
Chapter 488 - Luck

  He thought to himself, and a layer of hazy spiritual light appeared in his eyes. He performed the "Pupil Technique to Break Illusions" to observe the flow and changes of spiritual power in the spiritual field.

  A sword talisman quietly slipped from his sleeve into his hand.

  Hiding in the corner of the passage, it seemed that he did not find anything unusual.

  Under the effect of the pupil technique, Lu Xuan noticed a transparent figure approaching him silently and rapidly.

  When it was several feet away, a huge transparent mouth suddenly opened and bit Lu Xuan's body fiercely.

  At this moment, the Flame Demon Worm Mother, who sneaked over and thought he had succeeded, suddenly found a huge gray-white pupil in front of her.

  The pupil seemed to come from the void, causing layers of ripples in the surrounding air.

  The moment she saw the gray-white pupil, many illusions appeared in the eyes of the Flame Demon Worm Mother, and her mind was lost in it, and she had a moment of trance.

  The hidden figure was also exposed.

  A strange insect that was about ten feet long, with a black and red body, at first glance, it seemed to be composed of countless hideous insects.

  The strange insect was affected by the illusion and knew that something was wrong. A layer of dark flames immediately emerged from its body, burning quietly, and the illusion in its eyes suddenly disappeared.

  Just when it reacted and wanted to harm Lu Xuan, it suddenly noticed a silver-white cone thorn in the opponent's hand.

  There were countless mysterious and obscure hollow runes on the cone thorn, and the inside was deep, as if it wanted to suck the soul in.

  Seeing the runes flashing on the silver-white cone thorn, the Flame Demon Worm Mother suddenly felt that a sharp object pierced into her sea of ​​consciousness and directly penetrated her soul.

  It was in pain and let out an extremely painful roar. Its body kept hitting the stone wall, causing a large number of boulders to fall.

  "It's louder than the sound, right?"

  Lu Xuan sneered, and took advantage of the victory to pursue. The mirage pearl that had merged into his mouth appeared from his throat.


  An exciting and uplifting dragon roar sounded, and the sound waves rolled, containing infinite power, condensed into a line, and slammed fiercely on the Flame Demon Worm Mother whose soul was severely damaged.

  He often went to Qianlong Lake to check on the dragons. There was also a fourth-grade Lihuo Jiao in the cave, which had already recorded the dragon's roar in the Mirage Orb. At this moment, it gave the Flame Demon Worm Mother a sudden attack.

  After being attacked by the Thorn God Cone and the Mirage Orb, the Flame Demon Worm Mother was already dying. She had the intention to retreat. Her body kept dispersing, and countless insects flew in all directions. The

  sword talisman in Lu Xuan's hand flew out, and a round of scorching sun suddenly appeared above the cave, shrinking and expanding. In an instant, countless rays of light bloomed, endless and dense.

  Each ray of light was the sword energy of the sun. The sword energy was panic and shot endlessly, encompassing all the insects and cutting them into countless small pieces.

  The small insect corpses fell like a rainstorm, forming a thick layer on the ground.

  "I wasted a fourth-grade sword talisman."

  "I only have more than ten fourth-grade sword talismans on me. I hope the sword-raising gourd in the incomplete secret realm can expand my inventory."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  He planned without thinking. The fifth-grade Void Nightmare Eyes Illusion froze the Flame Demon Worm Mother for a moment, forcing it to reveal its true form. The Thorn God Awl attacked it by surprise, severely damaging its soul. The Mirage Sound Orb followed closely, further reducing the Flame Demon Worm Mother to a residual HP. The fourth-grade Great Sun Sword Talisman was used to finish it off, completely eliminating the Flame Demon Worm Mother and eradicating the trouble forever.

  Out of caution, he used a killing move as soon as he attacked. Until the Flame Demon Worm Mother was destroyed, it did not pose any threat to him.

  An extraterritorial demon vassal with the strength of a quasi-Jiedan was easily killed by Lu Xuan.

  "With many treasures, you can do whatever you want."

  Lu Xuan was filled with emotion. If it were an ordinary late-stage foundation-building cultivator, let alone solving this Flame Demon Worm Mother, he would probably be swallowed silently by it before he even found the trace of the strange insect.

  "Junior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Lu!"

  A stream of fiery red light rushed into the spiritual field like lightning.

  Huo Lin'er appeared, with an anxious look on his face.

  When his spiritual sense scanned the stone wall and saw the traces of sword energy and the thick layer of insect corpses on the ground, he could not help but be stunned.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I'm glad you're okay..."

  His tone of questioning suddenly changed to a statement.   

  "Thank you, Senior Brother Huo, for your concern."

  Lu Xuan said gratefully.

  Soon, Zhou Yunning and Xu Yong also hurried over. Seeing that Lu Xuan was safe, they were relieved.

  "Senior Brother Huo, has the mutated Yuanjing Fire Spirit been dealt with?"

  Lu Xuan asked.

  "It's just a fourth-grade demon spirit. Although its strength has increased a lot after the mutated, it is still no match for me."

  A hint of pride appeared on Huo Lin'er's face.

  "By the way, Junior Brother Lu, why did you suddenly come to the spiritual field? What's the matter with these insect corpses underground?"

  "When my senior brother was dealing with the Yuanjing Fire Spirit, I suddenly remembered that there might be something trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so as to take the opportunity to recover the magic flame insects parasitic in the spiritual field, so I came here alone to take a look."

  "Unexpectedly, I was attacked by a strange insect. It took a lot of effort to get rid of it."

  Lu Xuan said half-truthfully.

  "Junior Brother Lu, do you know where that strange insect came from? Perhaps it was it that caused the Yuanjing Fire Spirit to mutate."

  "Forgive me for my shallow knowledge and ignorance of the origin of the strange insect."

  Lu Xuan shook his head.

  The Flame Demon Mother was a vassal of the Flame Demon from outside the domain, and it was very powerful. Telling it out would only cause trouble for him.

  However, he was also a little alert in his heart. A vassal insect had the strength of a quasi-Jiandan, so the so-called Flame Demon was very powerful.

  Hearing this, Huo Lin'er nodded.

  "Looking at this corpse, the demon insect should be very powerful. It is quite good that Junior Brother Lu was able to deal with it."

  "Lucky luck."

  Lu Xuan said hurriedly.

  "Brother, you know me well. I am keen on raising some flowers and plants, and I am not good at fighting. I learned a few sword techniques to cultivate sword grass, but they are only at the entry level."

  "Because of this, in order to avoid similar situations, I had to spend a lot of money to buy a fourth-grade sword talisman, so that I could solve the strange insect in one fell swoop."

  "I see."

  Huo Lin'er finally understood the origin of the many deep sword marks on the stone wall.

  "Brother Huo, you should take a look at the spiritual plants in the spiritual field first. In order to recover the magic flame insect as soon as possible, the strange insect may not care too much about whether it has damaged the spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan reminded.

  Everyone dispersed and checked the many fire-type spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  Fortunately, Lu Xuan came in time. Although many spiritual plants were damaged during the process of the magic flame insect's separation, the number was not large, so it can be said that the loss was stopped in time.

  "Brother Lu, this time it's fortunate that you found it in time, otherwise the loss of these spiritual plants in the spiritual field would be huge!"

  Huo Lin'er said with lingering fear.

  Huo Zhi's face beside him was even more scared.

  When he thought that the hard work of the entire tribe might be destroyed, his body couldn't help but tremble, and his eyes were full of gratitude when he looked at Lu Xuan.

  "Brother Huo, this is serious. This is what I should do."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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