos-blood disease is acting up, so I don't think I can." Usopp shouts but all you do is giggle then decide to give nami three of the vials before speaking.

"You can have two vials but you have to drink one right now then you can sell the other one but make sure Usopp drinks this one, Zoro can take a little bite~, Deal ?" you smile and wait for Nami's decision but not for long before she shoves the vial down Usopp's throat making him drink it if he wants to breathe.

"Cough Nami whyyyy!!!"Usopp yells while trying to process that he just drunk blood with a confused face since it actually tasted pretty good. You chuckle as you watch nami drink hers and swallowing it with a confused face at the taste as well. But Zoro is blushing lightly at the thought of you giving him a lovebite but he doesn't really mind at all, actually, he might want it.

 "Very cute indeed, I love that face of yours Zoro~ But you must be confused at the taste correct?" you smile and look at Zoro while moving to sit on his lap for fun but Zoro just grunts moving you with his hands on your hips gripping tightly trying to make you feel comfortable on his lap.

"Why does it taste so good?" 

"Sis why does it taste like this, shouldn't it taste like iron or something?"

"Why are you sitting on Me? And if you are going to bite me or whatever hurry up and do it "Zoro huffs out embarrassed but Nami hits him for being rube before looking at you waiting for an answer.

"Well, I will in a second I quite like it right here.~"You smirk in rub you butt into his lap making him twitch when you rub as his dick but he keeps his cool by fighting himself with old nude lady thoughts to keep his friend down.

"But my blood is as good as my body fluids since I'm a succubus so whatever you like the most is what I will taste like ." you pout at Zoro's actions keeping his friend down but you see there faces processing what you said.

"Just bite me already you, perverted woman !"Zoro yells out since he feels himself losing against his friend wishing not to embarrass himself more. You let out an annoying whine and decide to give him the mark before Sanji comes back or Luffy.

"Well if you want it so bad, ill give it to you perverted swordsman .~" you purr in his ear not seeing his shocked and embarrassed face but Nami and Usopp can see it clearly but they feel a sharp quick pain in their chest, but the pain leaves fast before they can even think about it but opposite of them Zoro is who's heart is pounding out his chest at your voice, touch and lips that soon will be in his neck.

'I want her to do more then just this if she wants to tease me I will show her I'm not just a clumsy virgin who can't even handle a little affection .' Zoro thinks before smirking wrapping his strong arms around your waist pulling you closer to his chest while letting his friend grow to give her a little surprise. Zoro makes you blush a bit at his actions it was very out of character of him to anything really sexual, well in public in front of his crew so this shocked you.

"Mnn..Zoro~ you're such a pervert aren't you ~"You taunt him before going toward his next kissing it once before giving him a long lick on his neck making him shiver at the sensual lick you give him which makes the others blush heavily watching this go on in front of them.

"J-just do it already or I'll give you a B-bite !"Zoro shouts out grumpily before he can complain/whine you are done with the teasing sensing Luffy coming soon.

"You just make me wanna do more than just this but ill have to settle for this today~"You purr out in a whisper that only he can hear. 

"Agh will you just hurr-Ngh"Zoro blushes at his moan he let out when you start biting his neck then sucking making a lovebite in seconds but it felt like you were giving him best feeling in the world by just that.

'What would it feel like if she did more then just this, this feeling is pure bliss what would it be like to kiss her ...I'll just ask Luffy...Luffy he ...kissed her ....he felt her tongue in his mouth...Why does think hurt' Zoro lost in his thought can't tell that you got off his lap and made your way to the seat across from him looking at his embarrassed face watching him pant at just a little lovebite.

"How cute he is." You smile and see that food has arrived and you, Nami, Usopp, and the new back to this world Zoro starts to eat shaking off his thoughts of you and Luffy.

"Yummy this food is amazing "

"The food is pretty good"

"This is good I guess ."

"It's not as good as you would be ~"you wink at them as you drink some of your wine you ordered.

While they blush you continue you eating just to see your cute black-haired straw hat captain coming near your table so you smile and wave at him.

"Ack it's you guys! And the lady who kissed me !?"Luffy says before the crew responds to him.

"Hey, errand-boy!?!" Nami waves at him smiling.

"Heard you have to work here for a year !"Usopp says with a shit-eating grin which makes you giggle at him sipping your wine, you never knew how funny this moment was in the manga/anime till you were here.

"Would it be alright to redraw the ship's flag "Zoro smirks while you just start laughing at this but Luffy just yells at them.

"You leave me here to work, and go off to eat delicious food all by yourself!?! How selfish !"Luffy yells at hem before turning to you.

"And you what are you doing here !?!" Luffy questions you but all you can do is laugh at him.

"Chore boy pft..." you laugh with the others while Luffy puts a booger in Zoro drink.

"It's a free world, we can do whatever we want ."Zoro says before Usopp laughs.


"Don't take this the wrong way, but I have to admit, the food here is great." Zoro smirks as he lifts up his drink with Luffy's booger.

"You're drinking this glass!"Zoro yells at shoving the booger drink in Luffy's mouth choking him with it.

"MMF...Ack!! How could you do this to me !?"Luffy yells while flopping on the floor holding his neck coughing.

