
ᰔᩚʚ My Story Game ɞᰔᩚ

Something happened making the 4rth chapter get deleted and I spent so much time on it so if that's missing please try to understand

KittyBombC · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3. Little bit of space

Elly and Majorine started walking around the world until Elly said.

Elly: Oh my god!, we have been walking for hours and my feet are starting to hurt really bad, like really bad! Are you sure you know what you are doing?

Majorine: Yes I do and we are almost there!, I swear to God we are!

Elly: I swear to God that you've said that the last three times I asked you!, and plus you said everyone hated you, when did you learn how to make a space ship?!

Majorine: For the last time I didn't make it, I found it and repaired it but haven't tested it yet, so do you have any better ideas?!

Elly: I thought maybe I could sumon that portal that sent me here again, unless I never summoned it but then who did?

Majorine: I don't know, don't ask me, oh we're here!

Majorine said while stopping in front of a cave entrance, the cave was so dark you can't even see more than 6 inches in!

Elly: Majorine that is so not a space ship, there are monsters in there aren't there?!, I thought we were friends!

Majorine: No silly here let me show you, and yes there were monsters but I killed them all.

Majorine raises her gontlate in a position pointing directly at the center of the cave and shoot her shot. The cave glowed like a fiery grove because of the flames from Majorine's gontlate made. Majorine and Elly walked deep inside the cave while Majorine shot a laser out of her gontlate each time it got to dark. They arrived at the space ship when the reached the deepest part of the cave but Majorine had already made it look like a bedroom she would sleep in because she painted the walls pink and had a bed and even some decorations around.

Majorine: Don't make yourself comfy yet!, the inside of the space ship looks even better.

Elly was so distracted by how big the space ship was that she didn't even hear Majorine. The space ship was huge, not as big as the one that has been attacking but it sure was huge, and it was a gentle blue color with purple details. Majorine had to drag Elly away in oder for her to even come inside, when they got inside it did looks even better and this time Majorine can give her an actual your of something!

Majorine: this big room is the control room and yes I made it a cyan color like me and all the buttons are decorated like little kitties and puppiess!

Elly: What are kitties and puppies? Are they some type of food? Because those dishes sound disgusting.

Majorine: NO!!!, they are animals and are not meant to be eaten!, anyway let's continue!

Majorine walks Elly to a hallway filled with rooms, each door was blank except for one that Elly could only guess was Majorine's room.

Majorine: So these are all the rooms, my guess is there use to be a lot of people on here that used all these rooms, and this one right here with all the stickers and pink door is my room!

Elly: Oh that's cool, do I get a room? If so can I have the white door right next to your room?

Majorine: Of course! I want everyone of these rooms to be filled with someones desires so they can feel at home here! Now onto the kinda boring stuff.

Next Majorine leads Elly down to the back of the room Hall and shows her the two bathrooms, one on the left side and one on the right side.

Majorine: These are the bathrooms, they smelt terrible before but now they smell like flowers because I cleaned them! No need to look inside unless you have to go-


Elly rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door, about ten minutes later when Elly still hasn't come out, Majorine gets tired of waiting.

Majorine: Elly?!, please come out I wanna continue showing you around! Elly?

There was no response and then Majorine busted in knowing something was wrong, it turned out Elly had just fallen asleep from being so tired.

Majorine: Wake up!, you gotta see the rest of the ship and after that I gotta teach you how to use everything!!!

Elly: Eeep!, what are you doing in here?! I am using the bathroom! Get out!

Majorine runs out of the bathroom not wanting to be yelled at any loner than she already had been. A few moments later Elly comes out of the bathroom.

Elly: Please don't do that again, and also can we just continue the tour please!

Majorine: Y-yeah sure, right this way please.

Majorine was still a little embarrassed about barging into the bathroom like that but at the same time it she was making sure Elly was safe. Finally Majorine showed Elly the engine and escape area in the very back of the space ship, it was as big as the control room in the front of the space ship but it was filled with black metal boxes and had a mini control pad in the corner.

Majorine: This is the engine/escape room, I haven't managed to decorate this area yet because the boxes are to heavy but I'm sure I will eventually. If you have to escape like if the ship is going down, use this room because it it the easiest way to get out on this ship.

Elly: Makes sense for a space ship to have an escape route pods.

After Majorine finished explaining some extra and important information about the space ship, like how to work all the controls on the space ship and tips when on the space ship, they both decided to try and fly this baby out into space. They both headed back to the control room at the front of the ship and sat down to start their mission.

Elly: So if I remember correctly, you press this button to shoot at a laser right?

Majorine nodded and then Elly pushed the button causing it to shoot and break the cave walls. Then Majorine pressed another button and pulled a lever causing them the ship to start rumbling. Suddenly both Elly and Majorine got tightly strapped into their seats while the space ship zoomed out of the cave. The space ship was going so fast that Elly's and Majorine's faces were stretching out, revealing all of their teeth and jaw. The spaceship was going even faster now and the area around it started looking like bright rainbow as they were almost in space.

They had finally reached space and recovered from the impact they went through just now for a bout 10 seconds. Both girls were gasping for air desperately but at the same time they were both laughing.

Elly: W-we, huff, actually, huff, made it!

Majorine: Yeah!, we, huff, w-we, huff, really did! I can't believe we made it into space!

Elly: Isn't it bueatiful Majorine?, all the shimmering stars in the sky and the bueatiful purple atmosphere, I almost never wanna leave!

Majorine: Hey Elly, do you know what that is?

Elly: Know what what is?

Elly and Majorine noticed a planet close enough to them that they could see the simple lannd design of the planet. The planet was all cool colors and looked like it was constantly shedding endless tears. There was a huge crator it the middle of it so big it's the first thing to notice about the planet, the crator had some type of purple goo inside of it forming a zig zag pattern as if it the only thing keeping the planet together.

Before Elly and Majorine even took their eyes off the planet they didn't notice the meteor shower going on. The meteor shower was banging on their space ship but they didn't leave and eternal damage but then a meteor got stuck in the engine and sent them plummeting down to the planet they were looking at.

Elly: Oh come on!!!, after we just got into space we're going back down to the surface, just great!!!

The space ship started to pick up super and eventually caught on fire and went through the planet's atmosphere although majorly allowed down upon falling into it and the fire went away completely. They got past the atmosphere and plummeted into the lowest atmosphere level and fell to the ground.