
51: Angels

[Flashback Continues]

A year after the war, everything started to cool down. The tension was gone and everyone started to mourn their dead, the names of the Wicked Angel, Blood Fang, and Demon Lord gave spread amongst society and they became known as war veterans by some, war heroes by others, and even spawns of the devil...

With the surging of powers and chaos, people began to cling to what brought them comfort and a sense of security, and one of those things was religion. No explanation could be given about the origin of these powers, scientifically they were still searching for the answer, but religiously was an answer to that question, some believed and others didn't. This belief was that these powers humanity suddenly awoken was given by "God", this belief brought comfort to others while some even mock it, which made some fanatics annoyed or even angry.

This anger and hate had to be released in some way, which led to hate. This hate was directed at those who were not part of the religion itself or were not equal or similar to them... Just like nowadays, hate was spread to those who had nothing to do with them, and the hate and anger that already existed was amplified because now they had new motives to hate! Skin color, sexuality, and gender were already hated by them, so now they also had powers and appearances to hate!

Brian is a great example of this. His power gives him Unholy energy which is slowly getting purer, which also made him stronger, and his demonic features started to appear more and more, now he has his tail out all the time together with a small pair of goat-like horns. Not only he had these features, but others did too! Red skin, horns, tails, leathery wings, big nails, black (or red) eyes, and if they can produce flames from their bodies it makes them what would be considered a 'Devil' by th Church. If anyone with two or more of these features are sighted, they will suffer the most human thing: Hate. Others may not even hate them, but fear them.

Slowly in the 5 years that the war was happening, people were convinced that while some powers, or as they call it 'Miracles' were given to them by God, others that had powers that resembled in any way something they disliked or were against was given by the Devil and were called 'Disasters'. These terms were later used to determine if someone was part of the church or were clean by church standards. From this hate, racism, and fear, a new group was born in the church that called themselves "Angels of Miracles" which was an extremist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and the transphobic group that spread the "Words of God", a fancy way to call their hate. Religion became even more toxic than it already was, making the people that still had their minds leave the church, but they didn't stop worshipping the same God!

So another church was created, and they had to be identified, so the original and super-toxic one was named "Miracle of God" or simply "Miracle" and the other one was called "Love of God" or simply "Love". The Church of Miracles calls the Church of Love traitors of faith while the Church of Love calls the Church of Miracles lunatics or hateful creatures. Soon both religions started to spread, while one would tell would spread love the other would spread hate disguised as the "Words of God"...

5 years later, when the war ended, both religions have been spread around all of North America and some hate crimes have already been committed. Some of the victims were a family that had the same power, they all had horns and long ears, they could use the horns as natural weapons and they also had great hearing as well, which led them to hear the sound of the approaching cars and vehicles that quickly approached their household. In the end, they tried to escape but couldn't and were brutally assassinated one by one, just because of their appearance and power, the father was decapitated, the mother was raped and then hanged, the older sister was stabbed 28 times before dying, the middle brother died being hit by a car and having his head smashed, and the last little sister was burned alive in the house after every corpse was thrown inside.

This was not the only time it happened, however, there were others too. This group that named themselves "Angels of Miracles" got known as an extremely extremist and aggressive group of the "Church of Miracles", which increased a little the number of people that went to the "Church of Love". This led to another increase in slurs and rivalry/animosity between the two churches...

And if you think this is unreasonable and would never happen, remember: The church burned women alive because of "claims" with "proof" that they were witches. Yeah...

People started to fear the "Angels of Miracles" group, which lead to the creation of the Church of Love's secret team that helped relocate people that might be targeted by the "Angel of Miracles." This team wasn't so secret since the police knew about them and helped, was called "Protection of Love." This team, or rather an organization that originated from the Church of Love would go around and help people, but their priority is possible targets for the "Angels of Miracle."

After the war ended and the Demon Lord became famous for his demon-like appearance and powers, the Angels of Miracle started to vigorously hunt down the "likes" of him, and when they considered Brian the biggest threat they targeted him as well and one of the people that targeted his was his dear sister Cassidy Levine, the last daughter of the Levines and leader of the Angels of Miracle.