
ᰔᩚʚ My Story Game ɞᰔᩚ

Something happened making the 4rth chapter get deleted and I spent so much time on it so if that's missing please try to understand

KittyBombC · Fantasy
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5 Chs

2. Mazor Maylor

The portal opens up in the sky and sends Elly plumating down to the ground still somehow conscious. However Elly is scared of nights and loses conscious as soon as she realized she had conscious in the current situation. Luckily she fell into a tall tree that some bent over and then launched her to a shorter tree, this process continued until she reached the ground. When she reached the ground she was unconscious for about 5 seconds and then she arose to her senses.

Elly: AAAAaaahh..., oh I guess I'm fine-OW!!!

Elly may have survived but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel any pain or dizziness from being tossed from tree to tree.

Elly: Ow~, what happened?, wait where's Lily!?, LILY!?

Elly screamed out her sisters name more times than she could count, but it was useless, the only thing she could her were the trees blowing in the wind. Actually when she looked around she was surprised because her world looked nothing like were she lived.

Elly: This place matches the exact description my mom told me of the outside world before she died.

In the past:

Elly's mom: My dear Elly, I love how much you enjoy hearing my prayers but you must sleep like your little sister, It is apart of respecting the gods.

Elly: But mommy!, I can't go to sleep without your bedtime stories, I need something to dream about!, please~?

Elly's mom: (sigh) okay my Deary, please forgive our sins today, I will tell you about the dreams I had as a little one just like yourself.

Elly: Really!?, YAY!, thank you mommy!

Elly's mom: Now cuddle in close so the gods of this land do not hear us.

Elly cuddles in close next to her mom and as they sit by the fireplace she begins to let her story unfold.

Elly's mom: Once upon a time my little me had a dream, a dream so bueatiful it felt like reality. The world differed from our very home, it had bright green grass on the floor instead of dead old grass, trees that had a light brown trunk making it look fresher than fresh and it had bueatiful leaves that were every color in a rainbow. The very thing that caught my instrest was the little weeds on the ground although they had mini leaves attached to the tip of the weed and I found so many of all colors. I even saw little creatures like in the folktales squrying around the land, and then it ended every bueatiful thing I saw went back to the dust we live in. That is the dream young little me had, that is the story that makes me so glad.

End of past.

The world really did match every little discriotion her mother gave, this place was her dream and Elly had found it. Elly decided to look around so she got off her butt and explored, while walking she found a little squirrel under a tree but she didn't know what it was since her world has no forms of animals or even life on it.

She walked towards the squirrel slowly and touched but quickly backed away. The squirrel turned purple when she touched it and started shivering in fear, she recognized that very emotion as she had felt that very emotion about half an hour ago. Elly tried to comfort the squirrel by hugging it tightly but she saw the squirrel turn pink instead, she didn't know what emotion the squirrel was giving but just hugged tighter. Eventually the squirrel couldn't take it anymore and jumped out of Elly's arm so he wouldn't suffocate and die today, the squirrel hurriedly jumped away with his life. Elly chased after the squirrel wanting to get closer with it, but after running after it for a bit she lost track of the squirrel. Now she was lost in a new world, all alone, and she was hungry.

Elly: Great, I'm lost, how am I ever gonna get home, although I don't really wanna leave but-!

Just then a laser beam shot right past her, then another, and another! The laser kept shooting really close to her but then Elly saw where the lasers were coming from, it was coming from a nearby bush that was a bueatiful violet color with blue and pink flowers on it. Elly avoided the up coming lasers and skid right down to the bush, Elly used both hand to seperate the bush to see what was inside. Then another master shooted directly at her but she barley doged it when she looked back into the bush she was surprised of what was inside.

There was a girl that looked a little younger than her (about 14 or 15) but had a completely different style. She had short yellow-ish blonde hair with blue bunny hair clips holding her bangs down over half of her right eye, a long floral blue dress with red flowers on it and a dark blue jeans jacket on with a frily collar and frily sleeve ends. All of that plus a gontlate replacing her right arm with a bright reddish- pink jewel on top shaped like a heart. Her eyes are a bueatiful cyan color with a pinch of blue and her skin was a pretty peach/ white color but it also looked a pinch tan, and she had dark blue boots with white decorations on them.

When she saw Elly she put her gontlate hand down and blushed so hard her face looked like an actual pink peach color. She clenched her gontlate close to her chest and started shivering.

Elly: E-excuse me m'am, uh why we're you shooting at me?

???: I-I'm sorry I was practicing how to use this gontlate hand I just got, I-I thought you were someone else who was also after me-, I m-mean I just am hiding from p-people-

Elly: I apologize for interrupting you but please take your time and don't rush, it's okay if you aren't comfortable talking to me, but can I at least get your name?

Majorine: O-oh, well my names majorine and I'm from Mazor town, the one a few minutes away from here. You are?

Elly: Ooh, I like your name Majorine, oh but uh my name is Elly, Elly Staples, I'm from Hinne Helle, another world, you probably already know about it eh heh heh.

Majorine: Actually I don't know anything about it, I've never heard of it before, no one ever tells me anything actually except the eccentials.

Elly: Really?, well my world is pretty boring compared to yours, your world is so bright and colorful!

Majorine: Aw shucks, well maybe I can introduce you to my town and you can tell me about your world on the way!

Elly: That would be an honor, I will tell you everything I know, including how I got here.

Majorine walked with Elly to her town and Elly told Majorine everything about her home village and what happened before she ended up here. They arrived in the town about an hour later because Elly kept chasing animals that she had never seen before while Majorine tried to stop her.

Majorine: So your saying that your whole village was destroyed by some outsider nation?!, and your sister and father were taken?!

Emily: Uh huhn,And now I have to get them back or else Sister Maggy will seduce my dad!, eh heh, I'm just kidding but you never know!

