
Chapter 487 - Flame Demon Worm Mother

  "Junior Brother Lu, have you found anything?"

  Zhou Yunning asked Lu Xuan while paying attention to the battle between the Flame Giant and Huo Lin'er below.

  "I just feel something is wrong. I wonder if there is any connection between those flame demon insects in the spiritual field and the alienation of this Yuanjing Fire Spirit."

  Lu Xuan said slowly.

  "Okay, then Junior Brother, you should be more careful. As a spiritual plant master, you must remember not to put yourself in danger. If you encounter anything, you can ask us for help immediately."

  Xu Yong saw that the alienated Yuanjing Fire Spirit was extremely difficult to deal with, and even the true disciple Huo Lin'er seemed unable to solve it in a short time, so he decided to help here with Zhou Yunning.

  "I will pay more attention. Senior Brother Huo still needs to rely on the two senior brothers and sisters."

  Lu Xuan left a sentence, and the spiritual light of the green shoes on his feet emerged, like a floating light swept into the passage.

  He naturally would not put himself in a dangerous situation. With the Cloud-Stepping Lynx, the Void Nightmare Eyes and the Delusion-Breaking Pupil Technique, he could completely detect the possible powerful threats in advance and retreat unscathed.

  When he was about to reach the spiritual field, the spiritual light of his gluttonous insect sac flashed, and the Cloud-Stepping Lynx appeared on his shoulder.

  A pair of green eyes looked at Lu Xuan indifferently, and the two tufts of gray-white hair on the tip of the ear quietly bent into a heart shape, revealing its inner thoughts.

  "Little lynx, pay attention to the surrounding area. If you find any evil traces, let me know as soon as possible."


  The Cloud-Stepping Lynx growled with a little bit of intention, with an attitude of indifference.

  "Okay, okay!"

  Lu Xuan heard its constant response in his heart.

  He thought, and a tiny crack appeared on his head. A gray-white pupil drilled out of the crack, and then disappeared without a trace.

  In an instant, it appeared in the sky in front of him again, and kept swimming around Lu Xuan.

  "It is not natural for so many demonic flame bugs to parasitize spiritual plants in the spiritual field. It must be set up by a cultivator or a demon."

  "The demonic flame bugs are extremely rare. The existence behind them will naturally not watch them being cleaned up. They will definitely find a way to recycle the remaining demonic flame bugs."

  "Perhaps, the Yuanjing Fire Spirit in the Fire Cloud Spring was affected by it and thus alienated, attracting the attention of Huo Lin'er and the others?"

  Lu Xuan thought secretly while shuttling through the passage at high speed.

  "In this case, the strength of the existence behind the scenes should not be too strong, otherwise it would not use this method in a roundabout way, and directly use one force to defeat ten skills."

  When he thought of this, he felt much more at ease.

  When he was about to enter the range of the spiritual field, he restrained his breath and reduced his speed.

  Turning his head to look at the Cloud-stepping Lynx on his shoulder, the lynx's green eyes were fixed on the spiritual field in front of it, and shook his head, indicating that he did not find anything unusual.

  Lu Xuan frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and a palm line on his palm continued to grow and deepen, and soon, a small gray-white pupil appeared.

  The scene seen by the Void Nightmare Eyes was reflected in his pupils.

  In the vast spiritual field, the spiritual plants were distributed in an orderly manner. Many of the spiritual plants had black and red lines of varying sizes, which was exactly the same as the scene before leaving.

  "Hmm? It seems a little different."

  Under Lu Xuan's mental control, the Void Nightmare Eyes appeared and disappeared from time to time, focusing on a piece of spiritual plants that had not been processed below.

  On several spiritual plants, black and red lines were extremely active, and they actually took the initiative to slowly emerge from the branches and leaves. Different

  sizes of malnourished magic flame insects gathered towards a certain position in the spiritual field.

  The magic flame insects in a parasitic state actually woke up on their own!

  Lu Xuan's heart trembled, and he stood in place, his gray-white pupils slightly turning, looking at the direction where the magic flame insects gathered.   

  A blank...

  nothing unusual was found.

  "That's not right."

  He looked at the vision shared by the Void Nightmare Eye in his hand and felt something was wrong.

  The distance was too far, and there were stone walls and many spiritual plants in the middle, so it was not easy to perform the Delusion Breaking Pupil Technique. The cautious Lu Xuan stood in place, his mind racing.

  "Got it."

  He took out a jade box from the storage bag, opened it silently, and took out a hundred-year-old ice soul from it. Several black and red thin lines were sealed in the ice soul.

  It was the magic flame insect he had cleared out from the fire spiritual plants.

  At that time, out of curiosity, he collected a few of them, wanting to study them after returning to the sect, or bring them to the old fox for experiments, but he didn't expect them to come in handy immediately.

  He carefully took out a relatively active magic flame insect from it, infiltrated a trace of Qingmu Yuanqi, and the magic flame insect suddenly became lively and fled from Lu Xuan quickly.

  After entering the spiritual field, it actually rushed to the direction where the other magic flame insects gathered.

  "Sure enough."

  Lu Xuan saw that the plan was half successful, and thought proudly in his heart.

  The unknown existence in the spiritual field is indeed summoning the remaining flame bugs. As long as the flame bug he released is recovered, it is very likely that the feeding process will be completed, and the information of the unknown existence will be obtained. In

  the sky above the spiritual field, the Void Nightmare Eyes stared at the released flame bugs. After it merged into a piece of nothingness, Lu Xuan's mind in the distance was focused on that piece of nothingness.

  A thought emerged from his mind.

  [The Flame Demon Worm Mother is a vassal of the Flame Demon from outside the domain. It is born with the mysterious fire, has a strong ability to hide, and has the strength of a quasi-Jiedan cultivator. ]

  [The Flame Demon Worm Mother can give birth to many exotic insect offspring, which absorb the vitality of various fire-type spiritual plants. After they are grown, they return to the worm mother's body and can be used as nutrients for the growth of the Flame Demon. ]

  [My poor children, why are they so malnourished? ]

  "Extraterritorial demon? Quasi-Jindan strength? Although it is not difficult to deal with, it is best to gather with Senior Brother Huo Lin'er and let him deal with it."

  Lu Xuan let out a long sigh. After learning about the existence of nothingness in the spiritual field, he had the idea of ​​giving in. When he was about to take back the Void Nightmare Eye, he was suddenly stunned by the scene in his hand.

  He saw that the many magic flame insects that originally gathered in one direction in the spiritual field suddenly stopped and stayed where they were.

  This scene immediately aroused Lu Xuan's vigilance.

  "I was careless!"

  "Although during the process of cleaning up the magic flame insects, these alien insects that were still in the parasitic stage did not have strong resistance and did not show any subjective consciousness."

  "But this does not mean that they will behave like this in front of the Flame Demon Worm Queen. They originated from the Worm Queen and should have a unique way of communication."

  "Although the magic flame insect I just released allowed me to learn about the Flame Demon Worm Queen, it is also likely to expose me and be noticed by the Flame Demon Worm Queen."

  Lu Xuan felt a trace of regret in his heart. He was paralyzed by those parasitic magic flame insects and did not expect that he might be exposed.

  "When the enemy comes, the general will fight; when the water comes, the earth will cover it. Although the Worm Queen knows my existence, she does not know that I know its existence."

  "In a sense, the initiative is still in my hands."

  Lu Xuan was calm and thought secretly.

  (End of this chapter)

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