
50: War

[Flashback Starts]

The Blood Roses and Azure Onis were created, they were under the wings of two Fallen Angels, which instantly gave them a reputation amongst the underworld. After all, who doesn't know the Wicked Angel, Leader of the Fallen Angels? His name is spread amongst all world for his fearsome power and ruthless attitude. Where this reputation came from? Well, most of the underworld knew about the Wicked Angel, but the populace learned about him after the war... Ah, the war, also known as the 3rd World War, Eclipse War, and Blood Moon War.

These names were given because of a certain event that marked the end of the war, but before I tell you that, I need to tell you about the start of the war. 4 years after the Dawn of Power, the United States declared war against North America after one of their military base was invaded by some Korean spies, they stole some precious information about research and even some items made by the scientists that there resided.

One of those items was a Power Amplifier. This item was a consumable pill that would increase the overall strength of any power, making the person stronger. This was, of course, something everyone wanted. So they went and got it, however, the stolen ones were defective and caused extreme pain and death after consumption, which happened to some of the test subjects that were put through it. North Korea also declared war against the United States after they found that the assassination of one of the highest members of their "government" was assassinated by a US spy with the power of levitation that could easily escape North Korea.

These two countries went against each other, and the other countries which secretly started this war watched until the United Kingdom offered America help. It was surprising, to say the least, but the United States accepted their help, together their soldiers started to push forward, soon a nuclear bomb was set off and hit on the border of North Korea and accidentally fell between the borders of North Korea and China... This was when shit got real. China, will the biggest army in the world, organized a powerful army division with the most powerful power users, it was like a Howling Comando but everyone was Captain America with steroids. You got what I mean? They were a powerful hit force, which destroyed a whole battlefield! It was then that those with powers started to fight too, those with powerful powers were quickly rising in rank within the military and fighting, killing, and destroying.

But the forces of the U.S and the U.K were losing. So the Queen got one of the people who owned her a favor, one of the highest members of the Russian Military, and soon Russia joined the war. It was then that the whole world went: "Oh, we doin this?" and soon other countries chose a side and fought. You see, power-hungry people are rather easy to predict, they will do anything to have any sort of power.

Be it physical, material, and now social. Because those who had strong power could have a higher rank, people started to go to war, soon there was a law which those who did not join the war (Men and Women between the age of 18 to 30) or refused to join the war, would be committing a War Crime. And guess who was in the U.S the moment this law was added? Sean and Brian! They were in the U.S and even if they wanted to leave, which they could, they saw no reason to. Klein taught them to fight and kill, which they hadn't done in a while, also he taught them to seek power with an objective. Sean's objective was the cliche protect those he loves and Brian's objective was both the cliche protect those he loves and build a haven for him and Sean, or maybe a kingdom.

They first contacted Klein and asked what he was going to do, to which he replied that there were some offers, U.S officials were going to offer whatever he wants to help them, to which he agreed but didn't tell what he wanted. What Klein wanted? Well, he wanted to be Omnipotent, but he also wanted to relieve his bloodlust! Klein wanted to use [Meta Powers: All for One (S)] to steal the abilities of some people, he obviously wouldn't tell the government, he just warmed them that he will take what he wants.

With this news, Sean and Brian joined the army. Daniel, Amanda, Herald, and Kevin were in Canada living their lives while most of Klein's students were in Japan. So, joining the war was easy, leaving it was not. Sean and Brian started to easily climb up the ranks, which made those up feel threatened by them, and decided to strike them down, which was a terrible error. Once known that they were Fallen Angels, no one wanted ro mess with them, no one that had some connection to the Underworld or was aware of it. Sadly for the people who wanted to get rid of Klein's students just on the very next day, he arrived at the place where both were... Once knowing about such a thing, Klein told them to get rid of those people, and they did just like that. No one could comply as the two higher-ranking officials were decapitated in the middle of the barracks.

