
Chapter 490 - Rich Firepower Coverage

  Passing through the protective formation, the two entered the mountain gate.

  Feeling the rich and pure spiritual energy in the sect, Lu Xuan's pores opened up and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

  "The spiritual energy in the sect is sweet."

  Returning to the familiar and safe sect, Lu Xuan finally relaxed completely and couldn't help but sigh.

  "Junior Brother Lu, this time during the Huoyun Cave trip, thanks to you for helping me solve many problems of the clan members, I am grateful."

  "If you need me in the future, just come to me."

  Huo Lin'er said sincerely.

  "Senior Brother Huo is too polite. Fellow disciples should help each other. Besides, Senior Brother has taken care of me a lot before, and this is also my responsibility."

  Lu Xuan smiled.

  The two said goodbye.

  Half a minute later, Lu Xuan returned to the cave, looking at the familiar streamer array outside the cave, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  Entering the mountain, many spirit beasts who sensed Lu Xuan's breath surrounded him.

  "Huh? Where's Fatty Bird? Did he sneak out to date Qingmao again?"

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense swept across the entire mountain, but he didn't see Fatty Bird. He immediately realized that Fatty Bird had gone out to hang out again. He spat in his heart and decided to lock him up with Qingwei Jade Lock for a few days after he came back.

  He released the Cloud-Stepping Lynx and the Demonic Ghost Vine from the Gluttonous Insect Bag, and then he couldn't wait to go to the spiritual field and take out the exquisite jade box given by Huoyun Cave before leaving.

  There was a low-level storage bag in the jade box, which contained ten bottles of Flowing Cloud Juice and half an acre of Flame Soil.

  He chose a spiritual field and evenly sprinkled the Flame Soil on the surface of the spiritual soil.

  After it was spread, the light red spiritual soil was very conspicuous, forming a clear difference from the surrounding spiritual fields.

  Occasionally, a faint smoke rose, and a slight hot breath filled the spiritual field.

  "It's a pity that the area of ​​​​the Flame Soil is not enough, otherwise the Fiery Flame Fruit can be transplanted here."

  The amount of Flame Soil is limited, and he plans to use it to plant high-grade fire spiritual plants in the future.

  Coincidentally, there is a ready-made one in hand.

  He took out a red jade box, gently broke the simple restriction on the outside of the jade box, and his eyes were attracted by the spirit seed inside. The

  spirit seed was golden in color, with faint fiery red lines on the surface, like flames about to burst out.

  It was the fourth-grade red flame gourd given by Huoyun Cave.

  Lu Xuan used the earth-drawing technique to plant the red flame gourd in the flame soil.

  His mind was focused on the spirit seed, and suddenly, a thought emerged in his mind.

  [Red Flame Gourd, a fourth-grade spiritual plant, will autonomously absorb the fire spirit power in the surrounding environment during its growth. It needs to be cultivated in fire spirit soil and nourished by the fire spirit breath. ]

  [When the gourd matures, a wisp of fourth-grade red spirit flame is nurtured inside, which can be used to assist in practicing fire-based skills and magical powers, or it can be used directly against the enemy. ]

  [You are playing with fire, do you know? ]

  "Huoyun Cave is considerate. They gave me the red flame gourd spirit seed and gave me some extra flame soil. I don't have to worry about the growth of the red flame gourd."

  Lu Xuan said with emotion.

  "Gourd, it's also of fire attribute, I don't know if there's a chance to collect the other types."

  He has a special feeling for gourds. He cultivated the sword-raising gourds many times before, but this time when he encountered the red flame gourd, the feelings in his heart were immediately aroused.

  After planting the red flame gourd spirit seed, he casually cast a low-level fire spell. Under the exquisite control of the flame art, the wisps of flame turned into silk and penetrated into the golden spirit seed.

  In the perception of the spirit consciousness, the light red lines on the surface of the spirit seed shook slightly, as if it was a little brighter in an instant.

  After Lu Xuan carefully cultivated it, he inspected various parts of the spirit field and checked the detailed status of various spirit plants in the spirit field.   

