
Chapter 182 - Yangxuan Sword Scabbard

  "I'm not eager to pursue those."

  Lu Xuan said in a deep voice.

  "I heard that after breaking through the foundation building stage, you can own a mountain alone. If that's true, I can plant more spiritual plants in quantity and variety."

  There was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

  For him, magic, talismans, magic tools, elixirs, etc. really don't need to be pursued specifically. Plant spiritual plants and harvest light balls, and they will appear naturally.

  "So... Brother Lu, you work so hard to break through to the foundation building stage, in order to have better conditions for cultivating spiritual plants?"

  Baili Jianqing tilted his head and asked in disbelief.


  Hearing Lu Xuan's affirmative answer, he couldn't help but hold his forehead with a helpless expression.

  After a silence, Baili Jianqing spoke first.

  "There are many strange methods to break through the foundation building. Among them, the foundation building pill is the most common way to break through, and it plays an important role in the breakthrough process."

  "Taking the foundation building pill and breaking through with the power of the pill has the highest success rate, and the process is also extremely simple and gentle. Most cultivators use this method."

  "However, the foundation building pill is firmly in the hands of those large sects. Only occasionally does the pill spread to the outside world. The recipe of the foundation building pill is unheard of and is regarded as a core secret by the sect."

  "The foundation building pill is a third-grade pill. The price is not particularly expensive, but it is generally out of stock. It is difficult for casual cultivators to purchase it through normal channels."

  Baili Jianqing said slowly.

  Lu Xuan nodded gently, indicating that he understood. The sect family controlled the foundation building pill, and also controlled the promotion channels for most casual cultivators. If you want to break through to the foundation building realm, you must join the sect family.

  Therefore, the sect family absorbs those with outstanding talents and continues to grow themselves.

  "Once the outer disciples of the sect have accumulated enough spiritual energy, they can apply to the sect to break through to the foundation-building realm."

  "When the first breakthrough occurs, the sect will provide a foundation-building pill for free. If it fails, the second time it will be sold to the sect disciples at 50% of the price, and the third time it will be purchased at full price."

  "In addition, when the disciples try to break through, the sect will also provide more conveniences, such as special spiritual veins to recuperate the body and mind, and protection by seniors of the foundation-building realm, etc."

  "Of course, this is only the way for ordinary disciples to break through. As for those with strong backgrounds and extraordinary talents, in addition to the foundation-building pill, there are also various natural treasures to assist in the breakthrough, and even powerful people in the Jindan realm will personally protect them."

  Baili Jianqing said the latter, with a trace of envy in his eyes.

  Lu Xuan nodded in agreement. He dared not even think about the powerful people in the Jindan realm protecting him.

  After they chatted for a while, Baili Jianqing suddenly asked:

  "Brother Lu, there is a sword fight at Doujianlu. Many fellow disciples who are proficient in swordsmanship have made an appointment to learn swordsmanship. I plan to stay there for a while. Do you want to go and see it together?"

  "Sword fight at Doujianlu?"

  Lu Xuan's expression flashed a trace of hesitation. After joining the sect, he rarely participated in the sect's foundation-building monks' teaching and teaching, and fellow disciples' learning and communication. He only got to know some fellow monks through the spiritual plant and spiritual beast mission.

  "It's very exciting. Brother Lu, if you don't want to participate, you can watch the fight on the side."

  "Then I'll go with you to see it."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile. He has no interest in fighting, but watching a fight is different.

  He simply packed up and opened the formation. Thick white fog covered the entire yard. Then, he and Baili Jianqing each took a spiritual crane and went to Doujianlu.

  Doujianlu is located on the top of a mountain hundreds of feet high. It is built with dark blue boulders. The boulders are very tough and ordinary attacks cannot leave marks on them.

  Moreover, it has a certain recovery ability, and cracks and holes can return to normal by themselves.

