
Chapter 327 - Longevity Peaches

  The Demon Ghost Vine is a fifth-grade demon-transformed spiritual plant obtained from the medicine garden in Langyue Blessed Land. It likes to eat spiritual seeds and branches and leaves of spiritual plants, and has an extremely keen sense of spiritual seeds.

  After obtaining it in the medicine garden, Lu Xuan followed its guidance and fought for the sixth-grade ancient spiritual plant Phoenix Tree from three fellow disciples.

  Since it has such a reaction, it means that there must be high-grade spiritual plants ahead.

  "Lead the way in front. If you really find high-grade spiritual seeds, you will definitely eat them after they are cultivated to maturity."

  Lu Xuan casually fed a big cake.

  The gray vines of the Demon Ghost Vine nodded excitedly, crawling like a gray snake, leaving deep and shallow traces of mucus on the ground.

  After a while, Lu Xuan followed the Demon Ghost Vine to a desolate medicine garden.

  Most of the spiritual plants in the medicine garden have dried up and look withered. A small part is growing normally. There are bones of monsters left on the ground, which immediately turn into broken bones when stepped on.

  "There's something wrong with this medicine garden."

  A cool breath came from the Immaculate Jade hanging around Lu Xuan's neck, which meant that there was an evil breath hidden in the medicine garden.

  Fortunately, the cool feeling had not risen to the freezing level, which meant that the evil breath was completely under his control.

  He carefully observed the surroundings, and after confirming that no one was abnormal, he walked towards the center of the medicine garden.

  The further he went in, the more desolate the medicine garden became, but at the very center, there was a peach tree with lush branches and leaves.

  The peach tree was filled with spiritual energy, and a fresh fragrance came from afar, making people unable to help but get close to it.

  Lu Xuan was about to cast a spiritual rain spell to see if he could get information about the peach tree.

  Suddenly, countless nearly transparent silk threads emerged from the surface of the hidden spiritual cloak on his body, instantly hiding Lu Xuan's entire body. There

  seemed to be a thin layer of special substance in front of his eyes, and he felt alienated and unreal when he looked at many things in the medicine garden.

  He noticed someone approaching.

  After a few breaths, two foundation-building monks followed a butterfly with spiritual patterns on its wings to the peach tree.

  An old man with a gloomy temperament and a thin old woman.

  "I didn't expect that there are really high-grade spiritual plants here."

  The thin old woman's face was covered with wrinkles like gullies. She stretched out her hand and beckoned, and the butterfly that was originally flying around the peach tree fell back into her hand.

  "Thanks to Madam Bai for having this spiritual pattern butterfly, it can detect the spiritual energy of plants and trees contained in the spiritual plants, otherwise it would not be so easy to find." The gloomy old man

  was Ning Deshan, who had met Lu Xuan several times. At this moment, he stared at the peach tree that exuded an attractive fragrance and whispered. The

  thin old woman was called Madam Bai, the owner of a small island in the archipelago. The two had known each other for a long time and had a friendship of nearly a hundred years. Therefore, after entering the secret realm, they invited each other to explore opportunities and treasures together.

  She raised a spirit pattern butterfly, which had a keen sense of various spiritual plants. With its guidance, they were able to quickly find the spiritual peach tree.

  "This spiritual peach seems to have an unusual origin. Does Fellow Daoist Ning know its origin?"

  The thin old woman asked Ning Deshan.

  "Like you, Madam Bai, I have never seen this kind of spiritual plant."

  Ning Deshan shook his head.

  "It doesn't matter. After taking it out of the secret realm, we can hand it over to the monks of the Great Chamber of Commerce for identification."

  "There are exactly six spiritual peaches. Why don't we each take half? What do you think, Fellow Daoist Ning?"

  Madam Bai suggested.

  "Everything is subject to Fellow Daoist Bai's arrangements."

  "How about this, Fellow Daoist Bai, you go forward and pick the six spiritual peaches, and I will monitor and protect them from the side to prevent any bad guys or monsters from attacking."   

  "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Fellow Daoist Ning."

  A long white silk thread floated out of the old woman's sleeves, dancing around her.

  The long silk thread is a third-grade defensive magic weapon with good protective capabilities.

  She took a step forward, crossed a distance of five or six feet, and came to the bottom of the spiritual peach tree.

  With Ning Deshan's supervision and the pure white long silk thread on her body, she felt very relieved. She

  reached out and picked a pink and tender spiritual peach, couldn't help but sniff it, and then put it on a silver plate.

  "Fellow Daoist Ning, this spiritual peach..."

  She turned around and was about to tell him that the grade of the spiritual peach was better than expected, when suddenly, a black light as fast as lightning passed through the obstruction of the long silk thread and instantly came to her chest.

  "How dare you sneak attack me!"

  Before the old woman could react, a black bone claw deeply penetrated her heart.

  Looking up, she saw that one of Ning Deshan's arms had turned into a dry black claw, standing not far away and looking at her coldly.

  Before she could react, another shuttle-shaped magic weapon shot at her at high speed, and the majestic spiritual energy broke through her entire sea of ​​consciousness.

  "The secret technique of the Heart-Locking Claw, plus the sneak attack of the third-grade magic weapon, should make her dead."

  Ning Deshan came to her after confirming that the old woman was completely dead.

  The black bone claw jumped out of her heart and merged into the withered arm.

  Under the effect of the healing elixir, the withered arm continued to grow new muscles, but it looked much smaller than the other normal arm.

  This was a secret technique he mastered called the Heart-Locking Claw, which could burn the blood and muscles on the arm and instantly burst out extremely powerful power.

  Coupled with the sneak attack of the shuttle-shaped magic weapon and his deep understanding of his friend, he was able to completely solve it in just a few breaths.

  "Don't blame me for being so ruthless. This longevity peach is too important to me."

  "One longevity peach can add five to ten years to my life. Even if the effect weakens after repeated use, it can still extend my life for a long time. How can I bear to share this treasure with you?"

  Ning Deshan said to the old woman's body on the ground with a smile on his face but not his heart.

  He knew that his end was coming, so he went through a lot of trouble to collect elixirs, spiritual fruits, and secret techniques that could add life. He accidentally saw the introduction of this spiritual peach in a book.

  The spiritual peach is called longevity peach, a fifth-grade spiritual plant. After eating it, it can add five to ten years of life depending on the cultivator's cultivation.

  This is a priceless treasure for Ning Deshan, who has a short life span.

  After seeing the spiritual peach, he recognized the origin of the spiritual peach at first sight. His desire for longevity far exceeded his friendship with the thin old woman, so he attacked and killed her without hesitation.

  "With these six longevity peaches, I can live several decades longer. If I'm lucky, I might be able to break through to the middle stage of foundation building and change my fate."

  Ning Deshan seemed to see a wonderful scene in his future, and couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

  He took a deep breath, restrained his inner joy, and quickly approached the longevity peach tree while vigilantly scanning the surroundings.

  "My lifespan..."

  The moment he was about to touch the pink and white peaches, his outstretched arm couldn't help but tremble slightly.

  "With so many peaches that can increase your lifespan, aren't you afraid that you will eat too much and not live to the end of your life?"

  Suddenly, a chuckle sounded.

  (End of this chapter)

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