
Chapter 470 - Audio and Video Synchronization

  Sword Grass Area.

  The three fourth-grade sword grasses have different growth progress. The first planted sword thousand owls have entered the mature stage. There are many owl-shaped sword intentions circling around the plants. The

  sword peacock has begun to show its prowess. The sword energy is mighty and changes into various sword formations. Finally, it returns to the sword grass like peacock feathers.

  As for the blue lotus sword grass, because the "Blue Lotus Sword Sutra" has just been introduced, it has only grown a small section from the spiritual soil. The sword grass seedlings are full of green, which is a unique flavor.

  Lu Xuan took a look at the water firefly grass spirit seeds in the hundred-year ice soul. Under the nourishment of the extremely cold breath of the ice soul, a small part of the spirit seeds have died and become waste seeds. There are no mutant spirit seeds in the remaining spirit seeds, but they are only stained with a few traces of coldness.

  He is not in a hurry about this. When the spirit firefly grass was mutated and improved into water firefly grass, it stimulated several rounds of spirit seeds before accidentally getting the mutant water firefly grass, which took a lot of time and energy.

  It is easy to imagine how difficult it is to improve the second-grade water firefly grass.

  While inspecting the spiritual field, he also found that in a corner, the fourth-grade mayfly grass had quietly entered the mature stage.

  Transparent mayflies swam around the plants, constantly switching between life and death.

  After Lu Xuan inspected all the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, he took Feng Falcon and left the sect and came to Jianmen Town, a hundred miles away.

  He put on the strange mask of Qianchen, constantly adjusted his facial features, and transformed into an ordinary-looking young monk, entering the underworld courtyard.

  Many underworld spiritual plants in the courtyard grew well. After adding the fifth-grade Yin Ku Wood, the spiritual energy in the courtyard became more cold and creepy, mixed with the wailing of ghosts one after another, and with the other spiritual plants nourished by flesh and blood, it was like walking into purgatory on earth.

  Lu Xuan had long been accustomed to this environment. He noticed that the Yin Ku Wood had grown a section of pale seedlings, and he was immediately relieved.

  He poured a large amount of monster scraps collected in the forbidden area recently, as well as the mixed essence and blood of the fierce beasts that failed the experiment, into the courtyard's dark mud meat, so that the many underworld spiritual plants in the small courtyard could eat their fill.

  After dealing with the affairs related to the spiritual field, Lu Xuan returned to the sect and used the array hall to teleport to the Wan Yao Cave again.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you are back?"

  As soon as he landed on the cloud, Sun Yun, who sensed the movement, came out to greet him.

  "Yes, Senior Brother Sun, how is the blessed land these days? Nothing unusual has happened, right?"

  Lu Xuan slightly adapted to the slight discomfort caused by long-distance transmission and asked the handsome young man.

  "Everything is normal. There are a few monsters that are born to be incompatible with each other and fight, but they are all controlled by us, and there are no casualties."

  Sun Yun answered truthfully.

  "Thank you for your hard work, senior brother and junior brothers. I will go to the forbidden area to take a look."

  Lu Xuan nodded and said. After resting for a few days, he didn't know how much monster blood and flesh there were in the forbidden area. The old fox might be waiting for him to make a judgment.

  "Brother Lu went to look for that sixth-grade spirit beast dragon turtle again."

  After he left, a cultivator suddenly sighed.

  "A sixth-grade spirit beast, even Cangwu Zhenren needs to treat it with courtesy, but Brother Lu has become a close friend with it. I really don't know how he did it."

  Another person looked at the direction where Lu Xuan left, his eyes full of envy.

  "Not only that, Brother Lu can enter and exit the forbidden area freely, and he is not afraid of that fifth-grade spirit fox at all. Unlike us, we can only serve those fourth-grade spirit beasts every day."

  There was a bit of sourness in the cultivator's tone.

  "Be careful with your words, you should raise and take care of the spirit beasts well. When you grow up to that point, you will naturally have everything."

  Sun Yun spoke out to stop the discussion of several people.

  Lu Xuan, who had no idea that he was being talked about behind his back, came to the lake familiarly.

  From a distance, he saw the old dragon turtle put away the light yellow jade silk and pretended to lie on the ground to bask in the sun.

  "Lu kid, do you want me to tell your fortune for free again?"

  The old dragon turtle opened his eyes and said lazily.

  "Senior, what do you mean by free fortune-telling? It's because I'm worried that you won't use it for a long time, and I'm afraid you'll lose your skills."   

  Lu Xuan said with a cheeky smile.

  The old dragon turtle sneered and said nothing.

  "By the way, senior, how is the "Heart Sutra of Bliss" used?"

  "It's just so-so. I just glanced at it and never looked at it again."

  The old dragon turtle said insincerely.

  "It's really not very interesting, but with this thing in my hand, it's different."

  Lu Xuan took out the Mi Yin Pearl and shook it in front of the old dragon turtle.

  "What is this?"

  "This time I returned to the sect for a few days. When I was out, I got rid of an evil cultivator with ulterior motives and got this treasure from him. I tried it and it complemented the "Heart Sutra of Bliss" and made up for the shortcomings of the Heart Sutra very well."

  "Little friend Lu, why don't you give it to me to try?"

  Hearing the effect of the Mi Yin Pearl, the old dragon turtle immediately became much more enthusiastic, and the address changed naturally.

  "Okay, senior, take it."

  The Mi Yin Pearl flew to the old dragon turtle.

  The old dragon turtle caught it and, according to Lu Xuan's instructions, input a trace of spiritual power into the transparent pearl.

  "***, **!"

  In an instant, Lu Xuan's ears rang with unbearable sounds, the sound was so loud that it echoed throughout the lake.

  "What the hell is this? It's too noisy."

  The old dragon turtle, who has lived for thousands of years, has long cultivated a heart that is not easily shocked by praise or criticism. He calmly laid down a soundproof ban to cover the Mi Yin Pearl.

  "How strong is the desire in your heart..."

  Lu Xuan stood quietly aside, secretly sighing.

  The lewd sound emitted by the Mi Yin Pearl has a lot to do with the desire in the holder's heart. The stronger the desire, the more lewd the sound.

  "However, the sound is a bit loud, but it's still pretty good when combined with the "Heart Sutra of Bliss."

  The old dragon turtle thought about the scene of using the "Heart Sutra of Bliss" and the Mi Yin Pearl at the same time, and his calm heart also felt a little excited.

  "That's right. The sound of the Mi Yin Pearl is closely related to desire, and desire is determined by the dynamic posture seen on the jade silk. The rhythms echo each other, and they are very compatible with each other."

  "In the future, the sound and picture can be synchronized when watching movies."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  "You kid, you are quite sensible. I will remember this favor."

  The old dragon turtle smiled and put away the Mi Yin Pearl without leaving a trace. The complex spiritual patterns on the tortoise shell began to swim.

  The treasures given twice in a row are very good at first glance, and they just happen to solve its loneliness for thousands of years. The old dragon turtle remembers it in his heart.

  Lu Xuan chuckled. The "Bliss Heart Sutra" and the Mi Yin Pearl were both opened from the light ball. It can be regarded as an extra gain. It can be used to exchange for the favor of the sect's sixth-grade guardian spirit beast. Maybe it will bring him a huge opportunity in the future.

  Although he had some understanding of the bald monk and the Qingqiu fox spirit beast in the forbidden area, there were still a large number of fierce beasts and evil beasts in the forbidden area. For safety reasons, it was better to get a free hexagram from the old dragon turtle.

  After learning that the hexagram was safe, Lu Xuan felt relieved to go to the forbidden area.

  (End of this chapter)

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