
114: Armageddon.

"So you're telling me that the Hell from another universe is coming here?" Klein raised an eyebrow at this new information, after all, it was something strange and would likely not happen even though both of his students believed that it would, Klein decided to give them his trust and believe in them as well. "Well, if they do come here then it would be a full war against this universe's hell... Oh well, what a hell that would be." Zagreus chuckled at Klein's pun and gave him a thumbs-up, making Klein smile in pride while both Sean and Brian cringed at his horrible pun, but Klein's eyes were focused on Zagreus's beautiful smile.

He had seen that smile so many times but he never gets bored of it. He sees this man every single day and every time he opens his eyes and sees him lying beside him, is like is seeing him for the first time again... "Anyway." Klein coughed to get rid of the awkward atmosphere around him after he coughed and shamelessly placed his hand on Zagreus's left thigh, Klein continued: "Even if the Hell of that universe got to this universe, and war happened, then the Hell of this universe lets call it HL-01, would win against the Hell of your original universe HL-02." Brian, the only demon in the room, frowned.

"I mean mo disrespect, teacher, but I don't think... HL-02 is weaker than HL-01." Sean nodded, agreeing to what Brian just said, Zagreus, however, smiled at them and said: "Well, that's the opposite. HL-02 is weaker than HL-01 because HL-01 is richer in Unholy Energy and the demons have been fighting for centuries against the angels, so they may have better-fighting experience than those of HL-02. Also, I think Armageddon would get involved if-" Before Zagreus could finish his sentence, another voice came from behind Sean and Daniel. "So these are the anomalies..." Both Sean and Brian instantly moved their bodies, using Unholy Energy they attacked whoever was behind them, sending that person flying back and destroying the wall in the way.

Both Klein and Zagreus raised an eyebrow at this, the entity that just appeared behind both Sean and Brian was the Lord of Hell, Armageddon! He could have easily dodged that attack, yet he took it, soon the rubble and dust settled and Armageddon got up from the ground while patting the dust out of his purple suit. He held his top purple hat in his hand and bowed slightly towards Klein while saying: "Lord Primordial Destruction." He soon bowed towards Zagreus and smiled: "Lord Primordial Blood." This confused both Sean and Brian but not Zagreus and Klein, who just answered at the same time: "Lord of Hell... Armageddon."

Brian suddenly fell to his knees as he felt his heart hurting, Sean soon got to him and helped him, but before he could his heart was removed from his chest, and he lost the balance, falling dead. Armageddon, chewing on Sean's heart, smiled slightly before Brian coughed black blood and looked at him in the eyes, making Armageddon frown and raise his hand towards him to use Void Energy to erase him, however, his hand was gone before he could even use Void Energy. "I would appreciate it if you don't fight inside my house." Armageddon looked at his right side to see Zagreus holding his severed hand, Armageddon bowed slightly before saying: "Please forgive me, I failed to control my excitement."

"Armageddon... Repair the wall." Klein said as he held Zagreus in his big arms, he was not protecting Zagreus from Armageddon, but protecting Armageddon from Zagreus... He did not want his dear Zagreus to wet his hands in blood so early in the morning... Have to be at least 6:00 AM before he can wet his hand in blood! "Of course, Lord Primordial Destruction." He pointed his finger towards the broken wall before the wall began to repair itself, it was a simple use of Divine Energy. "Stop playing with my students and sit your fucking ass down," Klein said as he released a little bit of his Divine Aura this created a pressure that made him look like a wild beast, which made Brian gasp for air and Sean breathe again as he coughed some blood, his chest cavity closed and his heart was back and beating again.

"Klein, dear, you're going to wake Amando up," Zagreus whispered in Klein's ear, making the previously wild beast into a tamed puppy in a. matter of seconds... Klein was completely whipped by Zagreus as well as Zagreus was completely whipped by Klein. "Sorry, dear," Klein whispered back as his eyes darted up, Zagreus frowned and looked at Klein, who whimpered before he sighed and raised his hands, in defeat. Zagreus clicked his tongue before he got up from Klein's lap and went to go upstairs, not before stabbing Armageddon with a sword made of Divine Energy and Blood. Klein smirked when Armageddon held his chest in pain whispering: "I deserved it..."

"So, Armageddon, what do you want?" Klein asked his face expressionless, Armageddon smirked handsomely before mocking: "I don't know, maybe that man's juicy ass... Zagreus was it?" Before anyone could react, Armageddon felt his insides twist as a hand-pulled them out, his guts came out of his stomach as Klein held it with his left hand. He pulled the long intestine and wrapped it around Armageddon's neck before pulling it, cracking the demon's neck. His arms and legs were all twisted in inhumane places as his eyes were being removed from his eye sockets by his nails, his heart was removed and his tongue was burned by a Holy Flame produced by pure Holy Energy. Time seemed to slow down as the pain continued for a good hour or so before Armageddon opened his eyes again and he was on the floor, Klein looking at him.

The only difference was the thousands of eyes and mouths that shifted through his flesh, even his shadow had eyes as they looked up at him, making Armageddon chuckle and say: "Just kidding~"

Klein smiled, this made Armageddon freeze because nothing good ever happens when Klein smiles. "I guess we're inviting Yawheew for this year's Christmas supper... And know who is going to be serving him?" Armageddon began to shake his head violently while whispering: "NO no no no no no no" Klein chuckled like a cartoon villain while Armageddon said: "I beg you, anything but that! Torture me, kill me, rape me, anything! But not him!" This was the worst punishment Armageddon had to go through... Spend the day with his father, a little Primordial God of Creation. Klein placed his hand on his chin, making a pensive expression, before shattering Armageddon's hope by saying: "No, I don't think i will change my plans."

-Scene Ends-

Author Noter:

Here we have our mighty Armageddon!