  After not seeing each other for a few days, the growth of many spiritual plants in the spiritual field is quite good. The newly planted water firefly grass and jade dew fruit have sprouted, one is light blue and delicate, the other is full of clear air, and each of them is full of strong vitality.

  Lu Xuan was infected by this vigorous and upward force, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

  The rest of the spiritual plants are also growing well, which makes Lu Xuan feel relieved.

  Back in the courtyard, he took out two bottles of Liuyun juice, and with a thought, he summoned the spiritual beasts in the cave, and took out the fairy peach and the ice and fire spiritual fruits, and divided them evenly.

  "Come and try the new spiritual juice I brought you this time."

  The spiritual beasts couldn't wait to drink it, and they all had a very good evaluation of Liuyun juice, especially the fire-attributed Lihuo Jiao. After drinking Liuyun juice, wisps of flames came out of his body and he let out a pleasant roar from his mouth.

  "This is the taste, it's so refreshing!"

  Lu Xuan lay leisurely on a wooden chair, drinking Liuyun juice in small sips, feeling the warm feeling coming from his body, and feeling very comfortable in his heart.

  The good mood didn't last long. He turned his head and looked at the gate of the courtyard.

  The fat bird was drooping a pair of broad light blue wings and tiptoed in.

  Seeing Lu Xuan looking over, its round belly shook twice, and it jumped to Lu Xuan, rubbing his arm.

  "You still know how to come back?"

  Lu Xuan was spoiled by this scum bird, and his mood improved. He snorted coldly and took out a cup of flowing cloud juice and threw it to the fat bird Feng Falcon.

  A wisp of blue-black breeze rolled up the flowing cloud juice, turned into a stream of water, and flew into the fat bird's mouth.

  The fat bird closed a pair of small eyes and enjoyed the deliciousness and peculiarity of the flowing cloud juice. After

  Lu Xuan rested in the cave for two days, he came to the sect's formation hall and paid a lot of spiritual stones to open the teleportation formation to enter the incomplete secret realm.

  In a chaotic state of consciousness, he landed in the middle of the secret realm.

  The spiritual consciousness swept over, and the body turned into a stream of light and rushed to the area where spiritual plants were planted.

  After a few breaths, Lu Xuan looked at the many spiritual plants in front of him, feeling happy.

  The third-grade sword-raising gourds, second-grade flaming fruits, and ice radish fruits that were planted in the secret realm before have fully matured.

  Thirteen sword-raising gourds, the vines are connected to each other, and each one has four or five green mottled gourds.

  When the gourds sway gently, the sword energy inside is agitated, causing the gourds next to them to resonate, and the sound of sword energy whistling is endless.

  Under the vines, there is a pile of second-hand flying sword wreckage that has been squeezed dry. Under the absorption of the sword-raising gourds, all of them have become scrap copper and rotten iron.

  The spiritual consciousness swept over, and there were a total of fifty-seven sword-raising gourds. Lu Xuan planned to keep ten to condense the sword-raising gourd spirit seeds, and pick all the rest.

  Forty-seven sword-raising gourds were collected, and the gourds were of good quality. The spiritual energy of the incomplete secret realm is better than that of the inner sect, and more than ten of them are of good quality.

  More than forty white light balls emerged.

  "What a great harvest of light balls."

  Lu Xuan sighed, and quickly and gently touched the surface of all the light balls.

  One by one, the light balls exploded and turned into a series of pale white small swords condensed from countless tiny light points, which sank into Lu Xuan's body.

  [Harvested a third-grade sword-raising gourd, and obtained the fourth-grade sword symbol Xiaohai Sword Symbol. ]


  Sword symbols of various shapes quietly appeared in front of Lu Xuan. For a moment, Lu Xuan was surrounded by countless subtle sword energy from numerous sword symbols.

  "Rich firepower covers, so many fourth-grade sword symbols, even Jindan cultivators probably have to avoid their sharp edges."

  (End of this chapter)

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