"I should ask you the same thing!"Zoro yells at Luffy before Sanji starts coming over to the table with hearts in his eyes.

"O'Blessed are the oceans for bringing me this fine day! O'Love!Laugh if you will, at my poor self who cannot endure his tortuous passions!"Sanji yells out shocking Luffy and Zoro but Nami just looks at him.

"As long as I can be with you, I'm prepared to walk across any path, be it the paths of pirate or a devil! But alas! 'Tis tragic there is such a great obstacle standing between the three of us !!"Sanji looks at you and Nami making you confused that he probably wants a threesome it seems, not really wan he was thinking but you are a perverted mind.

"By Obstacle, do you mean me, Sanji?"The head chef has this giant chef hat which is pretty funny.

"Agh, the geezer!"Sanji yells out at Zeff the head chef.

"It's a good chance just go and be a pirate. I don't need a guy like you in my restaurant!"Zeff says to Sanji trying to get out in live life.

"Wha!?"Sanji asked confused

'Hey, you damn geezer.I'm the assistant head chef of this place, so just what do you mean exactly when you say that I'm not needed!?"Sanji asked looking pretty pissed off 

"You cause too much trouble with the guests, and if they happen to female, you drool all over them. You also can't cook a decent meal to save your life. You're just unnecessary baggage, holding this restaurant down. And as you probably know, none of the other cooks want you here as well. So whether it be a pirate or something else, it's just better for you to get the hell out of my shop."Zeff rants to Sanji.

"So that's what you wanted to say to me all along, you damn geezer!? Ignoring all your other comments, if there's one thing I won't stand for, it's someone insulting my cooking! No matter what you say, I'm staying here !! Got that !?!" Sanji grabs his collar of his top.

"How dare you grab the collar of the head chef!!"Zeff throws Sanji in the table you and the crew were at which caused everyone to pick up their plates before he crashed into the table.

"Damn it !?!" Sanji yells before he gets back up but you look at Zoro with two plates on his hands and one on his head which makes him look kinda cute so you decide to go behind him and shove your face into his neck. Making him jump and glare at you but all you do is lick his newly made lovebite making him groan almost dropping the plates.

"Don't drop the plates~"You whisper into his ear making you laugh at his face when he growled at you.

"You can try to chase me out all out !! But I'll continue to be a cook here, you hear !?! Until the day you die, at the very least" Sanji yells at Zeff causing him to walk off and laugh at him slightly.

"I ain't dyin'. I'll live another 100 years ."

"Pretty mouthy for a damn geezer, aren't you !?"

"Haha Alright! He gave you permission now we can be pirat.."Luffy tries to finish his sentence but Sanji cuts him off.

"As if !" Sanji says yelling at Luffy before walks out to get some food for Nami and you.

Sitting together at a new table Sanji comes back with a fruit thingy and wine for Nami and you but all you do is sigh at the scene playing out before feeling bored so you tone out and decide to try to talk to Dio making sure he is still alive or something since your such a good friend or lover.

'Dio are you still here?'

'I'm here my little succubus~ What do you need ?'

'I'm, not that mean where I just talk to you if I just need you ....but I do need you to do one thing.'

'i thought so..what do you need ?'

'Well I'm planning on sneaking on Mihawks boat but I need you to stay with the straw hats to make sure the plot doesn't change as well as telling me where they are while I'm gone since I'm going off of the plot .'

'So you want me to babysit them...?'

'Well yes but I can tell you that it will be interesting at least '

'Fine but you owe me, when are you leaving ?'

'Two days I think '

'Then ok I'll start watching then in two days. Bye-bye darling.'

'Bye, Dio.'

Finished with the talk with the god in your mind you zone back to a hand waving in your face from the rubber boy who is going to earn a bite from you.

"Luffy~ Move that hand or Ill bite you ...But I'm probably going to bite you anyway~" you smirk and grab his hand pulling him close which makes him come right in front of your face making him shocked at your strength being able to pull him out of his seat to in front of you.

"Woe you're strong! You should join my cre-Ack"Luffy is cut off by you biting his neck giving him a nibble before you start to suck lightly leaving a lovebite that looks like a heart when finishing your punishment on the boy.



"Why give him one ?''Zoro grumpily says feeling a pain in his chest before pulling his captain away from you keeping him away before Luffy complains about being bitten by you.

"Don't complain Luffy, you know you like it, and I guess that you're my Captain now." you wink at him before Zoro groans but is feeling better because you have joined the crew and he'll see you more now.

"Sister your joining?"Nami asked feeling glad that another girl is joining.

"The pervert is joined !''Usopp asked making Nami hit him on the head at his rudeness.

"Finally someone useful is joining."Zoro says only to get hit by Nami and Usopp.

"Woohoo, we have a new member !"Luffy smiles and laughs before stuffing his face with food.

"But I can't follow you now, since I have to visit a friend of yours, Captain ~"smiling softly you pinch the rubber boy cheeks and wink at him.

" A Friend of mine?" you nod before trying to give him a hint.

"The friend who gave you that very hat ."You smile at him watching his face light up at knowing that you know Shanks.