Klein taught everyone single one of his students to kill their enemy, no matter what, a dead enemy is a harmless enemy. Unless some specific circumstances!

It was a bloody sight to see, that day was the day everyone knew of the Fallen Angels and their leader The Wicked Angel. Klein of course had a pair of wings exposed, he was proud of them, his wings were a little different though... They were still feathery, but the feathers were no longer golden but black with golden lines, forming a forming runic-like pattern. Everyone should just look at his wings, some people even mocked him saying that his power was only having wings, which wasn't something interesting or impressive at all, but Klein just ignored them. When the war started, everyone saw how easily both Sean and Brian could kill someone...

Brian would use Unholy Energy to create bullet-like projectiles that would pierce through several bodies at once, killing several people. Sean, however, would only move through the battlefield with a dagger in hand, he didn't even care about a gun as he would go around stabbing and killing enemies with only a dagger. Even those whose power was to form a protective layer around the bodies or simply make their skin change into something else would die as Sean's dagger cut through their bodies, he would get shot several times but he would continue to move forward and kill with Brian by his side.

Soon both received nicknames amongst the allies and enemies, they were known as [Blood Fang] and [Demon Lord]. Brian transformed into his devil mode once when Sean lost his left arm, which made him go around crushing people's skulls with his big red hands and stab people with his sting on his tail.

This battlefield was nothing compared to the battlefield all of Klein's students had to go through in their dreams. Klein used an ln altered version of the [Afterlife Battle Royale Arena] to teach them about wars and battlefield strategies. This battlefield compared to that is heaven!

Everyone thought it was a massacre what both were doing... But when Klein, The Wicked Angel, joined the battlefield, everyone understood the meaning of the word carnage. Limbs were everywhere, blood was raining from the sky, the intestines of several soldiers were hanging from mountains of corpses... What happened? Klein let loose for a few minutes, that's what happened.

He used [Manipulation: Wind (S)] to control the wind around and create a hurricane of wind blades, this hurricane cut through pretty much everyone and everything! War machines and people alike were decimated so easily, it scared everyone who saw it, those who mocked Klein begged in their minds for forgiveness but neither their legs nor their lips moved.

This war continued for 5 years.

It would continue further if it wasn't for Klein's boredom, one day he simply wanted the war to end because he had other things to do other than kill and fight! So, he met with every single leader of the country that was participating in this war and threatened them. He said that if the war didn't end, then something terrible would happen, he didn't go into details but just said something terrible would happen...

-Scene Ends-

[New Abilities Registered:

[Meta Powers:

[Nuclear Energy Generation (B)]

Cells can generate nuclear energy

[Shadow Slash (B)]

Uses dark energy to control the shadows and attack with a slash.


[Nuclear Energy Resistance (D)]

Takes less damage to nuclear energy

[Darkness Energy Resistance (D)]

Resistant to Darkness or Shadow-based attacks.

[Holy Energy Resistance (C)]

Resistant to Holy-based or Light-based attacks.

[Void Energy Resistance (C)]

Resistant to Void-based or Erasing-based attacks

[Magic Powers:

[Holy Magic (D)]

Uses Holy energy to heal, conjure and control light, purify, enchant, and much more.

[Mental Powers:

[Killing Intent (S)]

Can be used to bring your killing intent/bloodlust to view, making everyone around you lose the will to fight or be frightened of you depending on your bloodlust.

[Abilities Rank Up:

[Magical Powers:

[Holy Magic (D) → (C)]

[Unholy Magic (D) → (C)]

[Kaos Magic (D) → (C)]

[Meta Powers:

[Meta Space Manipulation (D) → (C)]

[Meta Time Manipulation (D) → (C)]

[All Mighty Powers:

[Cosmic Energy Manipulation (FFF) → (E)]

[Void Energy Manipulation (FFF) → (E)]

-Author Notes-

Take a close look at the start of the chapter.

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