
15: Wolves Brothers

"What?" Sean asked a little shocked. His mother nor Daniel would ever tell anyone that they saw him kill someone... So how the hell does this man know? "How do I know? When you kill someone, you kinda lose something inside you... I never had it, to begin with, but I know when someone loses it. It is like a mark, those who never killed have this mark, and those who have loses that mark. I simply can see those who have or don't have this mark." Klein bullshited his way through, he simply knew that Sean had killed someone because of David and Joyce, apparently everyone in Away knew he has killed someone but they were chill and okay with that, after all, they all went to Away to escape things.

"I asked you if you killed someone because I need to know if you are prepared," Klein said seriously as he looked at Sean, even sitting Klein was taller than Sean and much more intimidating with his large shoulders and built frame, his muscles carried power as he could break mountains with his hands... Which he probably could. "R-ready? Ready for what?" Sean asked a little wary, is he going to kill someone and will need his help? "To protect your brother at all costs. Even if you need to kill someone to protect him, I need to know if you are ready to fight for his freedom. There's a lot more to the world than you could ever imagine, Sean. People who want to experiment in the likes of me and your brother, people with greed that want powers for themselves and would do anything to have it."

Sean was shocked. Just now it was revealed that there are people after his brother because of the power he holds and would likely experiment on him to get it... "Who? Who would do such thing!?" Sean asked a little anxious, Klein just calmly looked at him and explained: "The government, the politicians, everyone in power... Human greed is unstoppable and you should not underestimate it. The police who are after you are probably after your brother and his power and not because you 'killed' someone." Sean was astonished by this revelation, Klein continued to drop bombs on him: "Tell me, Sean, are you prepared to kill for your brother? Are you ready to protect him? Are you sure you would want to go to Puerto Lobos? There's another option for you right here, in front of you. Think about your brother, even in Puerto Lobos... Would you be safe from the government?"

Sean knew the answer. It was a big fat fucking no... They weren't safe and they couldn't run away forever... 'Another option in front of me? Is he talking about himself?' Sean thought as he looked at Daniel in the distance playing with David and Joyce, he sighed deeply as he was conflicted. This man just appeared and revealed a lot of information for him and he needs time to process and make a decision. "I... Need some time to think." Sean admitted as looked at the sky, the white clouds took his attention because he saw a shiny light come from above, suddenly he felt his body move and he saw as he was pushed out of the way as a metal spike fell from the sky. As Sean was stunned, Klein took him by the collar and ran, he quickly got Away and moved his hands as a huge wall of wind formed around him.

Suddenly several metal spikes began to rain from the sky, but the wind wall protected everyone as the iron spikes hit the wall and lost all of their momentum and strength, which allowed Klein to take them with his hands and throw them back at the one who attacked them. The attacker was none other than a person with superpowers! This person worked for the government and Klein fought against this organization several times, killing several of their men with powers. As the metal spike he threw impaled the person high above, the person who was floating in a metal disc began to fall. From Klein's back, six golden wings expanded and he flapped them as he flew in high speed towards his enemy.

The person that was falling could not react when suddenly Klein's right arm became a purple tentacle full of blades as he used [Meta Powers: Shapeshift (A)] and [Enchantment: Blade Body (A)], he swung his tentacle arm quickly and it moved like a whip in the air, but with blades cutting the body of the target in several pieces with all the crazy swings. Right after, Klein used his [Manipulation: Blood (A)] and made the blood from the now corpse fuse with the body and explode in a flashing bloody rain. Klein's wings soon retracted back to his body and he began to fall from the sky, he landed on the ground shaking everything around. He quickly rushed around searching for more enemies because the organization was already here and was probably observing everything for a long time.

He searches using [Mental Powers: Clairvoyance (A)] and felt no other minds than those he already knew of. He sighed and returned to Away. He returned to see the shock on everyone's faces, he quickly apologized and explained it was one of the dangers he daily fights against to keep himself safe because he is on the radar of a powerful organization spread worldwide, he did not explain much but just said they were after individuals with superpowers. He locked eyes with Sean and then Sean remembered everything Klein just said to him about killing and doing everything he could for his brother. He was bitch slapped by reality's hand, and it was a big fucking fat slap on his face...

Sean looked at his brother Daniel who seemed to be somewhat perturbed by gruesome death but also somewhat used to seeing death, first his father, then his dog, then other people, and then the woman Sean shot, and then now this. It was death after death, which made Daniel a little used to it, he even killed a big feline which killed his puppy Mushroom himself. To protect his brother he would do anything, after all, he was the last thing he had in this world worth fighting for.

As Sean just now watched Klein kill someone so easily, he thought of himself doing that and did frown a bit when thinking how difficult it would be to clean all the blood. Klein noticed the change of thought in Sean's head and smiled, now he could teach the kid without remorse.