
Chapter 329 - Mutated Spiritual Seed

  After dealing with Ning Deshan, his and the old woman's storage bags naturally fell into Lu Xuan's hands.

  In the end, Lu Xuan searched for several magic tools, talismans, and elixirs from them and their storage bags.

  There were three third-grade magic tools, the shuttle-shaped magic tool on Ning Deshan, the old woman's long silk magic tool, and a third-grade flying sword.

  In addition, there was a broken third-grade armor, which was riddled with holes by the bone spurs derived from the white bone demon puppet and became a waste.

  The rest were some second-grade magic tools.

  Several third-grade talismans were also found in the two storage bags, all of which were of average quality, and several bottles of elixirs. Lu Xuan didn't know much about elixirs and only recognized three common elixirs.

  "The two casual cultivators who came from the foundation-building stage are a bit shabby."

  "There's nothing suitable for me to use. I can only find an opportunity to sell them and exchange them for some spirit stones."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  At this moment, he further understood how honored he was to have the light ball reward.

  Even the fellow foundation-building disciples in the sect could not have three-grade and above magic tools and treasures all over their bodies, not to mention the foundation-building casual cultivators in this archipelago.

  With their wealth and opportunities, it was extremely common to have one or two third-grade magic tools. Therefore, when this secret realm appeared, the foundation-building cultivators in the archipelago and surrounding areas rushed to compete for that illusory opportunity.

  And with his current wealth, even compared with the true disciples in the Tianjian Sect, he still had a good chance of winning. The reserves of

  third-grade and fourth-grade magic tools and treasures might not be so abundant, but the reserves of fifth-grade magic tools and treasures could at least be on par.

  An idea flashed through Lu Xuan's mind, and he focused his attention on the spiritual peach tree in front of him.

  After he hid his body, he learned from the Ningde Mountain Pass that the spiritual peach was called Duoshou Pantao, a fifth-grade spiritual plant, which could increase lifespan by five to ten years after swallowing it.

  Although he already knew the origin of the spiritual peach, Lu Xuan did not dare to underestimate it at all. After all, the Immaculate Jade on his neck had been continuously inputting a cool breath.

  He, Lu Xuan, stood up, and with a thought, the Void Nightmare Eyes centered on him, constantly wandering in the void around him, appearing out of thin air, and disappearing in an instant, with a mysterious whereabouts. The

  gray-white pupils in his hands showed what the Void Nightmare Eyes saw very well.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness extended into the spiritual soil, and then the master's earth-drawing technique was performed, and the spiritual soil structure near the roots of the Duoshou Peach changed slightly, so that he could understand its detailed information.

  [Different Longevity Peach, a fifth-grade spiritual plant that has mutated. The Duoshou Peach has been unable to meet the cultivation conditions for a long time. Under the constant invasion of evil auras, it has mutated into a new spiritual plant. ]

  [Originally, it needed a cultivator or monster with vigorous vitality to cultivate and nourish it day and night. After the mutation, it will invisibly take the vitality of the surrounding cultivators and monsters, and has a strong desire for the essence of flesh and blood. ]

  [Mature Different Longevity Peach can increase lifespan after consumption, and at the same time, it will accumulate evil auras in the body of the swallower. When it reaches a certain level, it will cause the risk of alienation of the cultivator or monster. ]

  "It turned out to be a mutated spiritual plant, which changed from a normal longevity peach to an evil longevity peach. No wonder the Immaculate Jade reacted."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  "Both the cultivation method and the effect of taking it are a bit more weird than before."

  "However, as long as the grade remains unchanged, it is a good spiritual plant."

  For him, whether it is normal or evil, as long as it is a fifth-grade spiritual plant, it means a reward of a light ball with rich rewards, and the type of spiritual plant is not so important. As for the

  mature longevity peach spiritual fruit, he has the lotus seeds of the Earth Fire Heart Lotus that he just picked not long ago. After taking it, it will purify and eliminate the alien breath in the body, so there is no need to worry about negative effects.

  Not to mention that he is young and does not need to worry about the life span.   

  "However, it is hard to find a long life in the cultivation world. Ning Deshan may have thought that he had found a great opportunity, but he didn't expect that this longevity peach is 70% effective and 30% poisonous, which can only be regarded as drinking poison to quench thirst."

  After learning the details of the spiritual peach tree, Lu Xuan was completely relieved and carefully picked the remaining five pink and white spiritual peaches on the longevity peach.

  The spiritual peaches rolled around in the silver plate. If you get close, you can smell a fresh milky fragrance and feel the most primitive and lively vitality hidden in it.

  After picking all the longevity peaches, in Lu Xuan's surprised eyes, the spiritual peach tree slowly withered, as if all the vitality in the plant left with the falling of the spiritual fruits.

  "It's really not easy to persist in this medicine garden for so long."

  "Perhaps it is because of the transformation into longevity peaches that we have found a glimmer of life and survived until now."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly, called out the demon ghost vine, and communicated with it mentally.

  "Try to sense whether there are any spiritual seeds of longevity peaches hidden in the spiritual soil."

  The top vine of the demon ghost vine nodded excitedly, and then the body continued to split into many gray tentacles, extending in all directions.

  Soon, a gray tentacle circled the ground, sniffing from time to time.

  Then, after obtaining Lu Xuan's consent, it suddenly drilled into the spiritual soil. In

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense, the demon ghost vine went five or six feet deep into the spiritual soil and took out a strange thing from it.

  A dark red peach pit, the peach pit was embedded in a mass of solidified flesh and blood, and the surface gullies were filled with flesh and blood essence, flowing slowly.

  Inside the peach pit, a strong vitality came, as if the heart was beating.

  "So it is this way to maintain vitality."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  After the fifth-grade longevity peach accidentally condensed into a spiritual seed, under the condition that it could not be cultivated, relying on the instinct to continue the offspring, it wrapped the spiritual seed with the essence of flesh and blood, and hid it deep in the spiritual soil, nourishing the spiritual seed while isolating it from the spiritual energy, eliminating the possibility of its growth and germination.

  "However, now that I have found you, you don't have to worry about whether you can grow smoothly. I will take care of you meticulously and make you mature as soon as possible."

  He looked at the dark red peach core in his hand and put it into the gluttonous insect capsule.

  This time, coming to the medicine garden, Lu Xuan was very satisfied with the fifth-grade longevity peach mutant spiritual seed and solving the Ningde Mountain with which he had a lot of conflicts.

  However, he did not intend to stop there and give up the opportunity to enter the mysterious palace.

  After preparing for so long, breaking through to the middle stage of foundation building, and harvesting several high-grade spiritual plants, and obtaining rare treasures such as the Void Nightmare Eye and the Pure Yang True Fire Scroll, how could he not enter the treasure palace when he saw it?

  Although Lu Xuan has always been cautious, he has many treasures to protect him at this time, and his confidence in himself has reached a peak.

  Therefore, the Void Nightmare Eyes kept wandering around him, appearing and disappearing from time to time, paying close attention to the surrounding movements. The

  Yangxuan Sword Sheath was hanging on his waist, and the fourth-grade Wind and Thunder Sword was ready to go. The Xiaohai Sword Talisman, the Big Sun Sword Talisman, and the Starfall Sword Talisman were in his sleeves, ready to burst out with the sky-high sword intent at any time.

  With such full preparation, he quickly left the abandoned medicine garden and sneaked towards the palace.

  (End of this chapter)

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