  Baili Jianqing brought Lu Xuan to a huge platform on the top of the mountain, which was dozens of feet long and wide. Dozens of monks had gathered in the middle of the platform. Two of them were practicing swordsmanship, and their swords were as powerful as rainbows.

  "Brother Lu, wait here, and I will show you my style later."

  Baili Jianqing told Lu Xuan and walked confidently into the crowd.   

  Lu Xuan nodded, found a place to sit down, and looked at the fighting scenes with some curiosity.

  "It would be nice if there were some spiritual fruits like melon seeds, so I could eat melon seeds while watching the show."

  He thought with some regret.

  There are no large-scale competitions among disciples in the sect. From time to time, some like-minded people or those who have some hatred against each other will come to the Doujian Pavilion to learn from each other and fight.

  Lu Xuan has always been kind to others, so naturally he has never had the opportunity to enter the Doujian Pavilion.

  On the bluestone platform, the fighting became more and more intense, making Lu Xuan a little dazzled and not knowing where to look.

  Many fellow disciples do have extraordinary attainments in swordsmanship. The sword energy is divided, the sword energy becomes silk, and the giant swordsmanship can be called a special effects blockbuster.

  Lu Xuan even saw a cultivator offering a sword formation, with more than ten flying swords complementing each other and making thousands of changes, which was very handsome.

  He secretly compared it. Although his Gengjin Sword Art was only of the first grade, due to the absorption of a large number of experience packs, his control over the sword art was equivalent to the Grandmaster level. Even among the many sword geniuses on the bluestone platform, he could be in the forefront.

  If the third-grade Xunlei Sword Pill lurking in his dantian was added, he could basically crush the whole field.

  While thinking, he watched the show carefully. Baili Jianqing had a good attainment in swordsmanship. Lu Xuan had seen him win three games in a row, which was very proud.


  Suddenly, he sensed a movement in the storage bag on his waist. His spiritual consciousness probed into it and found that a scabbard was trembling slightly in the corner.

  "Why did this scabbard suddenly react? I almost forgot about it."

  Lu Xuan said secretly in his heart. The scabbard was attracted by the Xunlei Sword Pill in his dantian after the Wang family forced him into the secret realm when he was in Linyang Market.

  At that time, the head of the Wang family and a strange skeleton were both chasing this object, so he deduced that the scabbard had an extraordinary origin. Unfortunately, he had not figured out its origin for a long time, and it had been kept in the storage bag.

  Feeling that the ancient scabbard was shaking more and more, Lu Xuan sent a message to Baili Jianqing who was resting not far away, and got up and left.

  Returning to the cave, he opened the mist-hiding maze, so that the yard was covered by white mist.

  Then, he took out the mysterious scabbard from the storage bag.

  The scabbard was simple in style and mottled, which showed that it had gone through countless years.

  Unfortunately, it was always empty inside, and no strange existence was found.

  Lu Xuan held the scabbard in his hand, feeling his body shaking faster and faster.

  "Why did it suddenly have this reaction? When in the secret realm, it seemed to be attracted by the Xunlei Sword Pill in his body..."

  Lu Xuan pondered for a moment, and his mind moved. Several sword beams drilled out of his body, black air entangled, sword intent was grim, and there was a faint arc jumping on the blade.

  The sword light suddenly turned and penetrated into the gap of the scabbard.

  The top of the scabbard tilted back and seemed to make a clanging sound, which was pleasant.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan focused his mind on the ancient scabbard.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [The Xuan sword scabbard is an unknown treasure, forged from outer space sword stone. It can be used to nourish the sword energy. The longer the time, the greater the power released by the sword energy. ]

  [You can also put the sword into the scabbard to slowly temper the sword body, remove impurities from the sword, and improve the quality and grade of the sword. ]

  [The spirituality is damaged. ]

  "Unknown treasure? What is it?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the ancient scabbard in his hand with a puzzled look.

  (End of this chapter)