
Chapter 469 - Mi Yin Pearl

  [Harvest a third-grade Mi Xian peach and obtain the fourth-grade Mi Yu Dan recipe. ]

  The thought flashed through his mind, and a large amount of information about the recipe suddenly flooded into his mind, including how to deal with alchemy spirit medicine, the order and amount of main and auxiliary medicinal materials when refining the pill, the nature requirements and control of the pill fire, the timing of taking the pill, etc.

  He suddenly had a more thorough understanding of refining Mi Yu Dan. He had previously absorbed three Mi Yu Dan recipe experience packages, and with this one, he barely reached the proficient level.

  Various pills and recipe experience package rewards appeared one after another, making Lu Xuan dazzled, and his heart was full of joy of harvest.

  [Harvest a third-grade Mi Xian peach and obtain the fourth-grade "Bliss Heart Sutra". ]

  A familiar light yellow jade appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

  It was the "Bliss Heart Sutra" that could automatically play various dynamic posture patterns and comprehend the way of Yin and Yang dual cultivation.

  The previous copy was given to the sixth-grade old dragon turtle in the blessed land, and now another copy was opened, which made up for the lack of this kind of treasure.

  [Harvest a third-grade Mi Xian peach and obtain the fourth-grade treasure Mi Yin Zhu. ]

  "Something new has appeared!"

  Lu Xuan was delighted, and immediately became alert,

  looking at the treasure in his hand. A seemingly empty gem, with a few barely visible pink smoke inside, had a slight trembling feeling when held in his hand.

  He concentrated his mind on the transparent bead, and immediately understood the origin of the gem.

  [The Mi Yin Pearl, a fourth-grade treasure, was made by a Jindan evil cultivator of the Hehuan Sect, who recorded the lewd sounds in tens of thousands of scenes while practicing the Yin-Yang secret technique, and then refined it. ]

  [It has a powerful effect of helping love. Once lust arises in the heart, one can hear all kinds of lewd sounds in the Mi Yin Pearl. The stronger the lust, the more unrestrained the sound, and the two complement each other. ]


  "What on earth is this Mi Xian Tao? The light ball has opened some improper treasures every time..."

  The new fourth-grade treasure is from the same source as the Mi Yu Dan and the "Bliss Heart Sutra", and is also a reward for helping the Yin-Yang Way.

  "What's even more shocking is that the evil cultivator of the Hehuan Sect actually recorded tens of thousands of real-time scenes of himself."

  "If this was put on a small website in the previous life, he would be a living bodhisattva!"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  He placed the transparent gem in front of him, unable to suppress his curiosity, looked around with a guilty conscience, and then infiltrated a trace of spiritual power into the Mi Yin Pearl.


  A subtle voice full of lust sounded in his ears.


  "I am so pure and focused on farming, but I also have lust in my heart. It must be the influence of the aphrodisiac miasma under the Mi Xian Tao."

  Lu Xuan covered the gem with a guilty conscience, lowered his head and looked down, just in time to see the demon ghost vine climbing on his calf, curiously observing the source of the sound.

  "Don't look at me with this expression, if I give you this bead, I guess you will die of exhaustion."

  He placed the Mi Yin Pearl on the top of a gray vine of the demon ghost vine.

  After a few breaths, the demon ghost vine vine suddenly expanded, and countless tiny light gray tentacles grew wantonly.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan quickly cast a purification spell and took away the Mi Yin Pearl. The demon vine slowly calmed down, and the many tentacles that had extended slowly retracted.

  "Then again, this Mi Yin Pearl and the "Heart Sutra of Bliss" are a perfect match. Let's go to the blessed land in a few days and give it to the old dragon turtle to try it out and upgrade the product."   

  If the previous "Heart Sutra of Bliss" was just a pantomime, it would become an audio drama with the addition of the Mi Yin Pearl.

  Those who have rich experience in watching movies naturally understand the difference between the two.

  The light ball rewards appeared one after another, allowing Lu Xuan to achieve a great harvest at once.

  Among the twenty-seven white light balls, the fourth-grade Mi Yin Pills were the most numerous, with eighteen. Together with the twenty-one opened in the previous batch, there were a total of thirty-nine Mi Lust Pills.

  "I have to find a chance to deal with them."

  Lu Xuan secretly decided that the Tianjian Sect and the nearby Jianmen Town were righteous after all, so it was not good to openly reveal dozens of Mi Lust Pills. He could only find a chance to make a move.

  In addition, there were four Mi Lust Pill recipe experience packs, plus the previous three, Lu Xuan felt that his level of refining Mi Lust Pills was between proficient and proficient.

  If the materials were sufficient, there would be a barely 30% success rate.

  There were three fourth-grade Mi Yin Pearls, and two of the "Heart Sutra of Bliss" were opened. The fourth-grade magic weapon Broken Love Cone that appeared in the first batch did not appear again.

  "It seems that the second ripening of the Immortal Peach has little effect on the light ball rewards. The treasures harvested twice are of similar rank."

  Lu Xuan compared the treasure rewards obtained last time and sighed.

  Taking advantage of the freshness of the spiritual peaches, he held a spiritual peach banquet.

  The participants were all his own spiritual beasts.

  Each spiritual beast ate and drank to its heart's content and returned to various places on the mountain intoxicated.

  The next day, Lu Xuan woke up early in the morning and came to the spiritual field in the misty white fog.

  When checking the spiritual plants, he happened to meet a grass puppet with a huge head, walking by tirelessly.

  He ordered the grass puppet to stop and stuffed a spiritual grass bead into its gray-black tumor.

  The green spread rapidly, and in a few breaths, the grass puppet was dyed dark green.

  Lu Xuan came to the spiritual plant area entrusted by the Dan Palace. The newly planted Tibetan Yuan grass had grown a large section, but it looked ordinary and unremarkable on the outside, not much different from the other weeds on the mountain. Only by getting close to it and penetrating the spiritual consciousness into the depths of the plant can one sense its extremely pure spiritual power after continuous concentration.

  On the branches and leaves of the Jade Dew Fruit, the transparent water droplets formed by the morning dew refracted the light, presenting the scene in front of Lu Xuan in every detail.

  Each drop of water exuded pure spiritual power and rolled gently between the branches and leaves, but no matter how the angle was tilted or how fast it was, it could not roll down from the branches and leaves.

  When the sky became brighter and brighter, the morning dew slowly penetrated into the branches and leaves of the Jade Dew Fruit, becoming the pure spiritual energy in the branches and leaves.

  Lu Xuan's mind moved, and the spiritual energy around him instantly misted, like a thin veil, gently covering the Jade Dew Fruit, allowing it to be slowly absorbed.

  Arrow spirit fruits of different sizes have grown on the four arrow vines. Lu Xuan used the "Instant Arrow Technique" and arrow spirit power hit the arrow vines one after another, making all the arrows that were hanging down stand up instantly. The

  spirit power was sharp and seemed to be ready to shoot out at any time and penetrate the opponent's entire body.

  At the water firefly grass, more than 200 water fireflies have grown extremely lush. The azure blue slender branches and leaves cover the blank spiritual soil of the spiritual field, connected together, and dotted with stars, like the night sky. The

  spirit power in Lu Xuan's dantian surged, and strands of spirit power floated down. According to the needs of each water firefly grass, it fell on the azure blue leaves just right and quietly penetrated into the plant.

  "I'm tired of the days of my cultivation being improved at a snail's pace. Light ball, please appear quickly and help me break through!"

  Lu Xuan thought secretly. This is the key to his breakthrough to the late stage of foundation building, and he can't be careless.

  (End of this chapter)

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