
Chapter 489 - Red Flame Gourd Essence Fire Crystal

  He glanced at the gloomy-faced Huoyun Cave tribesmen, and suddenly remembered that Huo Lin'er usually took good care of him, and said:

  "Chief Huo, after clearing the parasitic plants in the spiritual field, I will go to see these damaged plants, which can more or less restore some vitality and recover some losses."

  He has the original spiritual power from the Qingxuan Deer, the Qingmu Yuanqi.

  Qingmu Yuanqi is a special kind of plant spiritual power that not only promotes the growth of spiritual plants, but also has a powerful healing effect, which is just right for treating damaged spiritual plants.

  "Then... thank you, Fellow Daoist Lu!"

  "Fellow Daoist, I will remember your kindness to my Huoyun Cave tribesmen for the rest of my life."

  Huozhen was excited, and led the other Huoyun Cave monks to bow deeply in gratitude.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you have worked so hard this time."

  Huo Lin'er was also very touched, and his expression was moved, and he expressed his gratitude to Lu Xuan.

  This time Lu Xuan came here, which can be said to have helped him a lot.

  He discovered the origin of the magic flame bugs and contributed the most among the three when cleaning them. When the strange bugs came to retrieve the magic flame bugs, he was the first to discover them and solve the strange bugs for Huoyun Cave. He

  even took the initiative to save the spiritual plants that were implicated, further recovering a large amount of losses.

  For the entire Huoyun Cave, it was a great favor.

  After the Huoyun Cave monks cleaned up the insect corpses in the spiritual field, Lu Xuan and the other two did not rest and continued to remove the magic flame bugs parasitic on the spiritual plants.

  After completely cleaning them and checking that there were no remaining insect eggs in the spiritual field, Lu Xuan continued to heal the damaged spiritual plants.

  Three days later, he returned to the team with a tired body.

  "Three fellow Taoists from the upper sect, this time the spiritual plants of Huoyun Cave were invaded by strange bugs. I completely rely on you to come and help solve it. Here are three small gifts to express Huoyun Cave's gratitude. Please accept them."

  Before leaving, Huozhen led a group of Huoyun Cave monks to see Lu Xuan and the others off.

  The three monks each held a beautiful gift box and presented it to Lu Xuan and the other two.

  The one belonging to Lu Xuan was obviously a bit bigger.

  "Junior Brother Xu, Junior Sister Zhou, there is some Flowing Cloud Juice inside, as well as some special monster meat and spiritual plants from Huoyun Cave, to keep as a souvenir for you."

  "As for Junior Brother Lu, everyone has seen your efforts this time. In order to save the spiritual plants of Huoyun Cave, you did not hesitate to use the fourth-grade sword talisman that you spent a lot of money to get, and the gifts prepared for you are also the most."

  "Ten bottles of Flowing Cloud Juice are enough for you to drink for a long time."

  "In addition, considering your identity as a spiritual plant master, there is also a storage bag in the box, which contains about half an acre of Flame Soil, which you can use to cultivate corresponding fire-type spiritual plants."

  "The Flame Soil is taken from the most essential area of ​​Huoyun Cave, and the aura of the Fire Spirit is rich. Even if it will continue to dissipate after moving out, it is enough for you to use for decades."

  "In order to prevent you from leaving these Flame Soils in vain, the leader of the Fire Chrysanthemum tribe also specially prepared a Red Flame Gourd Spirit Seed for you, which can be directly cultivated in the Flame Soil."

  "The spirit seed is of the fourth grade. There is no way to condense the seed in Huoyun Cave. We can only rely on the special environment of the secret realm to occasionally obtain one or two, so the number is extremely limited."

  Huo Lin'er said to Lu Xuan.

  Xu Yong and Zhou Yunning did not show any emotion on the surface when they heard it.

  After all, since entering Huoyun Cave, everyone has seen what Lu Xuan has done, so they have no opinions.

