
[Superior Adaptability]

When you die and are selected to the [Afterlife Battle Royal] to fight again everything hag has died at the same time as you to the death again just to get the chance to have another life... I was selected and won. I got to spin the wheel of powers once, but luck was by my side because of what I got: [Superior Adaptability] X-x-X This novel's main character is gay. He will be in a relationship with another man, I repeat, he likes guys. So if you are not interested then bye. Also, I've never seen a multiverse story with a gay main character or an LGBTQ+ main character in any crossover/anime world, so I decided to write my own. This will be no harem for I am terrible at writing those! Also, the main romance is going to be introduced later on, I have decided on who to put my little gremlin hands on. Slow-paced (I am serious) Also, romance isn't the focus of the 1st world because I want to have a plot.

DaoOfGay · Others
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152 Chs

26: Animals were Too



"Fight back!"


*crack* *boom*

Explosions echoed across a desert island in the middle of the blue ocean. Nothing could be seen on the horizon but blue sky and white clouds, the wind blew and the leaves of the trees of the island moved together with it, dancing in the air. This calming scenario was easily destroyed by cries of pain and anger, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking and flesh being torn. It's been 6 months since Klein brought five kids (together with his already four) to this desert island, named Elysium.

Differently from the Gardens of Elysium, the equivalent of heaven in Greek mythology, this island was pure hell.

Klein had full control over the island with his abilities, which by the way, increased by a lot. He left the kids alone on this island and did not provide anything for them, they had to survive for 7 days before they started their training session... It was somewhat interesting.

Nemuri, Azuka, Arko, Mikaboshi, and Shunsuke suffered for a whole week. They were a team together while Sean, Daniel, Chloe, and Max being another team. Named respectively Team Prey and Team Predator, Team Prey had to hide and survive while Team Predator had to search and capture the members of Team Prey. If every member of Team Prey was captured, they had to restart the exercise. They could use their powers freely, with only one restriction that they don't cause lethal damage to each other.

To make things easier, Team Predator could only hunt Team Prey at night. They were safe all day, but when the sun sets, they can be attacked and captured. Easy right?


Team Prey was captured the first night!

They left a campfire burning, which produced light and everyone could see it from miles away. They had to restart the exercise from the beginning, in total they were captured 10 extra times, which delayed the time of their practice 3 months, so Klein made them suffer to get stronger faster. So he beat them to a pulp and healed them, this has been repeating itself for another 3 months...

Of course, he didn't only beat the shit out of them, he also taught them a lot of techniques he knew. Nemuri was able to learn how to control the gas he can release, giving him the ability to release streams of gas from his hands and feet that makes him fly. He can also use it in a short time to boost his speed, and speed is equal strength. Klein also had them select a weapon, a fire weapon, and a cold weapon.

Shunsuke selected a spear and a pistol.

Mikaboshi selected a short one-handed sword and a Glock.

Arko selected a pair of scimitars and a sniper rifle.

Azuka selected a pair of daggers while her fire weapon was a simple gun.

Nemuri selected a single dagger for his cold weapon and a desert eagle for his gun.

Klein did train them on the basics of using their weapons and started to beat the shit out of them so they can learn faster how to use them. They all developed a minor healing factor, which was the result of using his ability to heal them.

Talking about his abilities:

[Abilities Updated:

[Meta Abilities:

[Full Regeneration: From (A) to (S)]

Increases regeneration factor and decreases energy consumption. Able to regenerate someone's body from the molecular level up to its peak.

[Meta Time Manipulation (F) {New!}]:

Controls time with precision, the higher the rank of this skill the easier it is to use it, hard to increase rank.

[Meta Space Manipulation (F) {New!}]

Controls Space with precision, the higher the rank of this skill the easier it is to use it, hard to increase rank.

[Electric Generation: From (C) to (A)]

Increases electricity produced by the body by a great margin while decreasing energy consumption.

[Supernatural Teaching (B)]

Increases the speed at which people learn things you teach them. Even the dumber person on Earth can learn theoretical physics in a day if taught by you.


[Fire: From (A) to (S)]

Increased range, decreases energy consumption

[Water: From (A) to (S)]

Increases range, decreases energy consumption

[Air: From (A) to (S)]

Increases range, decreases energy consumption

[Earth: Form (A) to (S)]

Increases range, decreases energy consumption

[Mental Powers:

[Dream Invasion (C) {New!}]

Can use this ability to enter other's dreams via mind-linking. While inside the dream, the person will not notice you unless you show yourself or mess with them.

[Dream Manipulation (C) {New!}]

This ability is used to control dreams, this can be used while sleeping to easily access a mind palace and control it at will. It can also be used in other people's dreams to control them, at higher ranks it can also be used to kill the person in the dream and they will die in real life.

Please have a nice day.]

It took a great amount of Klein's training time to upgrade his abilities from (A) rank to (S) rank! He thinks he might take even a longer amount of time and a greater amount of energy to raise his (S) rank abilities to (SS) and above. Klein now uses his [Meta Powers: Supernatural Teaching (B)] to teach the children everything he can, they easily learn what he teaches them and never forget. He also uses his [Mental Powers: Dream Invasion (C)] and [Mental Powers: Dream Manipulation (C)] to enter his student's dreams and teach them everything he can. It's great because the effects of [Meta Powers: Supernatural Teaching (B)] also carry on with him while he enters their dream.

And what he sees in their dreams? That's something he doesn't want to talk about, only that some of his students are incredibly kinky.

Anyway, he would use their dream as a way to train their subconscious mind, he would control their dream to create foes and scenarios where they would have to fight to survive, and because normally dreams and dreamed by the subconscious (unless it is a lucid dream), Klein was successful in teaching the subconscious mind. And what does it mean? Well, now his students will subconsciously act and fight when they are attacked, making it hard for them to be surprised and fight against foes faster than themselves. They would also start to make great progress in their fighting, which will make them stronger faster and Klein can relax on this island.

Where is this island? Well, glad you asked!

In the Bermuda Triangle, obviously.

This place has an electromagnetic pulse that disables every single electronic that enters the radius! It also distorts satellites, and also... Humans weren't exactly the only ones that were affected by the energy released from the Charlotte asteroid... Animals were too.