
[The City Of Bones]

She dared a look over her shoulder and sure enough the green eyed man was barreling towards her at an inhuman speed. Desperately crawling into an abandoned alley she was left alone, with nothing but moonlight and this man in front of her. She stared, mouth wide open, in absolute horror, as he crouched forward, looking her up and down. His skin looking paler, and the moonlight giving it a blush gray hue. His pearly white canines poked out of his lips as he smiled. The mans sandy blonde hair covered half of his face but that didn't stop him from piercing her with his gaze. "I told you I v'ould find you," he spoke darkly with a thick Russian accent as he backed her into an alley; his eyes scanning over her as Silla tried to remember where she had seen those eyes before; a distant throb in the back of her mind not allowing her to. [100,000+ words]

TheLadyInBlack2050 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter Thirty: Invaded

"Fuck... Why won't my stupid ex husband pick up the damn transmission? Silla's mother hisses, fiercely pressing the disconnect button to avoid listening to the redialing call. She was standing outside her new salon, a new gift from Raymond, the cold evening air a perfect contrast to her mood. Silla's father was supposed to be here already since today was the day they met up with Raymond for their payment as they had done what he asked. However, nightfall was nearing, and she was yet to see a sign of the disgraceful man. Concluding that her ex likely forgot, she quickly moves over to her own vehicle and gets in, deciding to call it a day, leave, and go home.

"Probably out fucking some red light district whore..." She grumbled, shaking her head as she screeched out of the parking lot. The woman was oblivious to the sleek black holocraft trailing her to her abode as she turned up some music idly tapping her long red nails against her seat. Her mini apartment was not far from the salon.

She parks her vehicle in the small run down parking lot of her complex and hops out, humming a song to herself as she grabbed her purse. Declan, who was watching her a few blocks away is appalled by her entire being and this repels him to carry on his acts of revenge. If he was to have even a speck of sympathy prior, her mere presence would debilitate any mercy.

Silla's mother stepped onto her porch and she straightened her spine to retrieve her keys from her jacket pocket.

As soon as she turns the key in the door and grips the knob, a cold mental presses into her side. She stiffens and slowly turns her face to see bright green eyes. "Open z'e door and be quiet," Declan ordered pressing his finger against his lips. The woman's eyes drop to the weapon and the color drains from her face.

"What the hell is this?! W-What are you doing?!"

"You should just do as you are told. Open z'e door or I v'ill your brains out."

She swallows hard, her hands shaking as she gently opens the door. The screeching sound it makes as it swings open adds to the suspense of the situation and she slowly walks inside as if she knows she is walking to her own death. Declan follows in behind her having his pistol in close reach as the woman raises her quivering palms, glancing sideways in fear. "L-Look you can take everything, everything. Do you want money? I can give you that. How much do you want?"

"Do I look like a beggar?" He hissed, grabbing the woman's collar and throwing her onto the ground. She groans hard from the fall but immediately reclines onto her palms, gazing up at the man with anxious eyes.

"Then... W-Why are you here?!"

Declan goes over to her and begins taking his devices and wallet from her, stepping back as soon as he retrieved them. "If it's not money, you want I can give you something else~" She pulled down her dress a little to reveal her cleavage.

He stoops down in front of her, one hand holding a gun and the other pushing back his hair in exhaustion. "I don't need your money or sex. Z'e only z'ing I v'ant is to see your blood on my hands and z'ese floors... Z'at's all. I hope you can co-operate and not speak

unless. you. are. asked. a. question. Failure to do so v'ill result in you getting hurt prematurely. Are v'e clear?"

The woman blanches, her eyes clouded with a wave of dread.

"So now, let us get started. I just v'anted to ensure z'at v'e are on z'e same page. Do you know v'hy you're in z'is position?"

She looks up at his familiar green eyes despondently. "No, I have never down anything to you! I don't even know you!"

Declan shakes his head and tsks feigning pity.

"Hmm... And z'at's v'here you are very v'rong. You do know me... Or more specifically I am your son in-law. You see... Just as I told your ex husband.  It'd be great if you let z'at sink in for a moment."

