
ᰔᩚʚ My Story Game ɞᰔᩚ

Something happened making the 4rth chapter get deleted and I spent so much time on it so if that's missing please try to understand

KittyBombC · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1. Hinne Helle

Once upon a time, in a world called Hinne Helle, there was a small village named Hissinia. In this village there was a girl named Elly and she had a sister named Lily. Those 2 we're almost inseparable!, ever since there mom died their dad had to care for them on his own. Today however Ella and Lily were going to the church to drop of their prayers to the gods who keep them alive on Hinne Helle since there dad was unable to do it today because of his cold.

Lily: Hey Elly?, do you think we should've left papa home alone?

Elly: Well, yes but if we don't drop off the daily prayers we could get banished from the village, and you know the outside world is a forbidden waisland!

Lily: It's just because mom died from sickness and I'm worried that if dad gets sick with no one to care for him, he might ascend to the heavens too.

Lily dropped her head while saying that starting to have flashbacks about when their mother passed right in front of their eyes. Elly noticed and was about to comfort her but then she realized they had reached the church. The church was bueatiful with its pearly tan walls and a painted glass window for 4 of the most well known gods, Zues, Posiedon, Athena, and Hara. At the front gate is were they had to go to get permission to enter the church by sister Maggy.

Sister M: Oh hello Harold, back for another prayer or do you want a massage-

Oh my holy stockins!, what are young folks like you two doin around the holy church!

Elly: Oh, h-hi sister, please forgive us for catching you by surprise, all we wish for is to finish our task of gifting our prayers to the gods we live for.

Sister M: O-oh, right eh-hrmhe, Yes indeed I see your mission clearly and I must ask of you to state our holy prayers in order to see yourself in this mature holy prayer church.

Elly did not learn the holy prayers yet, she only knew the ones made for the little ones like herself but then to everyone's surprise Lily started stating the prayer.

Lily: From our holy mother,to our holy father, to our holy sisters, to our holy brothers, we live to reinforce and protect the very lives we have been given and the future lives to come. We give our bodies, soul, and mind to the gods who gift us and fight for rights against the gods who make us fall, our purpose is to reproduce, appreciate every drop of rain, and never disobey the holy ones orders. We will fight for freedom, for rights, for our lives, and for our place in this world, Equal rights work hand in hand with every finger full of hope, may our purpose, desires, and respect we will live our lives as accordingly as possible to give the gods their desires.

Everyone was impressed that Lily knew the mature and full prayer for the holy church to the gods! Some of the village people even stopped their actions and wat he'd as she recited to prayer and even did the correct dance without a single mistake.

Sister M: Y-you are but a child that hasen't even been blessed with the light of pleasure! How could you even find out about the mature dance pattern so easily-

Lily: Now sister Maggy you know better than to question a lady's secrets now don't you, I say this with all do respect I respect your listening skills. Now may me and my sister drop our prayers please?

Sister M: Y-yes, you may give your prayers!

Elly and Lily walk into the church with everyone still laying eyes on Lily. When they got inside Lily let out her relief, Lily hated being the center of attention and acting all mature saying she is only 13 and a half!

Elly: How did you know the complete mature holy prayer!? Not even I knew it and I am older then you!

Lily: I heard dad practicing it in the attic again, he does it every holy hour. Your always asleep by then.

Elly: I object to that thought!

Soon Elly and Lily realized the church was empty and not but a whisper was heard even outside, they could tell something was wrong because as soon as they were about to try figuring out what was going on they heard a loud explosion outside! The explosion was so big it knocked half the church of the ground!

When Elly looked up it was complete chaos, building were eithere burning or destroyed, they sky was a musky red color, mistles and bombs were flying everywhere, and there were thousand of soldiers with robot like armor and bright red faces.

Elly: Lily, we have to get out of here right now or else we are going to die!-, Lily?, LILY!?

When Lily reached out for Lily's hand, it wasn't there, she wasn't there! Elly looked around frantically while calling out Lily's name but it was no use she had left this part of the scene. Elly ran out of the half collapsed church and went straight to her home which was currently ablaze. Elly thought Lily probably went to save their father first before even thinking about her own saftey. When Elly reached the burning hut and kicked the door down.

Elly: Lily!?, Dad!?, where are you guys, we have to get out of this village!

There was no response, Elly ran inside without a second thought and found Lily under some rubble. Elly ran to her and managed to pull Lily out of the rubble just in time because at that moment the attic items that were on fire started falling down. Elly quickly grabbed Lily and put her on her back and ran to the door as fast as she possibly could while still holding onto Lily tightly making sure not to drop her. She got out in the nick of time because their house collapsed sending dust flying everywhere as if it was a smoke bomb. She dropped Lily off her back and started trying to wake her up.

Elly: Lily!, wake up!, wake up!, For the love of God GET UP!!!, please it can't end like this-

Lily: Oh, shhhhhhhhhhh, be quite or the soldiers will take you away just like they did with dad!, we haven't even reached safety yet!

Elly: Wait your alive?!, wait what happened to dad and what did you just say about saftey!?

Lily: Just play dead or the-the soldiers-

Elly: What are you-, Oh no

Standing in front of them was a tall soldier, they looked creepy up close. Then he pulled out some type of whistle and blew into it, then a bunch of other soldiers came and surrounded the two. The other soldiers grabbed Lily and took her away.

Lily: ELLY!!!

Elly: Lily!, what do you want with my sister you, you, you fiends!

Soldier: As a weak and pathetic human you would of course not know about our plan and why we are taking you kind, maybe we can get rid of just one of you puny humans.

The soldier pointed a gun at Elly, Elly stood up and slowly backed away. What she didn't notice was there was a portal forming right behind her and she accidentally tripted into it.


The portal closed as soon as she dropped into it, the soldier put his gun back into his bag and grabbed a walkie talkie out of his pocket.

Soldier: Take over of Hinne Helle complete, reporting back to ship now.