
Chapter 468 - Roasted Peach

  A thought flashed through his mind, and a small silver-white ball appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

  The ball seemed to be made up of countless tiny silver-white filaments, crisscrossing and densely packed.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the silver-white ball, and detailed information about it suddenly appeared in his mind.

  [Nanming Lihuo Net, a fifth-grade treasure, can be sacrificed and refined into a magic weapon. It is forged with Nanming Lihuo. It can be sent and received by the heart and can bind and imprison the target, causing it to suffer the pain of Nanming Lihuo burning its body. ]

  [It is even more effective for evil ghosts. ]

  "Another fifth-grade treasure!"

  Lu Xuan was delighted.

  He looked at the silver-white ball in his hand and couldn't let it go.

  Spiritual power seeped into it, and the ball instantly stretched out and turned into a fine net. When the spiritual consciousness passed by, pure white flames suddenly appeared on the silver-white net. The flames spread rapidly like countless fire snakes, forming a criss-crossing fire net in an instant.

  The pure white flames burned quietly and lasted for a long time. It seemed to contain the power to burn all the evil in the world.

  "More and more fifth-grade treasures have been opened from the light ball. With my current wealth, I estimate that even among the seventeen true disciples of the sect, I am one of the best."

  "If any of the Jindan uncles have any misfortunes, or have just broken through, their wealth may not be comparable to mine."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  He currently has quite a few fifth-grade magic tools and treasures in his hands, including the Void Nightmare Eye, the Pure Yang True Fire Talisman, the Soul Containing Post, the Mirage Sound Bead, and the current Nanming Lihuo Net.

  In addition, there are auxiliary exercises, elixirs, and array treasures such as the Taochong Sac, the Shenyan Sutra, the Holy Infant Pill, and the Illusionary Five Elements Formation.

  His wealth is extremely strong.

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel full of security.

  He experienced the Nanming Lihuo Net and put it into the Taochong Sac.

  The Lihuo Jiao broke through to the fourth grade, and simply adapted to the changes in the spiritual power and bloodline in his body, and then took his little brother Yanjiagui back to the lake.

  The other spirit beasts also absorbed and refined the Emperor's Flowing Slurry, and their bodies were improved a lot, but they didn't have the opportunity to break through like the Lihuo Jiao.

  Lu Xuan followed behind and came to the small lake. He took out a portion of the Emperor's Flowing Slurry and gave it to the Green Horned Dragon Carp in the corner.

  "Woo, woo, the water of the lake, my tears..."

  His mind was focused on the Green Horned Dragon Carp, and he could sense its current state of being deeply moved.

  Moving from the Boundless Sea to this small lake, its activity space was reduced countless times.

  It used to be an endless ocean, but now it can only live in a corner. Even in such a small lake, there is a Lihuo Jiao that is stronger than it in both strength and bloodline.

  Another rock-shelled turtle spirit beast, although the two are not much different in strength, it is hatched by the Feng Falcon, the elder spirit beast of the cave, and is the younger half-brother of the Lihuo Jiao. In addition, it is lively and lively. It is a little tyrant in the lake, making the Green Horned Dragon Carp live a miserable life.

  Just now, it could only shrink in the corner and envy it alone, but it didn't expect that it also had a portion.

  Lu Xuan specifically instructed that neither the Lihuo Jiao nor the Rock-armored Turtle disturbed the Green-horned Dragon Carp that was enjoying the Emperor's Flowing Juice.

  After feeding the spirit beasts, it patrolled the cave, with the Demon Ghost Vine following behind like a gray snake. When it came to the spirit plant it marked, it would jump out, point at the spirit plant that was growing well, and ask for credit from Lu Xuan.

  It seemed to be telling Lu Xuan that it had done a great job by resisting eating the branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits of the spirit plants during this period of time.

  "Okay, okay, I'll feed you later."

  Lu Xuan said perfunctorily, carefully examining the detailed status of each spirit plant.

  After going to the Ten Thousand Demons Cave Blessed Land for a while, many spirit plants needed to be carefully cultivated.   

  He satisfied the needs of each spiritual plant very well. When he came to the remote part of the mountain, he found that the three fairy peaches in the corner were fully mature. The

  pink miasma under the peach tree was getting thicker and thicker. He couldn't help but feel confused and drowsy when he inhaled a little bit.

  The pink spiritual peach was looming between the pink and white tender branches and leaves, half-covered, which was more tempting and shocking than being completely exposed in front of him.

  The skin of the spiritual peach was extremely delicate. It seemed that a light pinch would spray out a lot of delicious and sweet juice, which made Lu Xuan, who was not far away, swallow his saliva.

  "Roasted peach, you only know how to seduce people."

  Lu Xuan spat lightly and looked back at the demon ghost vine, only to see that it looked even worse.

  It lay lazily on the ground, with gray mucus secreted everywhere, and differentiated into many small vines like tentacles, stretching as far as possible in the direction of the fairy peach.

  Lu Xuan cast a purification spell on himself and the demon ghost vine under his feet, and the cool air blew over, and he calmed down a lot in an instant.

  "The third-grade peach has matured for the second time. I wonder if it will have any effect on the light ball."

  His spiritual sense found the peach hidden in the branches and leaves.

  The three peaches produced 27 spiritual fruits for the second time, one more than the first time.

  After confirming that all the peaches were fully mature, Lu Xuan picked one.

  [The peach is a third-grade spiritual fruit that bears fruit every two years until the plant dies. The peach contains rich spiritual power and is deeply loved by cultivators and monsters. Long-term consumption also has the effect of keeping the face young. ]

  [It can also be used to refine yin and yang elixirs, assist in practicing certain dual cultivation secrets, or brew certain special spiritual liquids. ]

  Lu Xuan's mind swept over them and picked all 27 spiritual fruits.

  Because they were often not carefully cultivated, the quality of the peaches was relatively average, mainly ordinary quality, and only three were of good quality.

  After collecting the peaches, Lu Xuan's eyes were attracted by the white light balls in the branches and leaves of the three peaches.

  More than 20 white light balls, as if playing hide-and-seek with Lu Xuan, were deeply hidden in the pink and white branches and leaves.

  His figure passed by, and he reached out to gently touch the surface of the light balls, picking up all of them.

  The light balls exploded one after another, turning into a galaxy of light spots, which poured into Lu Xuan's body one after another.

  Thoughts flashed through his mind, and rewards appeared in his hands and mind one after another.

  [Harvest a third-grade enchanting fairy peach, and obtain a fourth-grade elixir, the enchanting elixir. ]

  A pink elixir appeared in Lu Xuan's palm. The elixir had many light red spiritual patterns. When the spiritual patterns changed, at first glance, it looked like a beautiful and curvy body twisting gently.

  "...The rewards from the burnt peach are all so burnt."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but hold his forehead.

  This enchanting elixir has a strong aphrodisiac effect, which can stimulate the desires deep in the hearts of cultivators or monsters. It is an excellent treasure for evil cultivators who practice the way of Yin and Yang.

  At the same time, the pill can also make every part of the body extremely sensitive, and amplify the feeling of pleasure, enjoying the ultimate pleasure. Those who are restless may sink into the boundless sea of ​​desire.

  "I am a pure-hearted spiritual plant master, why do you prescribe so many Se Se pills for me?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the pink Desire Pill in his hand, a little worried.

  (End of this chapter)

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