"You know Shanks !?!"He yells out quite happily while you giggle and nod.

"Yup I know him well, actually since I saw you with the hat I knew something about you was special so I'm going to see him with a soon to befriend of mine. If you want I can give him a message from you since I was going to brag about seeing you to him anyway." you smile before waiting for an answer.

"Yes, can you tell him that I will be coming to the grand line soon and I'm going to be coming for him soon !" you laugh at this but you nod.

"Sure I'll tell him that, I'm sure he would love to hear it ." you smile as you think of Shank's reaction when you appear and tell him this.

"Well I'll see you guys soon, remember if you need help I'll be if you press the button till then I'll be leaving. Just remember I'm part of your crew now, so can depend on me coming ." you smile and take out a few stacks of belis leaving it on the table before walking to Sanji's room jumping into his bed before closing your eyes ignoring every noise.

When you woke up you felt a warm body pressed against you back and an arm wrapped around your chest with light warm breathing down your neck. But you don't mind since all you do is flip over and snuggle into the chest of the owner of the room. But sadly this seems to wake him up which makes speak with a sexy, deep, raspy voice wakes you up by purring in your ear sweet nothings.

"mm...leave me alone I must sleep for two days.."you mumble out before blacking out since you really only wanted to wake up when Mihawk was here so you did just that.

2 Days later 栄へ真

"Morning, (y/n)-swan~."Sanji says waking you up from your short hibernation stretching your arms out sitting up looking at Sanji's shirtless self up putting on his button-up shirt.

"Morning, Handsome ~ Will you give me a morning kiss or maybe even a morning fu-"You winking at him before you are interrupted by a yelling Luffy running into Sanji's room.

"Sanji !!! Join my crew!!! Oh hey (y/n) !" Luffy smiles and jumps on to you making you fall back into the bed with his face into your chest making you let out a strangled moan.

"Oi chore boy get off the lady you Overgrown monkey !!! And No I'm not going to join your dumb crew!!''Sanji yells ripping off Luffy from you but all you do is pout.

"I'm part of that dumb crew, you meanie!!" you pretend to be hurt by his words before running out of his room making your way to the dining area seeing the pirate and his captain so that means Mihawk is coming soon.

"It's Don Krieg !!?" he just looks disgusting which makes you sneer at him and walk past the two sitting at the port waiting, still you have the time you think of ways to introduce your self to the greatest swordsman in the world without being threatened by him or making him throw you off the coffin boat.

'This pretty hard to do ...Actioning skills from the past help me now!!... I could pretend to be a wondering fortune teller...wait I'm already doing that ...Mihawk will not believe in that stuff...but I have to find a way... I really wanna see Shanks and Mihawk on top of me .' while you are thinking someone kicks you making you fall to the side instead of falling in the sea thankfully but it annoys you since you were having a great brainstorming session till some dick kicked you.

"Oi, what the fuck !" you yell at the ugly looking generic pirate tough guy laugh at you before going to fight the chefs.

"What a fucking Cunt , welp I guess I got to make my dreams into reality now ." you get up, popping your back as you stretch and look around to see that the mess of a ship that's barely even floating is now in front of the restaurant. As well as you see the Going Merry leaving with a Nami on it but that just means he will be here soon but you don't think you can watch Zoro be cut down so you decide to make your self invisible with your power.

"Now I wait ..."

"Don Kreig, It's him!! The one who destroyed our fleet !!"One of the generic pirates screams out which makes you smile seeing the hot daddy making his appearance.

 "He followed us all the way out here!"

"He's come to kill all of us !"

"That bastard !!"Don Kreig says but all you can focus on is the approving coffin boat with a very hot open shirt Mihawk who you would very much let him choke you.

"We're Done for.." one of the Don crewmates says while being in shock.

"Damn it! What did we ever do to you !! Why the hell do you have to follow us all the way out here !"

"....."Mihawk looks pretty pissed off before speaking in his deep, rich, and sexy voice, that's it you have to have him now.

"Just to kill some time." he spoke in a bored flat tone looking pretty serious about it.

"That's bullshit!!" the ugly pirate shoots are your soon to be lover but non of his bullets hit.

"Wha?! I-It missed !?"

Zoro starts his whole 'im going to fight you to keep my promise ' speech while you being a wonderful sneaking fox you are you quickly make your way to the coffin boat before looking back to see Zoro with his three swords ready to fight which means it is the perfect time to get ton the boat.

"Part 1 of the plan to ' Meet Shanks and Mihawk then fuck them both !' complete ! woohoo"You whisper to your self not noticing a quick look from the golden yellow eyes before the focus back on Zoro. 

While the fight is going go you decide to think of ways to make Mihawk actually have sex with you since he seems like an asexual being since by the gods them selfs. But before you can think any more about it you that the owner of this boat has finally appeared in does the vanishing from the restaurant toward the way to Shanks , but it feels like he can see you because of his heated glare on you even tho you are invisible to him right now.

He sighs before moving his eyes away from you which makes you left out a breathe you didn't know you were holding, but that seems to be the wrong thing to do since he quickly looks at you.

''I can't see you but I know someone is here "