  "Thank you, Senior Brother Huo, the Fire Clan Leader for such a generous gift."

  Lu Xuan said gratefully.

  "Not only that."

  Huo Lin'er smiled and took out a fiery red crystal from the storage bag.

  The crystal was uneven, and there were crisscrossing silk threads inside, like human veins, with fiery red magma flowing in the silk threads.

  "This is the Yuan Jing Fire Crystal that I made from the essence of that mutated Yuan Jing Fire Spirit after its death. It's of close to fifth grade, and contains a large amount of Yuan Jing Fire. It can be used to assist in practicing fire-based techniques and magical powers. I'm giving it to you, Junior Brother Lu."

  "This... how can I do this."

  Lu Xuan didn't expect that in addition to the pile of gifts, Huo Lin'er would actually give him such a precious Yuan Jing Fire Crystal.   

  "This is what you deserve, Junior Brother Lu. If you weren't here this time, the century-old foundation of Huoyun Cave would have been destroyed."

  "The fire-type spiritual plants in the spiritual field are related to most of Huoyun Cave's wealth. If the pest problem cannot be solved, it will be a devastating blow to my clansmen."

  Huo Lin'er said sincerely.

  "Then I won't be polite."

  Hearing this, Lu Xuan no longer pretended and directly accepted the red spar.

  The four of them jumped onto Huo Lin'er's flying magic tool, the Qingling Boat, amid the reluctance of the Huoyun Cave monks.

  High in the sky.

  The Qingling Boat shuttled quickly in the white jade.

  "Senior Brother Huo, this matter is over. It's not easy to get out of the sect. Why don't we go back slowly and see the local customs along the way?"

  "There is a market for casual cultivators hundreds of miles ahead. I heard that there are many new and strange things in it."

  Xu Yong suggested on the flying boat.

  "I have no objection. What do you think, Junior Brother Lu?"

  Huo Lin'er agreed, and when he saw that Lu Xuan did not express his opinion, he asked.

  "Sorry, I still have some things to deal with in the sect, so I don't have time to relax with the brothers and sisters. Why don't we go our separate ways here and I'll go back to the sect first?"

  Lu Xuan's face showed a trace of apology. The appearance of the Flame Demon Worm Mother and the various deeds he heard recently made him keenly aware of the undercurrents in the cultivation world. He could only feel at ease when he returned to the sect.

  "Then I will go back to the sect with Junior Brother Lu first."

  Huo Lin'er immediately changed his mind.

  Zhou Yunning and Xu Yong did not force it. Both of them were in the late stage of foundation building and came from a large sect. Their strength was at the forefront among the cultivators of the same realm, so they did not have to worry about their own safety.

  The two decided to part with Lu Xuan and Huo Lin'er.

  "Senior Brother Xu, Senior Sister Zhou, remember to be cautious."

  Before leaving, Lu Xuan stood on the Qingling Boat and suggested.

  "Hahaha, Junior Brother Lu, you are just too cautious. There are not many things in the cultivation world that can threaten us."

  "Don't worry, you will definitely return safely."

  Xu Yong laughed loudly.

  After the two got off the Qingling Boat, Lu Xuan and Huo Lin'er continued to rush to the sect.

  "Junior Brother Lu, is your matter urgent? If so, I can speed up a bit."

  "I have something to deal with in the Sword Hall. The faster it can be, the better."

  Lu Xuan said in a deep voice, and he couldn't wait to return to the sect.

  "Okay, stand still!"

  Huo Lin'er's body was surging with fiery red spiritual light, and the speed of the Qingling Boat increased by three points again, and it drove towards the Tianjian Sect like lightning.

  "Finally, I'm back to the sect."

  Standing on the Qingling Boat, Lu Xuan looked down and finally relaxed when he saw the huge stone sword on the square of Jianmen Town below.

  With Huo Lin'er by his side, he didn't go to the underworld courtyard to take a look, so he had to find an opportunity to come again next time.

  (End of this chapter)

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