Realization dawned on her features and her eyes slightly widen. "You-You did something to him? Is that why I am unable to reach him?" Her thin sharp brows pull together and anger overthrows her prior fearful countenance.

"And I'm next, is that it?"

"I-Is this about Silla?" She desperately babbled on.

"I swear I didn't do anything! I swear whatever you heard was a lie! I never tried to hurt her! I never paid anyone to hurt her!"

He frowns. "You know... No one said that you did. You admitted that all on your own. Now tell me who paid you to plan it?" He stands to his feet with darkness overshadowing his face. She could sense the danger in his eyes and immediately begins to regress on her palms. She stayed quiet not giving away any information out of fear of what would happen to her and losing all the money she was promised for doing so.

He kicks her in the face, blood oozing from her nostrils as she blinks her eyes, already threatening to become unconscious. She reaches a hand to hold her face. Declan's shoes make it there before her, kicking her face again and drawing more spurts of blood from her nose.

He fists the woman in the face and her head bobbles back, blood gushing from both her mouth and nostrils. She was unable to recover from the hard blow as Declan fists her again, followed by another, then another. Soon he was beating her to a messy pulp on the floor as her grunts and screams bounce off the walls Declan releasing his anger on the woman.

Each punch is fueled by the vivid imagery of a crying Silla, curled up against the corner of her room, hugging her knees while she sobs helplessly. Years of violent abuse could damage even the strongest of persons. Not only that but the night Silla was almost killed kept resurfacing in his mind. Her cold lifeless body in his arms as he begged her to come back to him.

He keeps seeing her, her crying face, her trembling body, her pale drowned form in his arms. He keeps seeing it.

He hates that he wasn't there to help her, to save her. She had to bear this weight all on her own and it broke his heart. He finally stops punching he,  and she was sobbing and screaming hysterically.

"I v'ill let you decide. Choose one of two options." He glared.

"W-What?" She panted frightened.

"You can continue to keep your lips shut and I v'ill end you right here, right now."

"... Or you can sincerely open up and reveal v'hat you're hiding, and I v'ill end you later."

"Do I seem patient?"

"... Hic! Ugh, ahh." His Hands clenched around her throat.

"Your decision?"

"Sp- Sp-Spare me! Please spare me!"

"H-Her father paid me to distract you. W-While R-Raymond..."

"I-Invaded your territory a-and took e-everything and k-kidnaps Silla."

Declan's eyes widened and he trembled. This entire time he was distracted by pure rage and now his love was in danger. Everything he worked for would be ruined. In one shot he pierced her with a bullet straight through the heart flying out the door and back to the manor hoping he would arrive in time.


Back at the manor Silla laid in bed. Her shoulder was wrapped from where she was shot and her stomach bandaged. She couldn't move much as she didn't want to reopen her wounds. However she did need all the rest she could get at the moment. Although she had rather abruptly woken up as sounds of nervous servants around the estate murmured. Something was happening, but she didn't know what. Declan had gone off somewhere so it was only her.

She winced as she sat up and went to look out the window when a sudden bright flash blinded her. The dome used for protection around the estate was hit with something. Some kind of explosive she gathered. It hit, and the entirety of the land shook including the manor almost causing her to fall over as she held onto the balcony railing. The explosion engulfing the entire barrier in flames, smoke, and debris barely keeping the inside protected. Once the smoke cleared, the dome had shattered and parts of it slowly fell to the ground in what was like wispy web like shards and the rest of it disintegrating in the air.

She was shocked, and her big blue eyes widened reflecting the bright flames that were in front of her. It wasn't long after that that she was dragged away by anxious servants trying to get her inside and away from the windows and balconies.

"M-Madame you have to hide oka-" The woman was cut off as unknown men storming in with their weapons. It was already too late. It seemed that they had invaded the entire manor and the estate land. After this there would be no hiding. The maid was dragged off with the other servants, and Silla was violently pulled out in the open in front of an all to familiar man.

His graying blonde hair and withered black eyes staring back at her.


She knew this man wasn't to be trusted. He turned to the manor and gardens quickly ordering for it all to be lit in flames much to her and the workers sadness. Where was Declan? Was he okay? A sharp blade was held at her throat, and she was left to her own devices.

To Be Continued...