
113: A problem?

As Amando slowly went to sleep once again, falling in the arms of Morpheus, Klein took him back to his room, which was one of the guest's rooms that was modified to be the child's room. Zagreus locked eyes with both Sean and Brian as soon as Klein left, with a warm smile he asked: "So, how long have you two known Klein? What was he like when he taught you, let me guess, a monster that could care less if you broke your bones and couldn't breathe?" Both students looked at each other before looking back at Zagreus before nodding, Zagreus chuckled like a mafia boss and suddenly his aura changed to a more serious one, both Sean and Brian could easily feel the change in the atmosphere as Zagreus said: "So..."

Sean could feel the sweat pouring down his whole body as Zagreus's eyes locked on him. The lifeless red eyes of the young man analyzed his whole body as if he could see his soul, which he easily could. "You two, what are your relationship?" Zagreus asked seriously, Brian coughed and began to sweat when those red lifeless eyes stared him down. "W-we're both in a long last relationship together! It's been over a hundred years by now!" Sean blushed slightly as Brian shouted, a voice came from the stairs, it was Klein, who growled slightly annoyed by the loud shouting: "Shut up. You're going to wake the cub." Zagreus's lifeless red eyes shone with glee as he confirmed they were not a threat to his relationship with Klein... What? Do you think that Klein is the only one that thinks that everyone wants Zagreus even though it is true? No! Zagreus also likes to analyze every single person they meet to see if the person would one day come to try and even think about flirting with Klein.

Because if they do...

Well, Zagreus has the Divinity of Killing for a reason!

"Oh, great!" Zagreus smiled at the couple who sighed in relief, holding each other's hand for comfort. Klein came downstairs and took Zagreus in a careful hold, sitting him on his lap as he sat where Zagreus was previously sitting, Zagreus did not mind and it was quite the opposite because he liked it. With his arms around his lover's waist, Klein looked at his two tense and stunned students. "What?" Asked Klein, a little curious why they were so shocked. "Sensei, you..." Brian began to say, Sean soon came in to finish his sentence: "Are hugging someone without breaking their bones."

"And is smiling without being threatening." Added Brian with a slight shiver.

"And is being gentle without releasing bloodlust." Sean also added as he looked at Klein's hands around Zagreus's waist and chin on Zagreus's shoulder. "And is acting like an idiot in love..."

Zagreus and Klein just stared at the duo before Zagreus began to laugh, his giggles made Klein happy for a second and ignore the fact that his students just called him an idiot, this fact was also noticed by his students as they watched Klein observe Zagreus giggling with the warmest and kindest smile they had ever seen him do... It was like this Klein was someone completely different from the Klein in their memory. As soon as the giggling Zagreus stopped, Klein nuzzled his bear against his left cheek and smiled, asking: "So, how have you two been? How long has it been since we last saw each other?" Sean smiled in nostalgia as he said: "It's been 100 years, teacher, how have the others been?"

Just the mention of his other students and friends made Klein smile sadly as Zagreus placed his hand on his left cheek, kissing his right and whispering in his left ear: "You know that you should tell them, right?" Klein whispered back to him: "I know... I just fear what might happen." Zagreus sighed as Klein looked seriously at the couple in front of him and said: "They are all dead. While for you two has been 100 years, for me it was more than 200 years, they slowly grew older and older until they died. After they died I... Decided to leave that world, we're now in another world, another universe, with a different reality and rules." This shocked them, Sean sighed sadly as he thought of his brother and asked after. a few seconds of awkward silence: "Were they happy?"

"The happiest someone could be at that time... He had a child named Beowulf and named me his Godfather, like all of my other students." Klein chuckled at the memory of that brat holding his baby in from of his face and saying 'You are his Godfather now!' while his wife laughed together with him... "Anyway, I wondered why you two came now? Any reasons?" Brian awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he whispered: "Well... We kinda wanted to talk to you about something..." He eyed Zagreus as if to say this was a private conversation between students and teacher. Klein shook his head and clearly stated with a slightly threatening tone: "Whatever you have to say, say it in front of my Zagreus too. He and I have been together for over a hundred millenniums now, so you're petty if you think I won't let him hear what you have to say."

Sean smiled as if to say: "This is the teacher we know and love", but his smile soon turned into a frown when he looked at Brian who nodded: "Well... We may have some bad news."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I am having a minor author block right now so I will go write some chapters for the other novel that I key or may not post it.

I will also go waste my time playing some LOL and possibly try to kill myself afterward. Thank you for reading.