
Chapter 328 - Underworld Service

  "Is it you?!"

  "Daoyou Lu from the Heavenly Sword Sect, I didn't expect to meet you here."

  The sudden voice made Ning Deshan's heart chill. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a handsome young man smiling at him.

  "This secret realm is not big, but it is not small either. It is fate that I can meet Daoyou Ning in this abandoned medicine garden."

  Lu Xuan held an ancient sword sheath in his hand and kept a distance from the old man Yin Jiu.

  "Yes, I found a longevity peach tree here, with six peaches on it. How about I share it with Daoyou Lu?"

  Ning Deshan asked tentatively.

  "I dare not share the peaches with Daoyou Ning, otherwise it would be bad if I don't share the peaches, but I will be dismembered instead."

  Lu Xuan looked at the old woman's corpse on the ground and said meaningfully.

  Ning Deshan's expression suddenly became much gloomier.

  "It seems that Daoyou Lu has seen something he shouldn't have seen.

  "Well, it's just right to end it with you. I remember the matter of the spirit fish clearly. "

  He said harshly.

  Lu Xuan caused heavy losses to the entire Ning family, and he witnessed his dirty deeds with his own eyes, so he couldn't stay.

  From where he collected information, although Lu Xuan came from a well-known large sect in the cultivation world like Tianjian Sect, he was with spiritual plants almost every day, and was just a spiritual plant master who was good at spiritual plants.

  Therefore, he had more confidence in fighting with Lu Xuan.

  He was determined to get the Duoshou Pantao spiritual fruit.

  Before he finished speaking, a shuttle-shaped magic weapon rushed towards Lu Xuan at a high speed.

  It was as fast as lightning, and Lu Xuan almost didn't react when it came in front of him.

  Lu Xuan was not afraid, and the purple lightning sword with thundering arcs hit the middle of the shuttle-shaped magic weapon.

  Ning Deshan naturally didn't think that an ordinary third-grade magic weapon could pose a huge threat to Lu Xuan. He just The arm that had recovered more than half was surging with black light, and a large amount of flesh and blood was melted. The thick arm shrank into a dead wood in an instant.

  The palm turned into a black claw, almost ignoring the distance between it and Lu Xuan, and instantly clawed towards Lu Xuan's heart.

  Lu Xuan did not think of dodging, but faced it head-on, his arms turned crystal jade, and his hands were crossed, blocking his chest.

  A faint dragon roar was heard, and fine scales instantly grew in front of his arm.

  With the colored glaze bone and the brief half-dragon transformation of his arm, Lu Xuan blocked Ning Deshan's Heart-Locking Claw Secret Technique safely.

  Ning Deshan was shocked. Although his blood and energy had not recovered to the best condition, the continuous use of the Heart-Locking Claw Secret Technique was a great burden on his body, but even if it was a weaker secret technique, it was not something that a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building could block so easily!

  "I didn't expect you to hide so deeply! "

  Ning Deshan exclaimed.

  Such a strong body, even for a cultivator in the middle or late stage of foundation building, is not something that everyone can possess.

  He made a prompt decision, and turned around and fled out of the medicine garden at a high speed, regardless of the multi-life peaches that were extremely attractive to him. If he

  continued to stay here, not to mention that he could still eat the peaches and increase his lifespan, even maintaining his lifespan would be very difficult. It would be better to escape first and then look for an opportunity to snatch the multi-life peaches from Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan had already exposed part of his strength in front of him, so naturally he would not let him leave so easily.

  Ten feet in front of Ning Deshan, a wide crack suddenly appeared in the void, and a gray-white eye emerged from the crack, meeting the eyes of the old man Yin Jiu.

  In an instant, Ning Deshan seemed to have entered a world of illusion, lost in layers of phantoms.   

  He knew something was wrong, so he protected his mind, held onto his originality, and bit himself with the tip of his tongue.

  A strong smell of blood came over, breaking him out of the illusion.

  He was delighted, and regardless of the empty nightmare in the air, he fled to the other side at high speed.

  "Shoot it, spear!"

  A clear voice sounded, and then a white bone spear came from behind in an instant and pierced him directly.

  Then, the white bone demon puppet left in his body changed rapidly, producing countless slender tentacle-like bone spurs, which drilled out of his body with Ningde Mountain as the center.

  The old man Yin Jiu soon became a hedgehog-like existence.

  A green light flew out from his head and flew away at a speed faster than lightning.

  Lu Xuan stood still and took out a strange lantern from his storage bag.

  He grabbed the lantern's bone-like handle with one hand, and the lampshade seemed to be covered with human skin. After Lu Xuan injected spiritual power, he swung it wantonly in the air.

  The lantern is called the Soul-Guiding Lantern, a fourth-grade magical instrument. It was a light ball reward that Lu Xuan had once opened from a ghost-faced stone mushroom, a spiritual plant in the underworld. It can attract ghosts within a certain range. After burning the resentful souls on the candle, it can cause chaos in the minds of monks and monsters. The

  Soul-Guiding Lantern was held in the air by Lu Xuan. Under the lamp holder, countless dark red lamp spikes like tentacles swayed gently, as if attracting companions to join.

  Ning Deshan's soul did not escape far before it felt an amazing attraction coming from near the spiritual peach, and involuntarily retreated to the front of the Soul-Guiding Lantern.

  Many dark red lamp spikes entangled the green light and pulled it under the lampshade.

  Under the pale candle, the densely packed ghosts and resentful thoughts suddenly appeared in it. Judging from the shape of the facial features, it was 70% similar to Ning Deshan.

  After Ning Deshan's soul and body were all resolved, Lu Xuan held a third-grade spirit-purifying talisman and came to the corpse.

  White spiritual light fell, and there was no abnormality on the corpse, so he was completely relieved.

  "It can be said that it is fully utilized."

  Lu Xuan looked at the resentful soul of Ning Deshan in the soul-guiding lamp and thought secretly.

  "A resentful soul at the foundation-building stage is worth more than a hundred ordinary souls."

  "In addition, there is flesh and blood at the foundation-building stage. Although the meat is a bit old, if you encounter any netherworld spiritual plants that need flesh and blood in the future, you can use it to fatten them."

  Lu Xuan adhered to the principle of not wasting. With a thought, the bone spurs derived from the white bone demon puppet were quickly retracted, and returned to Lu Xuan with Ning Deshan's tattered body.

  The space in the gluttonous insect sac is extremely huge, and it can keep the items in their original state. There is no need to worry about them deteriorating inside, turning into corpses, etc. As

  for the corpse left by the old woman monk, the two had no hatred or grudges, so Lu Xuan cast a fireball spell, burned her into black ash, and then cast the earth-guiding spell to bury the ashes in the spiritual soil.

  "The evil spirit plants in the underworld are very suitable."

  "The fifth-grade Void Nightmare Eye is elusive and can delay the enemy with illusions. The fourth-grade White Bone Demon Puppet is versatile and can kill people. The fourth-grade Soul-Guiding Lamp attracts souls and completely destroys the corpse on that level."

  "In addition, the Thousand-Minion Strange Face that can cover up the true face..."

  "It can be regarded as a one-stop service in the underworld."

  "Unfortunately, my origin as a cultivator of a large sect and my identity as an ordinary spirit plant master are somewhat inconsistent. I can only offer this service under certain specific circumstances."

  Lu Xuan thought with some regret.

  (End of this chapter)

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