
Chapter 486 - The transformation of the essence of fire spirits.

  The three of them worked together to clean up the magic flame bugs for nearly an hour. In the vast flame land, hundreds of fire-type spiritual plants in the most serious condition have returned to normal.

  "Daoyou Lu, and fellow Daoists Xu and Zhou, you have worked hard. Why don't you take a break first and try the special dishes in Huoyun Cave, the spiritual juice?"

  "The remaining spiritual plants in the spiritual field that are parasitized by the alien insects can be cleaned up slowly."

  Huozhen suggested.

  "Okay, then I'll trouble the Fire Clan Leader to arrange it."

  Lu Xuan, Xu Yong, and Zhou Yunning all stopped.

  The three of them already felt a little tired.

  Lu Xuan had been using his spiritual consciousness during this process. In order to ensure that the awakened magic flame bugs did not cause damage to the spiritual plants, he had to concentrate and dared not be distracted at all.

  As for Zhou Yunning and the others, they had been performing exquisite ice-type magic for a long time, which consumed a lot of spiritual power, and they needed to rest well.

  A group of people followed Huozhen, shuttled through the fiery red and crystal passages, and finally came to a wide hall.

  The hall was extremely luxuriously decorated, covered with light red fire crystals, and there were tables and chairs made of spiritual wood everywhere, with dozens or hundreds of pure fiery red jades dotted everywhere.

  Everyone sat down in order, and the boys and girls who had been prepared for a long time came forward with spiritual fruits, spiritual juices and various special dishes.

  "Junior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Xu, Junior Sister Zhou, you are welcome to taste it."

  "These spiritual beast meats are all from various spiritual beasts raised in Huoyun Cave. The meat is tender and contains rich spiritual power. It tastes unique."

  "And this Liuyun Juice is the specialty of our Huoyun Cave. You must drink a few more cups and take a few pots with you when you leave."

  Huo Lin'er said to Lu Xuan and others with a smile.

  Lu Xuan looked at the spiritual juice in the cup. The spiritual juice was fiery red. When it was gently shaken, it looked like bright clouds of fire flowing in it.

  "There is a Fire Cloud Spring in the Fire Cloud Cave, which was considered a treasure land in the secret realm at that time. Although the treasures in it have been mined almost completely, it still retains some special features. The spiritual spring in it contains rich and pure fire spirit power."

  "After my clan obtained the Fire Cloud Cave, they raised a domesticated Yuan Jing Fire Spirit in the Fire Cloud Spring. The fire spirit and the spiritual spring complement each other and promote each other."

  "Affected by that Yuan Jing Fire Spirit, the spiritual spring in the Fire Cloud Spring has become more pure. Long-term consumption can also improve the physique of cultivators. Therefore, many of my clansmen and I have outstanding talents in fire magic."

  Lu Xuan suddenly realized where Huo Lin'er's innate fire spirit body came from.

  "It turns out that I drank too much bath water..."

  He secretly complained in his heart, but the teacup in his hand was very honestly brought to his lips.

  After drinking a mouthful of Liuyun pulp, a slight hot air flow went down from the throat, flowing through the limbs and bones, and the whole body felt warm, as if soaking in a hot spring.


  Lu Xuan let out a long breath, and a stream of white smoke shot out of his mouth like a sharp arrow and disappeared in the distance.

  "This Liuyun Berry is really strong!"

  He couldn't help but sigh.

  After eating and drinking, everyone sat together, tasting the unique spiritual fruit of Huoyun Cave, chatting about various strange things in the cultivation world, and the latest developments.

  "Clan leader!"

  Suddenly, a cultivator from Huoyun Cave ran in hurriedly, walked in front of Huozhen, and looked like he wanted to say something but hesitated.

  "Just say it!"

  Seeing him like this, Huozhen felt something was wrong and asked with a cold face.

  "I don't know why the Yuanjing Fire Spirit in the Huoyun Spring suddenly went crazy. It fell into a violent state and madly attacked the tribesmen guarding the spiritual spring, instantly killing six tribesmen!"

  "It is now attacking the restrictions arranged around the Huoyun Spring!"

  The cultivator said hurriedly.

  "What?! The Yuanjing Fire Spirit has transformed?"   

  Huo Zhe suddenly stood up, with a look of strong surprise on his face.

  "Lin'er, come with me to take a look. With your strength, you can suppress the Yuanjing Fire Spirit more easily."

  He thought quickly and said to Huo Lin'er beside him, feeling extremely fortunate to have this member of the Tianjian Sect.


  Hearing that six members of the clan had died at the hands of the Yuanjing Fire Spirit, Huo Lin'er's young face showed a murderous look.

  "Junior Brother Lu, the three of you stay here and continue to taste the spiritual fruit. I'll be back soon."

  "I'm really sorry to disturb your interest."

  He turned to Lu Xuan and the other two and said.

  "It's okay, Senior Brother Huo, we will go with you to take a look. If you need any help, we can still lend a hand."

  Lu Xuan and the other two looked at each other, and Zhou Yunning said quickly.

  "Okay! Thank you three junior brothers and sisters!"

  Huo Lin'er was not polite either. A wisp of flame appeared on his red robe, which wrapped Huo Zhe and Lu Xuan and the other two, and turned into a red light, flying deep into the hallway.

  After a dozen breaths, Lu Xuan came to a fiery red stone wall.

  Through the layers of restrictions, a small lake can be vaguely seen below, and the fiery red spiritual liquid in the small lake is churning endlessly.


  He was attracted by the roar of a fire giant below.

  The fire giant was ten feet tall, with fierce flames, and his fists were clenched, like a long spear shooting out, hitting the layers of restrictions madly.

  The restrictions were constantly trembling and shaky. With the efforts of more than ten Huoyun Cave monks, they did not break under the violent attack of the fire giant.

  When they saw Huo Lin'er and Huo Jin appeared, more than ten monks breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Release the restrictions and let it out!"

  Huo Lin'er flashed a fierce look in his eyes and ordered everyone.

  Everyone was relieved and let go together.

  After losing the restraint of the restrictions, the fire giant's body increased by another three points, his whole body was burning with flames, and he bent his knees and jumped hard, turning into a huge fireball that soared into the sky and attacked everyone!

  "Evil beast! I've raised you for many years! You actually killed my people!"

  Huo Lin'er shouted angrily, his whole body surging with spiritual power, and he pressed his palm down. A red palm appeared out of thin air, covering the sky and blocking the fire giant fiercely.

  The spiritual pressure was strong, and the flame air flow swept through, burning everything around to black ash.

  The fire giant raised his hands high and supported the red palm. One after another, red magma gushed out from all parts of his body and rushed madly towards the huge palm.

  "Still doing useless things!"

  Huo Lin'er snorted coldly, and the fingers of his other hand flicked lightly. One after another, lines of fire danced around the fire giant, and in an instant formed a huge fire net, compressing the fire giant from all directions.


  Seeing that he was about to be restrained by the huge fire net, the fiery red magma flowing on the fire giant suddenly exploded, like a volcanic eruption, melting the fire lines on the fire net completely.

  Seeing this, Huo Lin'er's red robe turned blood red, and the whole person became a blood red fireball, like a meteor passing by, smashing into the fire giant.

  "Senior Brother Xu, Senior Sister Zhou, I'll go to the spiritual field to take a look."

  Lu Xuan looked at the suddenly mutated Yuan Jing Fire Spirit below, and thought of the fire-type spiritual plants in the spiritual field that were parasitized by many magic flame insects, and felt uneasy.

  (End of this chapter)

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