Majorine: Oh!, we're here!, welcome to Mazor town!

Elly: Wow~, this place is bueatiful!, even the entrance gate thing is pretty!

The entrance game was made of blue wood and covered in pink, purple, and green flowers and thick green vines holding it down to the ground. Majorine led Elly inside the town an gave her a tour of the very town she lived in.

Majorine: This place over here is the best market in the town.

She said while pointing to a building that said, " Beat your meat, and eat it!", one the sign outside while a guy inside was showcasing himself cooking some pig meat to make some weird dish far from bacon. Majorine was about to tell Elly about the next building when suddenly a lady stated shouting.

Old lady: You monster!, first you harm me by dragging me across the street!, then you destroy four building with that weapon arm thing, and now you bring a threat to this town?!

Majorine: Mis Olk I promise she's nice, she just went through a lot herself! And I helped you cross the street, I didn't drag you-


The old lady throws some berry juice at Majorine but Elly blocks her and get Berry juice all over her outfit, she didn't say anything though an walked out of the town with Majorine while other people started yelling at the two girls. They walked one the trail back to the forest were they met each other.

Majorine: T-thanks for helping me Elly.

Elly: Do they always treat you like that Majorine?

Majorine: Yes they do, and it just became worse when I became trans.

Elly: Trans, but you don't look like a man but either way they should know not to bully someone because of that-

Majorine: Actually I used to be a boy but I liked girly stuff like dolls and dresses but everyone thought I should stick to boy stuff like war games and pants or shorts. That's when I found out that you can change you gender and become trans, I really wanted to be a girl so I went to the surgery and it was mostly a success. During the surgery they accidentally cute my arm off and had to replace it with this gontlate arm so I wouldn't die. Everyone was disappointed in me saying I should've listened and done boy stuff instead so I wouldn't look like a freak, my parents never liked me in the first place and now they just hate me ten times worse than before!!!

Elly as stunned, she thought Majorine was a complete girl this whole time! At the same time she wondered how feminine she looked as a boy, but she still thought of Majorine as a friend even though she was trans.

Elly: It's okay to be transported and it's okay to like girly things as guy, I actually love hunting with my dad, I remind catching my first weed! And people say that's a men's job!

Majorine though Elly didn't completely get it but still very much appreciated her support.

Majorine: T-thanks Elly, I appreciate it but at the same time your the only one who thinks that.

Elly: Well how about we make a deal?

Majorine: A deal?, what deal are speaking of?

Elly: I help get everyone accept you and you help me find my sister and dad?, sound like a good deal?

Majorine: Well that deal is a little unbalanced and but at the same time it's almost impossible to convince these people.

Elly: Your right, I guess it is a lot to ask and I'm just a normal human girl anyway so what could I do?

Majorine: Well maybe I could-

Just then a loud explosion was heard in the far distance, Elly immediately recognized that explosion noise because it sounded exactly like the explosion that happened in her home town!

Majorine: What was that?!, it sounded like an explosion-

Elly: There's no time! We have to go it's the same thing that attacked my home!

Majorine and Elly ran out of the forest as fast as they could to reach Mazor town, when they got there they were to late. There wasn't anyone there, the only thing in sight were burning buildings, explosions, some blood, soldiers, and a Ginourmous UFO type space ship that was a dark crimson red color with a orange glow in the cracks of it. The soldiers saw the two girls as soon as they set foot on the town land and they started shooting at them without warning. Each shot created a crack in the floor until there were so many cracks that a crator split up the whole town, buildings, floor panels, and even spare food was falling in a being burnt by the boiling leave inside. Elly was so distracted by the crator that she didn't notice a soldier shot directly at her, she barely missed but started falling into the crator. Majorine caught her before she fell and threw back to the surface but then the UFO space ship shot a huge laser beam through another part of the town and it was heading right for Majorine and she had no chance of dodging!

Elly jumped in front of the laser in a stupid attempt of saving Majorine, but then something so surprising and so unreal happened. Elly suddenly looked more serious than ever before and white sparks started flying around her while she grabbed the laser with her bare hands and slapped it making it plummet back to the UFO. The laser slammed into the UFO causing a explosion of smoke to cover everything, when the smoke cleared and Elly could see she was stunned but it didn't show on her face. The UFO had only taken a long dent of damage, the laser did nothing!, then a loud horn noise sounded from the UFO and all the soldiers ran back to the UFO. When every soldier got inside the ship the walkway for them closed and the UFO flew off into outer space.

Elly was relieved and the sparks went away and she fell on her knees to the ground, she was so tired out but was happy Majorine and herself survived. Then she notices Majorine was sobbing behind her and also fell to her knees right next to Elly with her hand on her face.

Elly: M-majorine I'm sorry, I was suppose to help everyone like you not put you in danger, I just wanted to try and stop this thing from hurting anyone I-

Majorine: Are you kidding!?, you just saved my freaking life!, you even managed to drive off that space ship!, how can I ever repay you?!

Elly: So that's what it was, but you don't need to repay me for anything, all that matters is that your safe, and don't worry I will get your twin back!-

Majorine starts to laugh a little, while Elly gets of her knees that were throbbing.

Majorine: Remember that deal you offered early in the forest?

Elly: Yes?, why do you ask?

Majorine: Well, (wipes away tears) I accept, after today you have earned my trust and I've realized how much you care about others and I wanna have a friend like that, and I'll do whatever it takes to save your sister too!

Elly looks surprised for a moment and then chuckles and gives out her hand for Majorine

Elly: I'll make sure not to let you down Majorine, now let's go stop some aliens!!!

Majorine takes Elly's hand and stands up while shedding a final tear.

Majorine: Yeah! Let's start this adventure together!