
14: Away

Sean was having a rough day. No! A rough year! His father was killed by a cop, his brother awoke his powers which let him control things with his mind, and killed the cop, he didn't know what to do so he took his brother and ran. He remembers the struggles they had to endure and how despairing it was to not know what to do, he only knew one thing: In Puerto Lobos, they would be safe. So he took his brother and they left Seatle to go to Puerto Lobos to live safely without the police trying to chase them down. Because of course, the police thought he had killed the cop and his fucking father.

He ran with Daniel and they went through a lot of struggles that no child of his age should, after all, he was only 9 while Sean was 16. Sean even lost one eye because of his brother, ot wasn't his fault, but it was because he lost control over his powers and it exploded around, destroying everything. He searched for his brother for some time until he found him in a church where the leader bitch was using Daniel to attract more followers... They were also planning on adopting Daniel, which for Sean was a big fat fucking no, he can't lose his brother for those people! They let a girl be sick because they thought 'faith' was going to cure it! That bitch.

Then he was punched in the face by the bitch's husband when he tried to get into the church to take Daniel with him, breaking his nose and making him drop a candle that started a fire in the church, they were going to leave the church when the bitch stopped them from leaving, Sean then did the unthinkable, he shot her and killed her. His mother that was with them was shocked, they left the church and watched it burn, they soon left because the firefighters were coming, the husband of the bitch was there still and the door was locked so Sean threw the gun inside from the window. He didn't know if it would help or cause more troubles, but he was panicking for intentionally killing someone for the first time.

He still thought himself guilt for their father's death. They left with their mother but not before saying goodbye to their new friends, their mother took them to a place called Away, where she has been living for a long time. This place in the middle of Arizona and all you could see were canyons and desert... At night the stary sky is so beautiful that makes you forget everything. They met the residents, a cute couple named Joyce and David, another cute couple called Arthur and Stanley, and a woman called Joan. They were all great people who lived in peace away from everything...

They were in this place for 2 weeks now, recently Daniel accidentally revealed his powers, which a lot of people took it calmly and didn't freak out much to Sean's surprise. He saw David and Joyce look at each other for a moment before sighing, it looked like they were planning something... Then David and Joyce told both him and Daniel the story of Arcadia Bay and how it got only half destroyed when it was supposed the be destroyed, and the story of Chloe Price and her girlfriend Max Caulfield, the Time Tief... And also another person, who also has powers, named Klein Knight. Sean was a little suspicious of this but Daniel took it like an excited child, happy to know he wasn't the only one around with powers and that possibly this person could help him control his powers, after all, he doesn't want ro lose control and kill someone again.

David even asked if he could call Klein, who gave them his number in case something happened and they needed his help, to which Sean gave some thought but agreed when Daniel insisted. They were waiting for 2 hours now, according to David who said Klein said he would arrive in 2 hours...In exactly 2 hours, a dust cloud surged from the left side of the community attracting everyone's attention.

Leaving the dust cloud was a tall man, possibly 6'9, with light brown hair, wearing sunglasses and a black trench coat with a white shirt underneath, black pants also. The man walked forward until he reached and patted David on his shoulder while hugging Joyce, both seemed happy to see this man that now Sean assumed was the oh so famous Klein Knight. "So, I'm here. What's the problem?" He asked as he looked around, his eyes scanned the people from Away one by one when his eyes landed on Daniel, Sean saw him tilt his head to the side and say: "Oh... I understand. Him, right? Kay. Hey, there little guy." He crouched next to Daniel and took off his sunglasses, revealing his red eyes which were unnaturally shiny with a yellow slit pupil.

"How you doin'?" Klein patted the boy's head, children are innocent and their innocence must be protected until they naturally lose it. "Hey! You're the cool superhero that David and Joyce told me about, right?" Daniel asked while Sean observed them talking, Klein chuckled while getting up, his eyes landed on Sean as he spoke: "I'm not exactly a hero... Neither a villain... I'm just me. So! A little blackbird told me a certain 9 years old boy could move things with his mind... Telekinesis." Klein moved backward a little while asking: "Why don't you show me what you can do and I will show you what I can do. Okay?" Daniel looked at Sean who just sighed and nodded, a little apprehensive. Soon Daniel looked at one of the distant rocks and it suddenly began to float.

Klein observed as the rock began spinning and was thrown forward, impacting on another rock and cracking it. "Very good," Klein commented while a small pebble floated up to his hand, Sean watched as he took it and threw it, all they could see was the rock that Daniel used for a target completely broke by this single rock. "But you need to put more strength in your mental throw if you want to destroy something." Klein smiled while saying this, if this was an anime, he would be able to see the stars on Daniel's eyes as Sean was a little apprehensive at all this and a little jealous. "I can teach you, little bird. But first I need to have a conversation with your brother and explain some things to him... Kay?" Daniel could only nod disappointed he wouldn't start now but he understood that Sean was his brother and like his father he wanted to protect him too.

Klein looked at Sean's eyes and Sean was shocked for a second to see his red eyes change into deep green eyes, he followed as Klein walked a little ways away to give them some privacy so they could speak. When they got near one of the rocks, Klein suddenly stopped and sat down, from the ground a perfect chair was formed for both him and Sean. He pointed towards the chair and said: "Sit, please. Now, let's get straight to the point. Sean, have you ever killed someone?"