
27: Laboon

There are examples of this happening in history, every single mythical creature that you can think of!

Dragons, Elves, Hydras, Leviathans, Angels, Demons!

They all were the result of millions of thousands of years of constant exposure to this energy released by this asteroid. Talking about Charlotte, the asteroid itself was bigger than it is nowadays. How does Klein know this? Because there is a huge piece of the asteroid deep into the center of the Bermuda Triangle! This causes the electromagnetic fields around all of the Bermuda Triangle to go haywire and do shit, there's also the Dragon Triangle near Japan, but it is smaller than the piece in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.

What did Klein do about it?

He took the pieces from both triangle regions and is keeping them with him now. Sadly the effects that they caused on both regions are permanent and cannot be reverted with normal means. Klein could easily solve this problem with just his powers, but he won't do that because those places created the perfect resort! Not only did the fragments of the asteroid changed the electromagnetic fields in both triangular regions, but it also changed the temperature and living conditions! This means that the creatures that evolved to live in this place cannot live anywhere else in this world! Unless the living conditions are the same, which are simple but specific conditions.

And one of them is to contain at least a tiny amount of the same energy that is released by the comment Charlotte... Let's call this energy C-01. C-01 is the energy that permanently changed the genes of every living species on the planet earth, animals, humans, or even plants, although the only known plants that have changed are the ones in the archipelago in the Bermuda Triangle. They are simple plants that gather the energy C-01 from the air and concentrate it as a fruit, which takes the blue color and circular shape with tiny white dots. Consuming such a plant causes the person to feel energized for about 10 minutes, continuous consumption of this fruit can increase abilities rank.

Klein noticed that every time one of his students ate one of these fruits, their powers would increase slightly. Like Shunsuke for example, because of his training with Klein, breaking his bones and regenerating them, he, as well as every single person who has been exposed to Klein's [Meta Powers: Full Regeneration (S)] developed an ability similar to [Meta Powers: Regeneration (FFF)].

Normally he would need to be hurt and regenerate the bruise to rank up his ability, but just by eating every day for a week, the blue fruit, named by Kelin Boost Fruit, his ability skyrocketed! If before it could be compared to a [Meta Powers: Regeneration (FFF)] it can now be compared to a [Meta Powers: Regeneration (D)]! Without training his ability, Shunsuke's ability skyrocketed 4 ranks in one week!

Klein theorized that the fruit caused such a thing because it was a fruit that concentrated a great amount of C-01, which was the origin of every single person with powers in this world... Everyone except Klein, his powers did not come from this energy, so it had almost no effect on his abilities. However, he discovered he can use his ability [Magical Powers: Energy Conversion (A)] to imitate the C-01 energy using his body fluids to protect the energy! So potentially he can cause mutations in other living beings by will. He just doesn't know what will happen if he exposes people to great amounts of energy in one go. It may cause a different result.

Anyway, back to the topic of the archipelago.

Because of C-01 and the perfect living conditions, there are species of genetically modified animals that live here. As I said earlier, every single mythical creature was a creature that evolved from the C-01 energy after billions of years of exposure. All the creatures that live in Bermuda Triangle are amphibians and live in the deep ocean or the shores, devouring those who dare to enter their territory.

Klein likes to call them Leviathans. Some of them are about the size of a blue whale, 2 or more eyes, tentacles or fins, long or round bodies, it varies. Klein noticed three types of Leviathans till now and they all had different physical properties, which distinguishes them from the rest.

The first species are a little cute, principally their cubs.

Klein calls them White whales because their skin is white and they have a pair of white wings on their back. It would be unnatural for them to fly, but they are also born with the natural ability to reduce their weight. Not only did humans evolved and had special abilities, but also animals too! These whales can reduce their weight to as light as a feather, so they can glide and fly around. They can stay about 30 minutes out of the water before they have to dive again. They are also half the size of a normal whale but as ferocious as a killer whale. Their teeth are very sharp and they are always with a partner, hunting. The cubs are very cute, they have big eyes and small wings, which they use to glide only.

Klein calls the second species Kraken, the reason is obvious. They are big Octopuses with variant sizes, shapes, and colors, but what they all have in common is the ability to become invisible by camouflage, as a normal octopus does! Their tentacles are strong enough to destroy metal with a swing, and their teeth can consume even the hardest rock. Their cubs are somewhat cute, they are born the same size as a normal octopus, but they grow fast!

Klein calls the third species Snea Snake. It is a giant sea snake with variant colors, but mostly green and black. These serpents can grow up to the size of a whale while keeping their potent poison, which can paralyze even the greatest and strongest blue whale with only a dose. These snakes are also very strong as they tend to paralyze their prey and break the bones of their bodies with great force. They usually tend to stay alone, their numbers aren't that great, they sleep alone in islands around the whole Bermuda Triangle and also in the Dragon Triangle near Japan. There is also a variant of this species named Winged Snea Snake, which normally has gold scales and draconic wings.

And why am I telling you all this? Well, Klein has a plan for this place!

He will live here and make this place his base, he wants to protect these rare species, because they are beautiful and he would feel bad if they died. Also, with his [Meta Powers: Animal Communication (B)] he was able to speak to them and hear their voices. The little White Whales were so fucking cute that he could not help himself but hug them, which caused him to be attacked by his parents, which made him defend himself... Which led to him killing the parents of the whale. And now the whale is an orphan... And Klein will take care of the poor whale, he even named it Laboon!

Cute, right?